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Weirdness 2005


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17:00 / 04.01.05
Let's keep track of the strange things that happen during the year!


The door chime in my office goes off while I'm at the copier in the back. (My desk is in the front lobby and I act as receptionist, among other things.) Going up to the front, I find a man sitting in a chair in the lobby, looking around. I don't recognize him as a client, and something about him makes me cautious, so I remain standing with my back to the hallway.

Me: "Can I help you, sir?"

Him: "Well sure, girl, you can... I represent the Holy Rock of the Cov'nent and I'm here to get... (incoherent) sorry for nice to meetcha..." (approaches me with hand out as if for a handshake; I reluctantly put out my hand; he grasps it, and subsequently won't let go) "I'm gotta bake some breakfast, go down to the bakery and met up get honey buns...(incoherent) ... sorry I'm f'gettin my lines... if ya marry me I promise (incoherent)... I'm a vampire. I like belly buttons." (lets go of my hand and tries to poke me in the stomach)

Me: "I'm sorry sir, but you're going to have to leave now."

(man who works in back office enters front door)

Him: "This your husband? I'm sorry bye." (he backs off and wanders out the door, laughing maniacally)


(I think, but am not certain, that this might be the same man who wandered in about a year ago and was found going through my desk drawers, and explained that he was looking for a hamburger.)

What's the weirdest thing that's happened to you this year?
17:04 / 04.01.05
you mean this year as in 2005?
17:27 / 04.01.05
Yes. To be added to as the year progresses, like a collective journal of oddities.

Should there be a retrospective thread for weird events of 2004?
Bastard Tweed
17:50 / 04.01.05
How was this fellow dressed? It's important that we know to what degree you saw it coming.

Was it one of those "sane outside, crazy inside" Chewy Gobstopper types, "clearly madness all the way through" Neapolitan Coconut types, or (my favourite) the "gradually notice all of those little warning signs you somehow missed" Jujube types?
18:01 / 04.01.05
Kind of a Chewy Gobstopper. Middle-aged black gentleman in clean clothes, normal hair, not funny-smelling, not drunk (at least judging from his breath). Walked a little jerkily and had a distracted air, but other than that he seemed pretty normal. Well, up to the point where he announced he was a vampire who liked belly buttons.

And who knows, maybe it was true.
Bastard Tweed
18:15 / 04.01.05
Tallish and kind of lanky? We've got a guy matching much the same description up D-side.

Hmmm. Perhaps they are a secret close-knit cadre of madmen maintaining an agent in every major city, quietly pursuing a strange, unknowable, and possibly pointless agenda. Anyone else have a sighting to match these men of distinction?
18:16 / 04.01.05
And who knows, maybe it was true.

And danged if there wasn't a hamburger in your desk drawer, too.

19:47 / 04.01.05
well! never have i been called 'incoherent' before today!

can i see your navel, pleeeeeeeese?
12:27 / 05.01.05

Well, okay, so what was filed under "weird and amusing" yesterday morning moved to "weird and disturbing" around 5:00, when the same guy came back in, while I was alone in the office and on the phone with someone, and was quite a bit harder to get rid of. He was looking a bit rougher, talked louder, and once I finally commanded him out the door (which took several tries) he yelled at me through the window. Not as coherent this time, either. I wonder if he spent the intervening time drinking somewhere.

I suppose if he shows up again I shall have to call the police. :-(
pointless and uncalled for
13:06 / 05.01.05
Perhaps you might be better calling social services. Although the police will respond marginally faster and can call social services for you. It depends on how agressive he's being.
13:16 / 05.01.05
How does he get in the lobby? Do you work in a public building?
13:30 / 05.01.05
Perhaps you might be better calling social services.

Probably a better idea. Kinda hoping the issue won't arise.

How does he get in the lobby? Do you work in a public building?

It's a small office downtown, a two-story "historical" building nestled in among a bunch of high-rises. The lobby door is right on the street; once you walk through the door you're in the lobby, which is also my office.

Believe me, this is not the first odd duck to wander in.
13:52 / 05.01.05
Bummer. I know similar kinda offices in Soho where the receptionists have the front office - but they all have buzzers. It's really a lot to ask of you to deal with people if you're feeling threatened as part of your job. Ask your boss about getting a buzzer for the door or some other increased security.
Tryphena Absent
14:18 / 05.01.05
I'm working on a reception desk at a recruitment agency and someone rings up for one of the men who works upstairs. He isn't in his office so the person on the phone leaves me with this message to relay: One of the legs is sold, there is a lot of interest in the other three.
14:24 / 05.01.05
That's sort of like the time my mother-in-law came running out of the house as I was leaving, calling to me (in her neighborhood-shaking voice) that "the baby left his brain under the table! Don't forget it!"

farseer /pokes out an i
14:56 / 05.01.05
Believe me, this is not the first odd duck to wander in.

Thank the petulant ancestors for concealed carry laws in Texas, eh?

Big purse, great for concealed carry.

Weird events for me? I had an unexpected rendezvous with an old friend of mine (who I've known since 6th grade), who unexpectedly had DMT, of which I unexpectedly partook, and other unexpected, extremely odd, but wholesome and good stuff then occured. It was, like most things, all in my head. Or so I believe...
15:10 / 05.01.05
Anna, if you ever find out what that was about, please tell us...
15:31 / 05.01.05
You could quite easily mess with peoples' heads by leaving coded messages at random offices. Just pick an office and a common name and leave messages like "the geese fly north tonight", "beware the milliner's daughter", or you could go less cryptic: "the shipment arrives tonight, make sure you have the money or the dutchman won't be happy".
16:19 / 05.01.05
"the shipment arrives tonight, make sure you have the money or the dutchman won't be happy".

