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A serious thread please

20:55 / 24.01.05
OK, you want a serious thread. If you realy feel that you have some form of magical power then please do somthing about Bush. Stop that guy bombing Iran for no reason except his administrations paranoia and dreams of controling the world and while your at it get him to sign the kyoto agreement. Do you feel there is anything we could do to guide him in these directions? If so please let me know how because I fear for everyone if that guy is allowed to do as he pleases.
21:13 / 24.01.05
What the hell are you doing for this cause? Releasing Shoggath? Oh, like that'll help.

Look, if you want to write a serious thread, try not to include a game of double-dare in it.

And for fuck's sake, magick doesn't work that way, you novice.
21:19 / 24.01.05
Um, it's Iraq that's getting bombed, not Iran. Though that's probably only a matter of time.
21:28 / 24.01.05
That was the point, dont you watch the news next on the hit list Iran, yes i am a novice but i still think this is the most serious issue in the world today. Glad to see that people would rather have a dig at me than to take it seriously though.
21:34 / 24.01.05
Do you read any other threads quimper, other than your own? People are doing a lot more productive things with thier magick. We are all way ahead of you. Don't take my slagging you as a sign that nothing is going to try to help were people can. But maybe you should concern yourself with what you do and not with whether or not us magickal types on Barbelith are working on your chosen cause, at your demand.
21:38 / 24.01.05
No, I read the news.
21:39 / 24.01.05
If you read what i wrote you will see that i was asking for advice and i cant belive you said people are doing more important things than stopping hundreds of people being bombed for no reason, you mean talking about robins and beer magic?
21:44 / 24.01.05

Robins are ace.
21:46 / 24.01.05
I meant doing a lot more productive things than YOU.
21:48 / 24.01.05
well tell me what to do then cos i aint got a clue
21:51 / 24.01.05
You have a valid point but if you stop to read, yourself, more of the threads posted here then it is possible that you will notice that people here are concerned with issues great and small, including robins, beer and damage limitation regarding the Bush admin and its agressive foreign policy. I'm sure you've heard of 'as above so below'? I'm not saying that looking after robins will stop Iraqis being murdered but people are perfectly capable of dealing with both huge and seemingly miniscule issues. Simultaneously. There are threads in the forum that propose to attempt workings re Bush and his nefarious doings. The thing is that you can't rush headlong into this kind of thing. You're supposedly working with a powerful force. It can fuck you and the world up if you aren't cautious. I think posters here are responding to you with jokes etc. because you're coming across fevered and that doesn't do anyone any favours. Part of the world's problem right now is that it's full of people who believe, fervently, that they are absolutely and utterly right. Please don't be like them. It doesn't help anyone.
21:56 / 24.01.05
Please believe me i dont think i'm right about anything and i doubt everything and i mean everything, but one thing i'm 99 percent sure of is that killing people is not a good thing
22:01 / 24.01.05
*Scribbles killing people is not a good thing, killing people is not a good thing frantically in notebook in case the idea slips away never to resurface and, instead, death and destruction reign unleashed from the dastardly hand of Olulabelle.*
Alex's Grandma
22:01 / 24.01.05
Cos I ain't got a clue

But I think you do, Colonel Farraday, I think you do.
06:13 / 25.01.05
Okay quimper666, I shall spoonfeed you.

The Theory and Practice of Compassion

Asian Tsunami Disaster - What Can We Do?

You might find this helpful.

And maybe this.

Here is some combat magick that happened a while back.

Some more interesting discussion on Peace Magick and Bush.

A thread about occult revolt - More here offsite.

Here is the Global & Personal Workings thread.

The Peace Mango, if you are interested.

My point is there are many projects going on, here and elsewhere. They aren't hard to find if you even attempt to look. There are many noble causes to put your magickal energy into. Truth is, you don't need a group working, (although it helps in an overall sense), to do good things but just do something instead of theorizing about it. Doing something just as simple as sending out light to areas of the world that are in despair is helpful. Maybe it seems too simple for you, but it works. (And please, no one ask me for proof, not here. We can discuss that in the compassion thread.)

There are many people dying in various countries by violence and disease. If you want to stop Bush it might be quite futile and not the proper target at all. You really don't know. You might not be thinking about what the consequences are if you take magickal action. For example, someone worse might then come into power, (even if that is hard to believe!). It would be really nice if we could see some real compassion from President Bush. Perhaps if he took all the funding out of Iraq and put it towards helping the Tsumani relief...well that would be really lovely to see, but it's not likely.

Anyway, Slinkyvagabond has the right idea. Please take their good advice. You do sound way too panicked.
08:28 / 25.01.05
hi quimper666...
you don't like the war do you? you are right. Well, go out and change things. Forget about sigils and lovecraft-meets-morrison-meets-eco for a second and well...DO something!
Organize a demonstration in your University (although my spidersense tells me high school) organize a boycott of american war-related products. Do what people in SPAIN have done: they changed their government and it sent their troops back. Not a single sigil was involved.
If the war in Iraq is SO unberable to you, well you could even think about actually GOING there to help!
magick is no shortcut to avoid doing things the old way, and is no excuse for the lazy.
Act, change yourself, and the world will change with you.
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