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Sweets, Cakes, Jelly, Biscuits

All Acting Regiment
11:04 / 22.01.05
Sweets, Cakes, Jelly, Biscuits, and the like. This thread is for us all to talk about those sweet things in life, those little things that make mealtimes fun. What do you like? You do like, dont you?

Me, I'm a fan of hundreds and thousands, but add your own.
14:41 / 22.01.05
Pretty much every tasty sweet thing has some sort of animal product in it, so I'm pretty much fucked. Nonetheless, i like-

Starburst Jellybeans- these are really small and really tasty and don't contain gelatine. they're fruit flavoured, and i think they contain real fruit juice, or something. the lemon ones even go with beer.

Green apple-flavoured licorice- I don't know where this idea came from, but god damn, it's some tasty stuff. I had it for the first time last week, and I must have more. More, I say. There also seems to be strawberry flavoured licorice, which seemingly couldn't possibly be as good, but we'll see.
Haus of Mystery
15:38 / 22.01.05
Any mint flavoured chocolate - After Eights are still in my mind the only way to conclude a dinner party.
Grendel's Mother
21:14 / 22.01.05
Sugared raised doughnuts from Young's. Young's is a hamburger joint/ice cream shop/restaurant/mini-golf range/petting zoo place just north of town run by a gaggle of republicans. But, damn it, they make incredible sugared raised doughnuts.
Grendel's Mother
21:15 / 22.01.05
Sugared raised doughnuts from Young's. Young's is a hamburger joint/ice cream shop/restaurant/mini-golf range/petting zoo place just north of town run by a gaggle of republicans. But, damn it, they make incredible sugared raised doughnuts.
Grendel's Mother
21:17 / 22.01.05
Sugared raised doughnuts from Young's. Young's is a hamburger joint/ice cream shop/restaurant/mini-golf range/petting zoo place just north of town run by a gaggle of republicans. But, damn it, they make incredible sugared raised doughnuts.
Grendel's Mother
21:18 / 22.01.05
Sugared raised doughnuts from Young's. Young's is a hamburger joint/ice cream shop/restaurant/mini-golf range/petting zoo place just north of town run by a gaggle of republicans. But, damn it, they make incredible sugared raised doughnuts.
Grendel's Mother
21:19 / 22.01.05
Okay, I don't know what the hell happened. The doughnuts at Young's are good, but they're not worth four posting.
Liger Null
01:42 / 23.01.05
Malted speckled eggs, otherwise known as Robin's Eggs. They only come out with them at Easter. I stock up on them the day after Easter.
01:50 / 23.01.05
Did you know that Skittles makes bubblegum now? Anything made by Skittles is yum. Me gusto processed candies.
Benny the Ball
03:48 / 23.01.05
Jelly Tots. I love Jelly Tots.

Amd Ferrrrreeeraaa rochetttttt (don't know spelling). I love biting away the chocolate outer, and being left with the crispy chocolate filled ball, and splitting that in half.

When in Europe, Mentos Fruity.
07:43 / 23.01.05
I guess nine sugared donuts gives you the Wisconsin Jitters.
07:47 / 23.01.05
As for my poison, biting the heads off of jellybabies makes you feel like a giant.
Haus of Mystery
18:33 / 23.01.05
Anyone tried the bugs where you bite them in half, and loads of different coloured goosh comes out. They taste disgusting of course, but you can relive 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' in the safety of your bedroom.
Benny the Ball
19:26 / 23.01.05
Yeah, they are horrible, but fun.

Story re the heads of jelly babies. A friend worked on the sainsbury's ads with the ex Monty Python chap in them, who insisted on having a bowl of jelly babies in his trailer. My friend would sneak in and bite the heads off of them, When Monty Python man complained, friend blamed cleaners and promised to have a word.
15:50 / 24.01.05
Fox's Liquorice and Aniseed sweets. They're essentially fox's glacier mints but they taste of aniseed and liquorice. Pure genius.
In fact I think all sweets with aniseed in are worthy of praise.
All Acting Regiment
20:16 / 26.01.05
Jelly Babies

Fucking love them, in this order: Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Green...Black.

Black Fucking Jelly Babies. What flavour are they, anyhow? Blackcurrant? I don't care! They are KING.

Once I found a whole pack that had been sitting in a car over summer. All melted and burst into one collossal multicolured turd of a thousand faces. I froze it to keep the shape then ate a slice every day for fifty days wearing one black sock. i pissed myself.

Party Rings

Stop laughing. It's a biscuit, it's got pink and yellow icing sugar- thick pink and yellow icing sugar...and it sounds like a reference to anal sex. The biscuit to stick it to the man with, so to speak.

Fruit Pastilles

Again, specifically the black ones. Sugary, hard but soft. Chewy. Hold 'em up to the light or put em under a microscope. Bee-yutoiful patterns.
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