Chapter Two: The First Spirit Appeareth!!!11!

I awoke with a start to find myself seated in my armchair by the now-guttering fire once more, the torn-up remains of a work of speculative SOCIALIST fiction in my lap.
"What rot!", I said aloud. "That apparition of my dear old dead business colleague Marley was nothing more than a bad dream brought on by indigestion. No doubt the root of the problem was some morsel of bread or tough bit of chicken. There was more of gravy than of grave about Marley! Do you see what I did there?"
For how long had I slept, I wondered. An hour? Several? It might as well have been a whole year! I chuckled to myself at such a ridiculous thought. Then I stood, tossed the rest of Perdido Street Station into the fire, and stumbled about in the dimly-lit room, in the general direction of the grandfather clock. On peering at the clockface, I saw that it was a few minutes to eleven. I had slept for a good five hours, and became aware that I felt a strong hunger. I decided to go to the kitchen, and make myself a sandwich of beetroot and cold meats.
Little did I suspect at this point that when I stepped into my kitchen, a most unsettling sight would greet me. The door to the larder was ajar, and lying on the kitchen floor were several lengths of filthy, rusting chains. I was speechless with shock for a moment, but only a moment.
"A POX upon all would-be comedians and SITUATIONISTS!", I cried aloud. "I have obviously been the VICTIM of an UNFUNNY and UNWARRANTED prank, designed to MESS with the proper good order of my MIND. Someone has broken into my PRIVATE PROPERTY during the night, and planted these chains here, and the noise they made while doing so gave rise to my unpleasant dream concerning my former colleague. No doubt this is the handiwork of some SOCIALIST students - the only kind of WORK they ever do! Well, if I ever catch up with them, I will be sure to express my RAGE!"
Suddenly there was a blinding flash of pink and green light, and before me appeared a most bizarre young woman. Her head was shaved, apart from a few multicoloured dreadlocks which sprouted from the top of her dome, and she had many facial piercings. She was wearing what appeared to be an orange boiler suit defaced with stenciled slogans such as 'CYB3R ASS-EATERS!', 'JOYCORE MATR1XX 23' and 'BIATCHES OF ER1S', and on her back were a pair of fairy wings.
She spoke:
Readers, I must confess that I gawped in slack-jawed horror. I had some idea what levels of depravity and FOOLISHNESS the young people of today had sunk to, as a result of the SOCIALIST-DRIVEN COLLAPSE OF SOCIETY, but this shocked even I. The apparition flickered like a TV screen encountering interference, and resolved itself into the same woman, but different in appearance:

The Spirit Of Christmalith Past
"Von Mises, dude, whattupp! Eleven! I have many names, but you can call me the Spirit of Christmalith Past, you ass-eating pussy preacher!!! Come with me and I will show you visions of your past, which will totally fuck with your mind and help you see out of your current reality tunnel, which is totally fucking bogus! Twenty-three!!!" |