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08:48 / 24.01.05
The second term is upon us and the end is begining. The prot-shoggothic demon gate will open soon and cthulhus minions will spawn in the forgot underdark. The meta demon Bush shall unleash them, it begins in 2006 it ends on the 23 of september 2012. The lizards shall rise and valis will become active, it shall become visable from behind the second moon of jupiter. Were all fucked
Gypsy Lantern
08:57 / 24.01.05
You need to get out more.
09:26 / 24.01.05
the alien is pure information. the alien is only made of information. is that good news or bad news? it's good news, here's why. it just so happens that at this time in history, we have produced a technology that can manipulate pure digital information. the alien needs to be downloaded into cyberspace. it's not for nothing that the net is called "the net". it is a net for catching an alien. in all the old b-movie sci movies in the 50's, one of the tropes of the plot was always "the landing zone". we must build a landing zone, go to the landing zone, locate the landing zone... the net is the landing zone.
09:31 / 24.01.05
the abolition of poverty, the economy of abundance for all, the end of territorial competition for limited resources leading to the warfare cycle, the achievement of longevity and eventual immortality - all these are appreciably increased by the appearance of a totally new phenomenon in human life; indeed, a phenomenon so new we hardly have a name for it. Dr. Leary uses the symbol I2 (intelligence squared) to represent this new evolutionary factor; it stands for intelligence studying intelligence, the nervous system studying the nervous system. Dr. John Lilly refers to it as the self-metaprogrammer, the human brain feeding back self-change directions to the human brain scientifically. In simple language, man is graduating from being the conditioned animal in the behaviorist cage to becoming whatever he wills to become. Electrical brain stimulation opens other doors to self-metaprogramming. New drugs are predicted that will allow us to foster or terminate emotional states of many kinds. Like the incremental advance from longevity to immortality, this opens a whole new ball game. As Leary points out, "The more conscious and intelligent you become, the more you want to become even more conscious and intelligent." Until now, we have never come close to understanding the self-teaching capabilities of the human brain. It is possible, and not unlikely, that even such geniuses as Da Vinci, Beethoven, or Einstein are only partial foreshadowings of what the turned-on brain can do
09:35 / 24.01.05
One of my mate's Dad misheard The Matrix and thought that Neo was called Neil.

I think the same old dude thought that Lionel was the leader of the Thundercats.
trouser the trouserian
09:36 / 24.01.05
is this going to affect house prices?
10:12 / 24.01.05
I have been thinking about the idea that extraterrestrials, and this penetration of the popular mind by images of extraterrestrials, is something that we may not get a hold on until we accept the possibility that aliens only can exist as information, and therefore the internet is the natural landing zone for these alien minds. . . . No matter what the alien is, we interpret it through human experience, and god knows our human experience is tweaked enough at the end of the twentieth century. . . . When you pile up all this stuff and realize that major discoveries are being made in all these fields simultaneously, you begin to see the morphogenetic momentum for this "thing" that wants to be born out of the human species at this point as almost unstoppable and inevitable. We're all just witnesses to this unfolding. . . . A multi-sensored dynamic organism that lives on information.
Phex: Dorset Doom
10:43 / 24.01.05
Get yourself laid
11:25 / 24.01.05
What is it about people that are into magic/the occult/the furkin matrix to ramble on like this?

Just opening up and letting rip without actually trying to get a point across, seriously it happens everywhere and Barbelith isn't actually that bad with it...

Is it an ego thing, so convinced that they have a great idea that they must tell everyone.

Sometimes I just want to shake people and ask what the fuck are you talking about!

Neil in the Matrix rocks though, much better than Dusty the Vampire Slayer.
12:43 / 24.01.05
We hypostatize information into objects. Rearrangement of objects is change in the content of the information; the message has changed. This is a language which we have lost the ability to read. We ourselves are a part of this language; changes in us are changes in the content of the information. We ourselves are information-rich; information enters us, is processed and is then projected outward once more, now in an altered form. We are not aware that we are doing this, that in fact this is all we are doing.
Phex: Dorset Doom
12:43 / 24.01.05
Okay, I feel bad about being so blunt with Quimper666, and it's just started snowing so I've got a 'special feeling', so I'll explain my objection a wee bit more clearly.

