BARBELITH underground

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We're The Great Old Ones Now
12:04 / 20.01.05
I have stuff. It is junky stuff. An old stereo stack in moderate order (with a thingy for playing those old black disks we used to have when I were a lad - LPs, I seem to recall they were called) and a clunky CD player and so on. There are speakers, though one of them buzzes, probably not beyond repair.

Ideal, in other words, for a student flat or for a party set.

Oh, and simply because I need it gone, there's a usable flat-bed scanner, too.

You want 'em, let me know. Otherwise they're going to some other (probably more deserving but certainly less convivial) cause.

You can PM me, 'cos obviously this will otherwise get all complex. Oh, and you have to come get 'em from NW1, 'cos I ain't delivering...

The clock, she is teeking...
modern maenad
13:08 / 20.01.05
fantastic. reminds me of a tiny piece in Adbusters once about a group in Canada who organised a 'Free market Flea market' where they set up a stall in the town centre and everyone brought along stuff (books, cds, clothes, household etc.) that they didn't need anymore and gave it away. I think people were only allowed to take two items per person, but the main thing was that it got people chatting and disrupted the flow of capitalist-consumption-at-all-costs for a day. Also, just remembered a thing I went to about a year ago in a local church hall - what you did was bring along stuff you didn't want anymore, and upon arrival assign it a value according to what it was worth to you from 1 to 9. You were then given tokens representing the sum of what you were 'donating' which you then used to 'buy' items from the stalls. Its was kind of successful but some people definitely took the piss, but then I tend to think that its hard to shake off all that conditioning in one go.....
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:12 / 20.01.05
Oh my God, stop. Please, please, please, stop.

I just want to get this consumerist crap out of my life so that I can consume more crap. Shinier crap. Cool designer iMac super iPod-stylee splendidly special techcrap.

And offering this to you lot is easier than recycling it in more conventional ways (charity shops apparently no longer take electrical goods, presumably because people sue them. Amazing, isn't it?)
Alex's Grandma
17:55 / 20.01.05
Wel you could always take it to Costcutters on the Kentish Town Road, Nick. Giveaway junky stuff always goes down a storm there, I'd imagine.
18:28 / 20.01.05
I believe such items are often referred to as "Smack Tokens" in some neighbourhoods.
Whisky Priestess
18:39 / 20.01.05
Jumping on the freewagon ...

Anyone want a pair of beige, oldish but working computer speakers? They have individual volume controls and must be picked up from WC1.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
18:43 / 20.01.05
You could not sell this stuff. It is functional but old. There's just no point... Nah. Looks like it's going to the nearest electrical shop for spares, the rag n bone bloke, or the dump, where them as wants it can have it.
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