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Are Drugs Still Fashionable ?

Alex's Grandma
00:53 / 11.01.05
Everyone's going to end up listening to Phil bloody Collins. I honestly think it could get that bad.
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:31 / 11.01.05
poppycock! the War on Drugs is over, the drugs won!

Now, new improved War on Terrorists on Opiates (of the masses)

So Alex why do you think drugs are unfashionable?
03:42 / 11.01.05
Have you seen how many straight edge kids there are nowadays? yikes!
Alex's Grandma
03:47 / 11.01.05
Well I still think drugs are cool, but I suppose a lot of my friends, IRL,* are much more likely to be seen in the nearest Homebase than they are to be caught smoking the horse.

* = In Real Life, I don't know what I'm doing any more.
unheimlich manoeuvre
04:08 / 11.01.05
yeah but that's definitely an age thing. lots of my friends are doing the coupling thing and getting mortgages and doing DIY but that doesn't mean that you cannot get them drunk and force-feed them assorted pharmaceuticals and then drag them around the squat parties of brent while not losing your mind or money talking to blood drenched bouncers and perky pushers hoping that you haven't peaked and i'm staying up forever.
08:10 / 11.01.05
Drugs *caused* Phil Collins.
08:51 / 11.01.05

There's a pretty high chance that I'll go straight edge. Been toying with the idea a while...
08:56 / 11.01.05
That's funny, I've been off all drugs for several years and I'm thinking about getting started again. Maybe it's a cycle thing.
08:57 / 11.01.05
Phil Collins has driven many to drugs.
09:22 / 11.01.05
when were drugs fashionable? i thought they were just there, like biscuits, tea and the like.

i'm currently working on a very special and earth-shattering book called 'spuds is drugs too'.
09:55 / 11.01.05
Of course drugs are still fashionable. After all the NME says so.
On a slightly more serious note it might just be an age thing; a lot of my friends no longer smoke weed.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
10:14 / 11.01.05
Only glue and thinners are hip now. Heroin is so 20th century, as are e's and, god forbid, cocaine.

Ibogaine and a head full of tip-ex thinners, that's what the kids want.
10:23 / 11.01.05
'the nme sez so'

heh, yup. i just reckon it'd be easier for those two out the libertines to put their bones up each other than go through the whole hassle of being a crackhead. don't reckon you win nme cool of the year awards* by being well-adjusted poofters though.

*or get to serenade kirsty on newsnight
10:49 / 11.01.05
I hardly touch drugs anymore. It's not really been a conscious thing- back in the day (about ten, eleven years back) I was all about speed and acid.
Now I think I've largely replaced them with alcohol. When I get a handle on that, I'll see how appealing the Big Two are looking.
I do, however, need to make a conscious decision to smoke more dope (something I rarely do at the mo), because when I'm smoking, I drink less. A lot less.
10:49 / 11.01.05

Co-ordinates well with this season's colours.
11:03 / 11.01.05
There once was a time that I thought I'd never actually be able to have a *good* night out ever in my life without some kind of chemical stimulus.

Thankfully, most people grow out of that kind of thinking.
Jack The Bodiless
11:15 / 11.01.05
...or they don't, it's just that you don't hang out with them anymore.

Was discussing this with spooks the other night. Essentially, we've been saying we'll have some time off for a while. We're getting too old to cope with the Monday/Tuesday after, for a start, and I'm starting to think it'd be nice to be able to remember some of my weekends. Ironically, spending all of Friday and Saturday night up hanging out with friends and socialising does not necessarily make for a more fun and happy memory packed weekend than getting that sixteen hours kip, actually eating food, and popping to B&Q/Ikea to pick up some shelves or a lick of paint...
Jack The Bodiless
11:18 / 11.01.05
And to be honest, New Year's Eve was rubbish last year. We had a small party of our closest drinking buddies over, and around 3pm that afternoon I was an inch away from cancelling the entire thing due to apathy. How the fuck is this a special occasion? Jack thought to himself. We do this every weekend. This is just a bog-standard Friday night. Bollocks.
11:21 / 11.01.05
Oh, I don't know. I think a lot of people do grow out of it, probably precisely for the reasons you just outlined. And no, I wasn't really sure whether you were taking the piss. But I do hang out with most of the people I used to get trolleyed with a decade ago, and practically all of them have moved on, and not because they've all married and had children.

This is something I have been acutely thinking about recently, as today is my 35th birthday.
11:33 / 11.01.05
I don't know, I just got a bit bored with drugs, not that I was ever a big caner. Also, moving around a lot means you lose track of dealers and I'm too lazy to find new sources. I just drink booze and smoke fags.

I see no evidence that people in general aren't taking drugs any more. I was surprised to find that K seems to be back and relatively acceptable, whereas a few years ago I kept hearing "oh, it's ruining the party scene".
12:11 / 11.01.05
Are various fictional drugs available yet? Michael Marshall Smith's Fresh (at least, I think that was what it was called), Jeff Noon's Metaphorazine and Litotezol, etc, Jonathan Lethem's Forgettol and the drug that means you do not turn into a household deer, etc. I think fictional drugs should become more fashionable.
13:29 / 11.01.05
Squirmelia- I do still have the odd dabble with Cake. And Clarky Cats.

Happy birthday Sax!
15:40 / 11.01.05
(threadrot)Many Happy Returns Sax (end threadrot)
Jack The Bodiless
19:12 / 11.01.05
Happy birthday, Saxy boy!

Yeah, I guess I was half taking the piss - I tend to find that the less well-moneyed the mate, the less inclined they are to give up what is, despite the inevitable application of the law of diminishing returns that comes with the territory of regular recreational drug use, a great escape from the rubbish of modern life. Those of my friends, acquaintances and snorting buddies living from month to month/week to week tend to occupy the same kind of niche they did ten years previously or more. Spooks and I are moving out of that area of income (myself through moving into a more professional, upwardly mobile area of the industry I work in, spooks by going into business for herself and out of retail management), which means we're moving away from the lifestyles of certain of our friends (on benefits or studying, working in supermarkets, pubs, clubs or cafes) and towards the lifestyles of certain others (eg solicitors, associate surveyors, programmers and IT managers, doctors et al). We've bought a large-ish house that needs doing up, and our income or potential income is predicated on us being compos mentis on a Monday morning. Not everyone has or wants that. And speed and alcohol go so well together, and are so cheap and easily available...
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