Just so you know, this photo has a starring role in the latest Texe Marrs "Power of Prophecy" newsletter, in an article on "throwing the goat" -- "Satan's 'El Diablo' Hand Sign."
Be aware the publication is filled with much that many of you will find utterly vile -- "Reverend" Marrs is one of the wingnuts who prays nightly that the Jews and the Ay-rabs extinguish each other in a holy war so that God's People(tm) can take over and start executing the queers.
But he really hates Bush. And, of course, that demonic harlot Helen Keller:
The "El Diablo" hand sign often is con-fused with the deaf's signing of the phrase, "I love you." While at first this appears an odd resemblance, we register an "ahh, I get it!" emotion when we discover that the person who invented, or created, the hand sign system for the deaf, Helen Keller, was herself an occultist and Theosophist. Did Keller purposely design the deaf's "I love you" sign to be such a remarkable imitation of the classic sign of Satan? Was Keller saying, basically, "I love you, Devil?"