Thanks everybody for the welcome!
And about being mea-n-ice: Last august I met some fellow club members in London, and I was very surprised, how nice everybody was. And one drunk woman was always apologizing, because she made all kinds of jokes about Germans, and then instantly apologized, than started joking again. I didn´t mind, I only was a bit miffed, that I didn´t understand half of what she said, and I would have liked to hear some of these jokes (or maybe they really weren´t funny?).
And don´t worry, I can be mean, toO! My ex used to call me an asshole all the time, but she always said it laughing and with a big grin, so I don´t know, if that counts for something.
>Hello, Mistoffeles. Are you on our side, or are working with...them?
Hi! If I worked for them, I would probably not tell. But if you mean …them, I wouldn´t even know…
>And what's up with your friend? Does he think that he's too good for us or something?
Oh, he is very chaotic and doing so many things all at once, maybe he just doesn´t have the time, or his english is not that well. Anyway, for the next three weeks, he works for the U.S.Army in Nürnberg, where he is a "civilian extra".
>Er, you're not here, are you?
What do you mean, here = online? Well, it´s 10.46 here, and I just finished breakfast and reading the news (and I ordered an DSL-account minutes ago, because everybody else got one, and they treat me like a www-neanderthal). So, right now, I´m here. But I´m not online that often.
>I once knew a gel in Soho went by a monicker not dissimilar to yours. Miss Toffee Lees, she caller herself. Lovely lass. Wore those knicker things with no derriere in 'em. Former gymnast. Could do amazing things with a Werther's Original.
Pics? Link?
p.s. what the hell is a balasen? |