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Happy the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

8===>Q: alyn
10:30 / 17.01.05
Happy birthday (observed) to MLK, Jr and happy birthday (actual) to my mom. They have less in common than you'd think.
10:34 / 17.01.05
Neither has to go to work today though, right?
8===>Q: alyn
10:41 / 17.01.05
There's that. Also, once my mother was out on the fire escape and a bird pooped on her, which is sort of a very mild version what happened to MLK, Jr. But I think that's probably it.
8===>Q: alyn
10:48 / 17.01.05
Para celebrar la cumpleanos de mi madre y la cumpleanos de Martin Luther King, Jr., intentare escribir en español, la lengua del amor, todo el dia.
8===>Q: alyn
10:56 / 17.01.05
Tu debes intentar esto tambien, el Carnaval Amargo. Sera buena practica para cuando trasladas a Espana.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:08 / 17.01.05
Hay un problema pequeño con ese plan, Qalyn. La mayoría de los "mods" de Barbelith no hablan español, así que no tienen gusto cuando los "posters" escriben en español.
13:28 / 17.01.05
i Pero deben deben deben hablar en español! i Es la lengua de amor! i Es la idioma preferida de Ricky Martin!
13:29 / 17.01.05
Oh, and it's my mom's birthday tomorrow . . . She's retired, however, so it's not like it's a day off. Retired people in the U.S. have to work on all federal holidays, some of you may not realize...
8===>Q: alyn
13:31 / 17.01.05
Ay, que dolor! No para el cumpleanos de mi madre?
8===>Q: alyn
13:33 / 17.01.05
Y el reverend Martin Luther King, Jr, tambien?
13:39 / 17.01.05
hablo espagnol (kind of)! Soy un mod! Una moderita? Mais, je prefere parler francais. Puis-je lire en espagnol et ecrire en francais? C'est plus facile.
Il y a cinq minutes, il neigeait ici a Edimbourg. Un petit peu.
13:41 / 17.01.05
español, yeah, i know. I have a very british keyboard.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:42 / 17.01.05
Fine, it's just that I have hazy memories of a bit of a stir the last time the board had an attack of bilingualism.
8===>Q: alyn
13:47 / 17.01.05
Para el amor del dios. No escribire.
13:51 / 17.01.05
yeah, there was, it's true.
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