Didn't you ever see I Saw What You Did??!!

Some people never learn...

18:08 / 05.01.05
Well, just don't call any psychos. Duh!

But what's the fun if you can't see the looks on their faces when they get the message?
09:51 / 10.01.05
Finally I have some weirdness!!!!111"!!!

So then, last night my SO and I saw the most fucked up thing I've seen since, um, I don't know when.
We'd just crossed a road that joins a busy A-road out of Brighton, when the sound of two cars colliding came from behind us. I look and see that a small Fiat, waiting in the central reservation, has been blasted across the A-road by a large, expensive Rover. The Rover then proceeds to accelerate down the smaller road seemingly in an attempt to flee the scene. Strangely, however, the driver isn't able to manage a straight line and careens into the wall of the petrol station that stands beside the junction.

At this point the Rover is completely fucked, and everyone, pedestrians and drivers alike, have stopped to stare at the madness.

But it doesn't stop there. Oh, no.

The driver then decides that he better make a break for it down the A-road, afterall he's totalled a car and rammed a petrol station. So, what does he do? He pulls the car round and rams the petrol station's metal security barrier (on the other side of which stands the A-road), demolishing it and further fucking the front of his vehicle. Bear in mind that my SO and I are now opposite this maniac. Needless to say, shocked fascination quickly transforms into poopy fear.

This guy is clearly out of his mind, oblivious to the many vehicles and pedestrians on the outskirts of his carnage.
Luckily, he spends the next thirty seconds doing the best impression of an inebriated car I've ever seen, and finally comes to a stop behind the Fiat which has pulled in to the roadside.

Needless to say the young couple in the Fiat are more than a little pissed off, but, like everyone else, relieved to be alive. The girls rings the police, the guy gets out to find out what the fuck has just happened.

As for the driver of the Rover. Well, his passenger, a woman in her early fifties and dressed for an evening at the casino, falls out of the car, stumbles to her feet and starts to wander aimlessly - drunk isn't the word. Then, a minute or so and a whole lot of concerned pedestrians later, out comes the driver - a middle aged man, again, dressed for a glamorous evening at the poker table. I'm surprised the guy can stand.

So, does he apologise, does he attack anyone? No. Instead he circles unsteadily around the car, surveying the damage, which, needless to say, is impressively extensive - an amazing advert for the durability of Rover cars. Finally coming to a stop by the small crowd of bewildered pedestrians surrounding the vehicle.
At this point everyone is quiet - who is this maniac, what's wrong with him?
The driver stares into space for a couple of seconds, rubs his chin, and mutters "woo, look at that!"

People start to remonstrate and shout. The driver of Fiat doesn't know what to do. This guy is clearly out of his mind and utterly uncommunicative.

At this point, shaken, baffled, and amazed that no one has been hurt we decide to make our exit, confident that we aren't going to get killed by the world's most dangerous driver. Besides, we don't want to hang around in case he gets back behind the wheel.

A minute later, just as we're turning onto our road, the rover flies past us on the road out of Brighton.
12:00 / 10.01.05
That's pretty fucked. Much as I dislike the pigs, I'm assuming someone got his license number?

Sekhmet- again, much as I dislike the pigs, I'd be calling them if I were you.
12:15 / 10.01.05
And would you call them pigs as you asked them to help you?
12:23 / 10.01.05
Yeah, the girl in the Fiat got their license number.

Hope the fuckers were picked up this morning just as their hangovers were starting to kick in.
12:29 / 10.01.05
Smoothly- no I wouldn't. I'm both a hypocrite and not very hard.
12:37 / 10.01.05
Not to mention the fact that they know your name ...
12:46 / 10.01.05
At a newspaper I worked at a few years ago the news editor called to the crime reporter (a bear of very little brain) that there were "pigs crawling all over Suchandsuch Street".

Said crime reporter than duly called the police station and asked why there were pigs loose in the middle of town.

Cue long silence and the frosty response: "There are no pigs loose in town, love, but we do have a large number of officers at the scene of what looks to be an armed siege."

Made me laugh, anyway.
14:01 / 10.01.05
Loomis- that's a sore point. Although had it not been for the fact that it happened last year, that would have been my entry for this Weirdness thread.
Kit-Cat Club
10:50 / 14.01.05
John Kerry was in the boozer last night. That was pretty blooming weird.
11:40 / 14.01.05

Drowning his sorrows was he?
Kit-Cat Club
12:04 / 14.01.05
He was there with his daughter and some of her friends (I think - it was clearly his daughter, strong resemblance). In the Rising Sun on Tottenham Court Road! Not even a nice pub.

He was sitting below a sign reading: 'Today's sausage: London Pork, Cumberland Ring'.

WTF was pretty much my reaction too...
12:07 / 14.01.05
Surely situations like that are what camera phones are made for? We need proof!
Kit-Cat Club
12:12 / 14.01.05
Sadly I don't have one of those...
12:35 / 14.01.05
For God's sake, get with the modern age, woman!
13:07 / 14.01.05
KCC- I wish I had a witty comment to make on that. But I've tried three times now, and every time I read your post I am reduced to uncontrollable laughter. If I try again my bladder will give way and I really can't be arsed to clean my carpet (or, indeed, trousers) right now.

Seriously, that SO needs a picture. I envy you so much for having seen that.

That's my favourite post in ages. And for the love of God, I can't quite put my finger on why...

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