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Welcome to San Andreas

Phex: Dorset Doom
18:37 / 18.01.05
I thought about putting this in the Megaton1!!!!111 thread but the new Grand Theft Auto game is so great that, in my opinion, it warrants its own thread.

Firstly, it is the finest game ever coded. This is indisputable and I will have no discussion of this point in this thread. Instead, this thread shall serve as a discussion point, nay a monument, to the game and its genius, and as a forum for players to share ways in which to enjoy their stay.

Travelling around the state I've found a bunch of cool things to do that aren't related to the missions in any way:

1) "Freeway Surf Nazis must die!": The game is simple; jump atop a car on one of the freeways around Las Venturas and surf the car as long as you can. You'll have probably noticed that the cars on freeways travel at full speed, and aren't too fussy about the rules of road safety, so this'll be a challenge. Also, you can use whatever weapon is at your disposal to destroy other road users. This guarantees at least five "WTF!!!!111!!!!!!11!!" moments per minute. Try it.

2) "Bow before your master Earth-slaves!": You'll need the jetpack for this one (complete all the airport missions outside of Las Venturas). The aim is to become a jet-pack toting supervillian, using the unlimited freedom the jetpack offers to commit crimes and steal valuable items. Especially from the nearby military base. Extra points are awarded for stealing planes in mid air.

I know I've only scratched the surface of the fun to be had in GTA:SA, so I turn the thread over to you...
19:15 / 18.01.05
I kinda liked the other 2 better, it has some good ideas but it just doesn't quite work for me - the next one will be better they can improve on some of the ideas they had in this one. Maybe I'm just bitter because I keep fucking up the model plane mission.

I do however like the car surfing and you can't beat adding some nitro to one of the sports cars, or jumping up the hills on a motorbike.

There's a ghost car you can find somewhere, I've not hunted it down yet.
20:00 / 18.01.05

You mean that one bearo? I hated that one too if you mean that one, it was the worst level I did. (go for the two on the bike last!)
The Falcon
02:57 / 19.01.05
The one where you have to shoot the model planes down? I swear I've done that about 30 times, to no avail, thus far.

04:20 / 19.01.05
I'm a huge fan of the GTA series, and San Andreas truly is a masterpiece... Even the storyline is a quantum leap over earlier efforts in this series. I especially like the whole gansta vibe: I've been a bit obsessed with old skewl gangsta rap recently.

One thing I like to do is go on crime sprees wearing the worst clothing I can find. Right now my guy has an ugly afro, pinkish pastel pants, cowboy snakeskin boots, no shirt, and is wearing gag glasses with a fake moustache. My favorite look though is the army jacket, the camo pants, and the hockey mask. Combine this look with the chainsaw weapon and you can easily recreate bad horror movies. I also love how you can take pictures, I've got about twenty or so alone that are just tit shots from the various strip clubs scattered around the game.
08:12 / 19.01.05
For me, nothing says it like gang warfare. I love provoking them - it also really boosts your cash back in grove street.
17:14 / 22.01.05
"Copter Killa"

Jetpack + Las Venturas (purely for the views) + how many copters can you take out after you get the requisite wanted level to get them to chase you, before the army harriers rocket you into oblivion. Mine - 5.
18:18 / 22.01.05

Thanks Phex, I tried the Freeway Surf Nazi but I went to San Fierro! On my way to Venturas now.
02:11 / 23.01.05
Ok, I know absolutely nothing about this game, but this is Barbelith, so . . . The only thing I have heard about this game, is from a friend of mine who saw her brother playing it. She noted that all the bad guys seem to be--shock!--people of color. All the good guys, white.

Is that accurate? Just curious.
08:50 / 23.01.05
Is that accurate? Just curious.

No, not at all. Everybody in it pretty much is bad. But that's why it's fun.
09:42 / 23.01.05
Not got it yet, cos I'm waiting for the PC version... My sweet Jesus, am I waiting for the PC version...

but I must admit I'd be very surprised and a little disappointed if it DID turn out to have any good guys in it. And confused.
Phex: Dorset Doom
10:38 / 23.01.05
Alas: You've got it back asswards, the player character in S.A is black, his friends and allies are Chinese, Jewish, White, Hispanic. Personally, I have no problems with the way race is portrayed in the game, it seems to have just the right balance of gritty realism and 'we-are-the-world' PC jazz. In fact the only ethnic group that is underrepresnted are the Russians, who die by the bucketload in the first quarter of the game.
14:30 / 23.01.05
Thanks. Game on, peeps.

(Of course, then, this leaves the whole question of slumming to the side.

But I promise not to turn this into a head shop thread. ...

Oops, I almost typed "head shot.")
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