Thanks Ierne, I was getting a bit lost trying to create a string there.
I think, really it's just voices...I don't really go in for names anyway, in general. You may have guessed that Myfi isn't my real name, I just like the sound of it 
Yeah, voices...but Xtianity (I really like that abbreviation btw), is only organisation for most of it, political and segmentary...I don't think it's really what I would class as faith at all, more just rules.
I think the direction I'm heading for is going to mean I listen more to feelings inside me. Gut reactions, all that. That is something I actually believe it, the whole idea that imagination can make things happen, or at least help. On the most basic level, I feel that I should be listening to my intuition more, so I am, or at least I'm trying.
As far as getting back to my child like imagination goes, I've been focusing on that for the last six months or so, so I'm already on that path. I read a book (History of White Magic), which focuses on Magic as being made of imagination, and realised it was time to wake it up again, which involves lots of being silly and child like. I know it freaks out the people at work, but I love it!
As for stones, I meant crystals/stones/pebbles, that kinda thing. That's something I can't doubt the power of. Even if I don't touch them for some time, I can just pick one up for a few seconds and whoosh!, e.g. rosequartz, straight for the tummy...
I use colours too, to turn my fear into love..I know I sound like a loon, but it works for me I just take the knot in my tunny and imagine it filled with pink bright light, and it transforms into a love/butterfly sensation.
Sorry for rambling