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¿Dónde está el Barbelith español?

Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:38 / 17.01.05
Or, more properly, ¿Dónde está el Barbelith castellano?

I've been looking around for a Castillian Spanish language board with a similar vibe to the Barb, but so far I haven't found one. The Convo's current attack of bilingualism has made me yearn once more for somewhere else to waste my time.

Can anyone here direct me to a suitable corner of the internet?
8===>Q: alyn
13:44 / 17.01.05
Ay, que he hecho?

De donde estas consiguiendo a eso la puntuacion espanola? De babelfish, o sabes el HTML?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:46 / 17.01.05
De las herramientas de Google. No tengo una teclada español.
14:08 / 17.01.05

No hablo español.

Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:09 / 17.01.05
We were talking about punctuation. And keyboards.

We're hardcore.
Saint Keggers
23:19 / 17.01.05
¿Que tel?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:30 / 17.01.05
I know you're out there. I've seen your comics.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:34 / 17.01.05
And Keggers, you mean ¿Que tal?

We've got your bilingualism, la la la, ect. Unless you know something I don't.
Saint Keggers
23:35 / 17.01.05
Tel/tal...its been many years since my college spanish class... oy vey!
Baz Auckland
15:17 / 18.01.05
Fui in México para cinco mesas, cinco años pasado, y puedo hablar español, pero ich habe viel español vergessen weil ich habe Deutsch gelernt...

...lo siento...
The Prince of All Lies
15:22 / 18.01.05
No hay nada parecido a un "Barbelith en castellano", pero con unos amigos vamos a crear un foro contracultural latinoamericano.

If you don't understand what I wrote, use babelfish, just for a laugh..
Lurid Archive
08:18 / 19.01.05
Cuando dices que lo vais a crear, ¿quieres decir que ya hay un foro que podemos ver? ¿O que aún no está listo?
8===>Q: alyn
17:50 / 19.01.05
Guys, my mother's birthday was Monday. Knock it off.
19:44 / 19.01.05
un foro contracultural latinoamericano

como L'anima, tengo ganas a verlo.

MC, L'A y otros--creeis vosotros que podriamos empezar un "thread" aqui en espanol? solamente uno? Se' que Tom y los otros no hablan ese idioma, pero . . .

Whew. I read much faster than I can type. And I suspect that there are errors there beyond the obvious lack of spanish diacritics. It's been awhile, but I like it.
8===>Q: alyn
19:59 / 19.01.05
Oye! Poder or podrir?!? Para podrirse la secuencia es negocio serioso.

Hablas cierto espanol lujoso europeo, lo pienso. "Vosotros"! No decimos eso aqui.
20:06 / 19.01.05
Poder, poder. Pero, que' es el "future conditional tense"--? (i.e., "that we could")? No es "podriamos"?

Si, estudie en Espana; se usan el vosotros alli'.

Of course, I probably fucked it up all around. As I say, I can read much better and faster than I can write. But give me a chance, Qalyn. By your mom's next cumpleanos I'll be spittin' in Spanish.
8===>Q: alyn
20:13 / 19.01.05
I was just messing with you. I thought it was a funny coincidence that it looked like "podrir", "to rot".

I don't speak such good Spanish. F'rinstance, "para podrirse" should be "porque podrirse", shouldn't it?
8===>Q: alyn
20:17 / 19.01.05
Podriamos hacer una secuencia "Para Practicar Su Espanol," posiblemente en la Creacion.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:44 / 21.01.05
Voy a pedir desvergonzadamente en el "Policy".
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:21 / 21.01.05
Okay, the thread in which the topic of languages other than English was discussed is here. I've added a message begging shamelessly to be allowed just one thread in which to practice our creaky Castellano. We shall see.

However, a better bet would be to find a community where subcultural funtimes were the norm and where everyone was already speaking our desired and much sought-after idioma. Anyone got any suggestions? Anyone?

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