Possibly this should be in headsick, rage, etc, BUT...
Given that I apparently have to have one of these stupid fucking things, why the fucking hell doesn't it fucking well do what I ask it to ? God knows, I haven't asked for very much.
I mean perhaps I'm being a bit stupid, but how many of the fucking cunts who designed the godless abortion that I've just thrown out the window ( and will probably, humiliatingly, have to try and find as well tomorrow, which will mean dealing with the neighbour, the Wicca person - last time round, it wasn't so good, ) have read War And Peace ? Or Ulysses ? Or the fucking Rabbit books as anything ? The shitheads.
Balls to any idea of cultural relativism - Anyone who's made it to the end of the fucking Beano is, by definition, a god compared to the fucking wankers who designed these wretched bloody machines.
I really don't think I'm going too far about this - Has anyone's life ever been materially improved by having the equivalent of the bastard Sooty Show as re-imagined, sorry, 'designed' by David fucking Cronnenberg ( sic, poss, too angry to look it up, ) clamped to their fucking ear ? I don't fucking well think so. The only possible justification for these so-called lifestyle enhancers is that they make going to the bastard pub a bit easier, but do they fuck do that - firstly, you would think no one ever managed to get it together to drown their miserable sorrows with their equally disgusted friends in some sort of sleazy gin joint before teh cells were invented, as if that hasn't been going on since the fucking caves, and secondly, all the fucking stupid things do is make what might have previously solid social arrangements, in more civilised times, liquid, to nobody's shitting benefit. And it also means that the fucking scum, let's face it, scum, that appear to be under the impression that just because they pay you to add a couple of hours onto your time in purgatory every time you show up ( I'm not prepared to discuss what so-called 'intelligent' people might have to contribute to society if they stopped complaining all the time either, fuck that, ) they can call you up at bastard 4AM, to tell you to go to bastard Tokyo, or wherever, to close the deal, or some such. Pluto, frankly wouldn't be far enough.
If I could go back in time, I would not only fuck up Prof Nokia, or any of the other human ordure who invented this shit, I would not only burn them at the stake, the wankers, but I'd laugh while I was doing it.
So not totally pro mobile phones. no. |