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The Aviator (Locked thread)

admiral sausage
21:26 / 16.01.05
Hello, new to this board, couldn’t find any posts about this film, so here it goes ..

The Aviator, saw it last week, not expecting a lot (considering how bad Gangs Of New York was, and how little I think of Leonardo Decaprio) not overly keen to see it, but if I arrived hoping for disappointment I left disappointed…?


What little I know I know of Howard Hughes comes from James Ellroy books where he is portrayed as an all powerful, breast obsessed, drug addicted, hypochondriac racist, and from what this film showed, that sounds about right, but they blame it on his mother.
Well I against my better judgement I liked Leo as Mr Hughes (maybe Leonardo can only play character that have a mental problem, as the only other film I’ve seen him in where he was good was What’s Eating Gilbert Grape ?) lots of great acting cameos (Gwen Stefani, the omni present Jude Law and Willem Defoe) good acting , an interesting and engaging plot, and a few memorable scenes, The traumatic crash of the spy plane, Howard Huges locking himself in the screening room and a fantastic bit where the paranoid Howard sees these white gloved men walking towards him at a party, he asks his right hand man “do these men work for me ?” the reply “every one works for you Mr Hughes” at which point he locks himself in the bath room repeating himself like a stuck record…spooky.

*** here endeth the spoilers*****

You’ve got to respect Scorsese ( imagine those words being said in a sort of pub bore type of voice), out of the 1970’s movie brats he’s still trying to make great films (maybe with the exception of Spielberg) unlike Coppola who’s happy growing grapes and making the occasional crap Hollywood movie, George (one idea) Lucas with his extended toy adverts, Paul Schrader and De palma (very worried about his version of The Black Dahlia).
He still hasn’t got an Oscar, he says he’s not bothered, I’m not convinced, but who cares.

Anyone else as impressed as I was by this, or not?
admiral sausage
21:41 / 16.01.05
oops did nt look very hard did i, sorry !!
Spatula Clarke
12:57 / 17.01.05
Naughty sausage.
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