As bearo says in his post above, these posts smack of a fevered ego- not a bad thing per se, many of the greatest artists and innovators in history have been convinced they had the definite answer to everything, but they had the benefit of much greater communication skills and original thought than is on display here.
Let me take a random sampling of statements:
"The second term is upon us and the end is begining": Okay, 'preciate the satirical intent and everything, but seriously, the world is not going to end because America elected an asshole. The guy is no worse than Reagan and Bush Snr, and is a hell of a lot better than Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, Napoleon, Caligula or any of the hundreds of assholes who have run the world since civilisation began.
"intelligence studying intelligence": You mean 'philosophy'? This actually isn't that recent a phenomenon, and if you want a historical perspective on the idea that there might be a better world behind the world we see, try Plato or Buddha.
"it ends on the 23 of september 2012": Firstly, if you're doing the whole Mayan/McKenna thing then it's the 21st of December 2012 and furthermore: what if it doesn't? What if you wake up on the morning of December 22nd and have to catch up on all the Christmas shopping you didn't do because a acid-guru and a comic book told you the world was ending?
"the net is the landing zone": Then I hope 'the Alien' likes porn, Lord of the Rings gay slash fiction and wArEz. Any highly advanced being is likely to rofl when it sees how much teh interweb sUxx0r.
Basically, this kind of thing isn't helpful, there are better things to occupy your time and mind. Writing like this only serves to keep 'the counterculture', 'the underground' or whatever stuck in its self-referential dark ages, a loop of the same ideas by the same thinkers being played back to an uncritical audience eager to be told that everything's okay and it'll all get better if we just hang on another seven years.
12:48 / 24.01.05
YOU ALL MISS THE POINT Well I think this deepening of synchronicity and coincidence will have the effect of getting us to the end of power... I think it's harder and harder to plot with power.. even in our own time, we've seen the most powerful forces in the world totally brought low... I mean, America loses the Viet Nam War, Richard Nixon campaigning onto the presidency... it seems the more power you are the more endanger of being depotentiated you are. And I think this is about information, about the density of media... that power and information are at war with each other... that power must work hand in glove with ignorance, and that ignorance is on the run..
13:09 / 24.01.05
Actually I quite like the idea that humans are a language placed here be someone or something to tell a story spanning millions of years to us but just a short story for some higher beeeing, is that what you were saying above? If not I'm having it...
trouser the trouserian
13:13 / 24.01.05
more about the lizards and the spawn of cthulhu please...
13:18 / 24.01.05
Frankly, I'd appreciate it more if it was a bit more original. As it is now it's basically just H.P. Lovecraft, Philip K. Dick, William S. Burroughs and maybe a bit of Kenneth Grant all spliced together.

I recognize this nick though, the last thread I recall him doing on this section of the Temple was something about baby rape.
Gypsy Lantern
13:22 / 24.01.05
we've seen the most powerful forces in the world totally brought low... I mean, America loses the Viet Nam War, Richard Nixon campaigning onto the presidency...

Are you copying all of this directly out of a Robert Anton Wilson book or are you actually physically stuck in the 1960s beaming quaint messages at us over the internet? Didnt all of that happen quite some time ago? And if America losing the vietnam war is a clear example of how "the end of power" is upon us, how does the fall of the Roman empire, the end of the Nazi reich, or indeed the collapse of British empire fit in? What about the decline of Ancient Egypt? Was that a part of the same process?


No, we've just all heard this sort of thing a million times before, often expressed more clearly and interestingly. I get it, I really do. But I think it's the product of lazy thinking, and worst of all, other people's lazy thinking. In its way, the 2012/lizardmen/supercontext/Leary/SMILE stuff is the direct countercultural equivalent to the fundamentalist end times/left behind scenario. An imagined future where "people like us" come out on top. You sound exactly like a magical equivalent of the guy who stands outside Top Man on Oxford Circus with a megaphone shouting "be a winner, not a sinner". What purpose do you think your posts are serving? What are you doing yourself, personally and practically, on the basis of these vague, ephemeral ideas you are positing?

