I was tip-fishing to see in the new year and found a Predict-a-scope, Tiresias class. It's amazing what some people throw out isn't it? So I dragged it home and had a bit of a tinkle with my magic screwdriver, which I got out of a Tesco's own brand cracker, and I managed to get it working. I gave it a test run and this is what I saw...
It's March... We're in Number 10 Downing Street... It's the Prime Minister and his lovely wife David shaking hands with another man, an American, it's the head of Hallmark!... It seems Hallmark cheeses, no, Hallmark cards have bought the Royal Mail for £2.50 and a kiss... Now it's May, Hallmark Mail is loosing tons of money but they're holding a press conference... they're launching a new cheddar, no, no, a new type of card... It's the Premium Class Thank You Card. The idea being that every time someone sends you a Red Leicester- a letter, or card then you send them a Thank You Card back... It's voluntary at first but the Prime Minister says that information on who sends Thank You Cards will be kept on the ID cheese- card! database and notices will be put in local cheese journals- damn, sorry, newspapers, of who the stingey bastards are who don't send Thank You Cards are, to name and shame them... By November everyone sends a card for every bit of mail received, even utility bills... Postal Ballots for elections get dropped because it's feared the cost of a Thank You Gruyere- a Thank You Card to each voter who votes by post will bankrupt poorer constituencies... Hallmark's fortunes are buoyent as they spread Thank You Cards to the parts of the US left untouched by those nuclear explosions... A week before Chee- before Christmas, the religious festival which celebrates the birth of the head of Hallmark, they issue a new proclamation about Thank You Cards for Thank You Cards, Cards which everyone must send to thank people for sending Thank You Cards... For a Christmas Present Hallmark buys Greenland and fills it with Panir... Oh wait, that's actually accurate...
So there you go. As you can see I haven't been able to disengage the cheese filter but everything else works fine. So if you want a go please form an orderly queue... |