There's that. Also, once my mother was out on the fire escape and a bird pooped on her, which is sort of a very mild version what happened to MLK, Jr. But I think that's probably it.
Hay un problema pequeño con ese plan, Qalyn. La mayoría de los "mods" de Barbelith no hablan español, así que no tienen gusto cuando los "posters" escriben en español.
Oh, and it's my mom's birthday tomorrow . . . She's retired, however, so it's not like it's a day off. Retired people in the U.S. have to work on all federal holidays, some of you may not realize...
hablo espagnol (kind of)! Soy un mod! Una moderita? Mais, je prefere parler francais. Puis-je lire en espagnol et ecrire en francais? C'est plus facile.
Il y a cinq minutes, il neigeait ici a Edimbourg. Un petit peu.