What do you think? What are you doing about it? Less soundbytes, more honesty please.
trouser the trouserian
13:32 / 24.01.05
At least its a change from people dribblin' on about Michael Bertiaux...
13:36 / 24.01.05
I suggest that it is much more useful to try to make a kind of geometric model of consciousness, to take seriously the idea of a parallel continuum, and to say that the mind and the body are embedded in the dream and the dream is a higher-order spatial dimension. In sleep, one is released into the real world, of which the world of waking is only the surface in a very literal geometric sense. There is a plenum - recent experiments in quantum physics tend to back this up - a holographic plenum of information. All information is everywhere. Information that is not here is nowhere. Information stands outside of historical time in a kind of eternity - an eternity that does not have a temporal existence, not even the kind of temporal existence about which one may say, "It always existed." It does not have temporal duration of any sort. It is eternity. We are not primarily biological, with mind emerging as a kind of iridescence, a kind of epiphenomenon at the higher levels of organization of biology. We are hyperspatial objects of some sort that cast a shadow into matter. The shadow in matter is our physical organism
13:40 / 24.01.05
At least give us some really bad poetry... A thread like this needs some good bad poetry.

I think people sometimes forget that the message boards contain real people with real lives (sometimes real tigers) I had problem with that when I was younger. Imagine Barbelith as a bar, would you walk into a bar and and start shouting this sort of thing?
13:42 / 24.01.05
I am also writing a book
13:46 / 24.01.05
and where is the alien? the alien is trapped in the deeper interstecies of the human soul, but can be downloaded onto the internet as a virtual reality of some sort. and this, you do this very slyly. you don't announce what i've just announced. you say, we're going to hold a contest, and we're going to have a prize, for the best simulation of a psychedelic experience, in VRML, in virtual pace. and you hold this contest and you hold it the next year, and the next year, and people are inspired to download what they think of as their weirdest visions. what they don't understand is that their weirdest visions are "the weird vision". in other words, the collective oversoul exists, dispersed, through all of us... and if we as a collective project seek to model it, to animate it, to produce a reasonable simulacrum of it, in virtual reality, it will come to be... we will summon it out of ourselves... and i think at a certain point, we will understand the nature of the enterprise. the alchemists dream of something like this... the summoning into existence of the cosmic anthropos. the mystique atom, the philsopher's stone, the transcendental object at the end of time...
trouser the trouserian
13:49 / 24.01.05
We are hyperspatial objects of some sort that cast a shadow into matter. The shadow in matter is our physical organism.

There's a horror story by a bloke called David Conway (not the David Conway who wrote "Magic: An Occult Primer") called "Black Static" which uses this kind of premise. It's in the Creation Books collection "The Starry Wisdom". It's a fun read.
14:49 / 24.01.05
Synchronicity is the conscious perception in a physiological time track of the simultaneous manifestation of the multi-dimensional universe. It is the conscious recognition that all events, objects, relationships, points of view, perceptions and interactions are ONE thing viewed from different perspectives. As the basic resonant vibration of the system increases, synchronicity becomes more easily perceptible within experiential reality. Synchronicity is also a reflection of what you believe you reality to be. Synchronicity, relative to reality, IS what reality IS, and it is the WAY it is. Now, many people have discussed the subject of synchronicity, all the way from Carl Jung to Bashar. However, it is from Bashar, representing the Essassani, that we get further clarification: " Recognize that you are all functioning completely within synchronicity, but many of you choose to function within negative synchronicity, choosing a perception of a negative reality, rather than positive synchronicity and a positive perception of reality. Should you choose a negative reality, than those situtations will be negative reflections
14:52 / 24.01.05
14:59 / 24.01.05
15:03 / 24.01.05
I have to applaud quimper666's steadfastness in his approach and message. Especially in the face of the Magic forum's finest popping cracks at every turn. Make no mistake, this too is a tomato.
farseer /pokes out an i
15:04 / 24.01.05
*shakes head*

Sorry, felt like my head was full of rocks for a few seconds.

the alien is only made of information... alien needs to be downloaded into cyberspace... aliens only can exist as information, and therefore the internet is the natural landing zone for these alien minds...

If the universe is information, and that information is a hologram (all is one; all contains everything else), then what we're doing with the net is creating a digital space for the universe to become further self-aware (as we, a part of the universe, already have that function- not to say there isn't more with that function/etc. no moralizing here.) How would the universe being self-aware through information be any different then "us" being self-awareness of the universe?

