Okay, I feel bad about being so blunt with Quimper666, and it's just started snowing so I've got a 'special feeling', so I'll explain my objection a wee bit more clearly.
As bearo says in his post above, these posts smack of a fevered ego- not a bad thing per se, many of the greatest artists and innovators in history have been convinced they had the definite answer to everything, but they had the benefit of much greater communication skills and original thought than is on display here.
Let me take a random sampling of statements:
"The second term is upon us and the end is begining": Okay, 'preciate the satirical intent and everything, but seriously, the world is not going to end because America elected an asshole. The guy is no worse than Reagan and Bush Snr, and is a hell of a lot better than Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, Napoleon, Caligula or any of the hundreds of assholes who have run the world since civilisation began.
"intelligence studying intelligence": You mean 'philosophy'? This actually isn't that recent a phenomenon, and if you want a historical perspective on the idea that there might be a better world behind the world we see, try Plato or Buddha.
"it ends on the 23 of september 2012": Firstly, if you're doing the whole Mayan/McKenna thing then it's the 21st of December 2012 and furthermore: what if it doesn't? What if you wake up on the morning of December 22nd and have to catch up on all the Christmas shopping you didn't do because a acid-guru and a comic book told you the world was ending?
"the net is the landing zone": Then I hope 'the Alien' likes porn, Lord of the Rings gay slash fiction and wArEz. Any highly advanced being is likely to rofl when it sees how much teh interweb sUxx0r.
Basically, this kind of thing isn't helpful, there are better things to occupy your time and mind. Writing like this only serves to keep 'the counterculture', 'the underground' or whatever stuck in its self-referential dark ages, a loop of the same ideas by the same thinkers being played back to an uncritical audience eager to be told that everything's okay and it'll all get better if we just hang on another seven years. |