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Any X-Files and/or LOTR fans in the house

miss wonderstarr
12:29 / 20.01.05
hello again Barbelith

I do quite a lot of research into popular culture and fan communities, and have published some books on related topics, eg. Batman Unmasked, Using the Force (on Star Wars fandom) and forthcoming in 2005, The Blade Runner Experience.

I am beginning a new project now, on pilgrimages. This is at a very early stage but it should also become a book.

Two case studies I want to explore are Lord of the Rings communities making pilgrimages to the New Zealand locations, and X-Files fans visiting the show's related sites in Vancouver.

I'll also be doing a parallel study, for the same book, on "symbolic pilgrimages" -- the sense of immersion and almost out-of-body experience that, some say, can happen when you're watching a favourite film or TV show, especially when combined with rituals like shutting out all distractions, being in the company of other fans, bringing in appropriate clothing, refreshments or music. For this strand of the research I will probably focus on LOTR and X-Files again, but also want to include Blade Runner fans, to contrast that with my experience of pilgrimage to the film's locations.

So while this is a long-term plan, I want to make contact with some intelligent and interesting fans from these communities, ideally including some who have made such a trip and some who plan to make the journey during the period of my research (probably 2005-2007). Fans who aren't planning on a pilgrimage, but who understand what I mean about intense, immersive viewing experience that takes you to a different place, will also be integral to this study.

Barbelith's Comic Book forum helped me out a whole lot with a recent piece I did on Batman, and as this is a thoughtful community that clearly includes members of diverse fandoms, I thought this might be a good place to start with the new project.

If you are interested, or know anyone who might be -- or know of a decent online or real-life community that might be -- then rest assured that I am not the type of researcher who has a cheap laugh at fans, or studies them from some position "above" or "outside". I am only interested in respecting fan activities, understanding their passion (in the cases where I don't share it myself) and recording what these fandoms are all about.

Please feel free to post or private-message any suggestions or questions, and I hope this isn't any kind of abuse of Barbelith for my own purposes -- I am a fairly frequent contributor, on Comic Books at least, rather than someone just dropping in.
16:46 / 20.01.05
Well, I'm a big Tolkien fan, but moreso of the books than the movies, and I'm not planning any trips to New Zealand anytime soon.

I do, however, have an uncle who's a literature professor (and who bears a striking IRL resemblance to Haus) who has gone from South Africa to Ireland for Bloomsday. That whole thing -- and the fact that people celebrate it other places besides Dublin -- seems like it'd merit a chapter or so.
miss wonderstarr
19:24 / 20.01.05
Yeah, it's another good case study but, like Graceland, I feel it might have been adequately covered by people who are more expert about the source material than me. LOTR film fandom is going to be a recent and relatively fresh area.

I've also considered things like

Liverpool (Beatles)
Pere Lachaise Cemetery (Jim Morrison, Colette, Wilde)
Scottish locations of Harry Potter (I think there are organised tours for this)
Althorpe and Princess Diana's resting place
Tunisia (Tatooine)
contemporary Christian pilgrimage (probably done fully and better than I could do in existing research)
Lyme (Fr. Lieutenant's Woman, Persuasion)
personal pilgrimages to "Ground Zero", NYC

and am still planning to include

Pagan pilgrimage to sacred locations
Lewis Carroll Society pilgrimage to Oxford &c
Bram Stoker's Whitby (I believe gothic groups go there)

There are a lot of interesting avenues to explore re. pilgrimage, but too many would just make it an impractical project because of all the travel and interviews (cost and time) not to mention the background work in understanding each community and getting up to speed with their favoured subject.

So I've narrowed down, for now, to Vancouver because there are two brief studies on X-Files pilgrimage/symbolic pilgrimage in existence that I know of, and LOTR because (1) it's quite new and (2) it is, as far as I know, a "cult geography" where rather than a tourist industry constructing what visitors experience, it's the fan's own expertise that transforms an otherwise normal hill and plain to Minas Tirith or whatever. My understanding is that the sets were all demolished, so you are visiting landscapes to which you have to bring your own meaning.
08:56 / 21.01.05
should add the da vinci code to that list of yours up there 'vax, apparently visitor numbers to that pyramid thing in paris, rennes-le-chateau and rosslyn have gone nuts since that one hit the best-seller lists.
miss wonderstarr
09:56 / 21.01.05
Apparently there are pilgrimages to the sites featured in The English Patient too but I reckon if I'm going to spend years on a project I should try to keep it associated with books/films I actually LIKE
haus of fraser
10:40 / 21.01.05
Really busy at the mo but heres a link that'll help
here Harry Potter is another one (cheaper to get to than NZ too) I'll come back to you later on this one cos I may be able to help with some stuff...
Haus of Mystery
11:14 / 21.01.05
My cousin went on a pilgrimage to the Scottish settings in 'Highlander' in the 80's. Do you want to interview him?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:37 / 21.01.05
The Beach? Though it has been wrecked by Sue Nami.
12:48 / 21.01.05
The Beach might be an interesting one because Thai people I've spoken to hate the movie because of people coming and ruining the area rather which is probably the opposite of most locations trying to cash in...

America are trying to persuade people to come visit by showing famous movie locations, I'm sure most people in the UK have seen the ad.
miss wonderstarr
16:40 / 21.01.05
Thanks guys -- you are mainly giving me tons of material I can't squeeze into this project but I still appreciate it. The fact is that while I can only reasonably devote a case study to a maximum of 10 fan pilgrimages (and that's including the "symbolic" ones) it's still good & necessary to have others as context and comparison.

That website looks a really useful resource. MacGyver, in theory yes your cousin and grant's uncle are both ideal subjects; except that I am trying to narrow down to just a few to cover in depth. A chapter on Highlander fandom, even your cousin would probably admit, is going to seem esoteric to most readers. LOTR is still a cultural phenomenon -- and as far as cost goes, I must admit my plan involves getting funding so I am partly opting for the places I personally want to visit. If I get little or no funding for travel, then yeah I will start considering pilgrimage to Ireland and Scotland with more enthusiasm.

But you all certainly have the right idea and again I appreciate the feedback.
Haus of Mystery
15:41 / 22.01.05
I was being a bit facetious there 'Vacs - sorry. I think reminding my cousin of his pilgrimage might just embarass him.
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