Speaking of aliens in our culture... anyone else ever notice that old faery stories (like those recorded in "Faery Faith in Celtic Countries") have descriptions of beings like the "greys"? Sorry, tangent.

about information, about the density of media... that power and information are at war with each other... that power must work hand in glove with ignorance, and that ignorance is on the run.

Power and information do go hand in hand... the internet, to me, is the largest collection of information ever assembled... If anything revolutionizes government (and re-anoints "self-government") it'll be the internet, and the total transparency of government that is possible...

transparency... a hologram contains all the information for the entire hologram in every part- and our brains seem to work as an electrical hologram (I recently read an article about a man born with too much brain fluid pressure that his grey matter was only 4 CM of matter above his spine, and he still functioned normally). Our brains are how we interact with the hologram of information that is the universe...

In sleep, one is released into the real world, of which the world of waking is only the surface in a very literal geometric sense. My experiments in Lucid dreaming have yet to demonstrate this, but I have had similar idea-leanings...

So, when I had my last DMT experience, and I "left" (however you describe what happens), I had a fleeting(?) experience that I was in the hologram of the universe, filled with information. To share that experience- which would be far more then a "trip visual"- I think would be a beautiful thing. If that was experiencing the 'universe/alien/hologram' then sign me up for more...
Unconditional Love
15:48 / 24.01.05
Maybe your arse is more sexy than whitley stribers quimper.....

i hope so.

all those greys want is anal mucus and dna.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:48 / 24.01.05
Oh, look, Mr. Baby-rape is back. Wonderful.

quimper666, you know perfectly well from past experience that this sort of thing doesn't go over at all. Nobody here is impressed by your cut-and-paste regurgitation or your tedious attention-seeking. I suggest you run along now.
17:43 / 24.01.05
Again, I'll try to be polite.

quimper666, you might not be new, but you're acting in a way common to occult message board newbies.

It looks like you're trying to impress others on this board with your knowledge and ideas. But the substance of your posts isn't original -- it's simply regurgiated without much in the way of analysis from Morrison, McKenna, Lovecraft, Dick, Leary, Sheldrake, Wilson, etc. And many if not most of the people here have heard this sort of thing before, including from the original sources.

If you want people to engage with you, offer something new, or offer an interesting perpective on what you've read. Don't simply lecture and ignore people's responses.
18:24 / 24.01.05


Sometimes I feel as though no one has heard of the Church of the Subgenius anymore. Nips this sort of wobbling gasbag claptrap right in the bud.

Still, I do wish the polydimensional acid elves that are descending through my consciousness to fight the cthulhoid policy wonks of the 70's over the InterWeb would hurry along. I've got laundry piling up here, and a wee bit of panpsychic Mayan Armaggedeon would give me just the excuse I need not to do it.
Alex's Grandma
18:31 / 24.01.05
No real opinions on the 'Baby-Rape' issue as such, Q666, but isn't, from the above link, the line

As David Icke once said " If you cut into an abcess you will find like a maggot in a rotten body - often dazzled by the sudden light - A KIKE ! "

Actually a quote from Mein Kampf ?

If so, and I'm pretty sure that it is, writing '23 Skidoo' next to it probably doesn't really count as an adequate refutation of the author's ideas, I don't think, even assuming that the post in question was an attempt to make a 'goddamn' point about the ker-aziness of the modern age, or some such.

But then you're just clowning about here, surely, aren't you ?
18:48 / 24.01.05
Dear sine just to let you know i am a Card Carrying Member Of The Church Of The Sub Genius
Kind Regards and Praise Bob
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:50 / 24.01.05
As a general guideline: Would posters try to refrain from reproducing sections of text uncredited? I'm sure that nobody here is trying to pass off the work of--oh, say, Terrance McKenna--as their own, but that's the impression that other posters may come away with.

If large sections of text are required, it's usually good practice to give a quick quote or a condensed paragraph, accompanied by a link to the relevant information.
18:56 / 24.01.05
I think a QUOTE for the book of the SubGenius is called for at this moment in time.
"Fuck Em if they can't take a joke"
"Too Much is always better than not enough"
"Pull the wool over your own eyes"
"Youll pay to konw what you realy think"
"Give me Slack, or give me food (or kill me)"
"If i cant whup it, i'll go DOWN"
"Bleeding Head Good, Healed Head Bad"

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