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Who else is bored

16:14 / 25.12.04
You can just say something as short as :


Or :

Me too.

Or whatever if you want. No big explanations as to why you're bored, more of a headcount. So that the people who are bored don't feel like everyone else is having a good time as much any more. Cos that just sucks.

And seeing as I'm amazingly bored right now, I thought I'd show you what I found when I google image searched 'drunk santa' :

What a fucking idiot.
16:19 / 25.12.04
You really, really don't like Christmas do you, you poor thing? You've been posting all day. Relax and have a glass of wine in time with me. I'm doing it pretty much constantly, so I'm sure we'll coincide.

You're never bored with Space Cadet, 3D pinball for windows.
16:20 / 25.12.04
Oooooh yeah - he's the idiot.

You get downstairs right now and watch Harry Potter with the family, young man. Try to remember it isn't real.
16:26 / 25.12.04
I've got nothing against Christmas really. I like the fact that people are happier and that the vibes where that good when I woke up this morning it felt like I'd done a banishing ritual in my sleep or something. It's more for big families and kids though I think, and there's only a few of us here, no other family members have come around to our house yet and it IS just another day, except with the good vibes, which are getting fainter by the hour.

Apologies if I've brought anyone down, believe me : the happier everyone else is the happier I am. I just made this for the bored people.

Oh yeah, and I'm getting closer to drunk and happy with every swig of beer.
16:30 / 25.12.04

My family does all Christmas cheer prior, culminating in the Mom-side family bash on Christmas Eve. Much fun was had, and presents this morning bore me(socks and sweaters)... Can't call friends. Can't go out. Now just a long long stretch til work on Monday?

Pour me a glass too fellas.
16:30 / 25.12.04
You get downstairs right now and watch Harry Potter with the family, young man. Try to remember it isn't real.

Nah. What isn't real? Harry Potter?

Bullshit. I was tripping for weeks off Potter.

Actually, when my Nanna and Grandad get here I HAVE to go downstairs for a bit. Oh well.
16:31 / 25.12.04
Rock on Chad. See, I knew there was at least another bordling out there, that's why I made the thread.
16:37 / 25.12.04
I've just sussed the good energy surge from this morning aswell :

First thing in the morning, the kids are all happy opening presents, and the parents are all happy seeing the kids happy. The energy lifts probably more at this time than it does at any other time in the year.

Now most families are probably just bored as hell watching the zombie box and the vibes have almost gone......
17:58 / 25.12.04
Jooooooyy to the world...

Blues Brothers is on later tonight, so at that point I will no longer be bored, but until then... a little bit.
18:28 / 25.12.04
watching the zombie box

You mean the sheeple screen?
18:37 / 25.12.04
I only watch the Matrix, myself. You may not have heard of it - it is fiercely anti-populist and probably only eight or nine people have ever seen it, of which only I get it. And I don't watch it on TV. I spin the DVD in front of my face and read it with my third eye.

Jim Dale is excellent in it.
8===>Q: alyn
19:07 / 25.12.04
Only boring people get bored.
19:15 / 25.12.04
I'm kinda drunk which is a level of being bored, is there anything on TV yet because listening to New Kids on the Block is going to get old pretty quick.

But until then.

19:21 / 25.12.04
Yeah I bet you even got Matrix Warrior didn't you (I know I did) you matrix freak.

Ganesh.......I just spelt it genash to give you a clue that I'm getting towards pissed now and have to watch what I type........sheeple, yeah I suppose. The box has some great and informative stuff on it though obviously, just like if you put 4 on now the truth about the Bible program might still be on, which seems real good, but downstairs people are talking and my brother is up here watching eastenders. Twat. So here I am, back here. One bit I did hear about was that the first 5 books of Moses (or something else, I know it was 5 books but I didn't get exactly what books in the bible) aren't meant to be written by just him, but by loads of other people that felt or though they where (ok some of them probably where but like, what level of proof did you need to get your stuff quoted back then?) connected to the Godsource attributing their stuff to Moses. If I'd have watched that I'd know some stuff to research, but I get Albert Square instead. The same problems have surfaced in Buddhism, with people feeling that they where enlightened putting their words in and possibly attributing it to the Buddha.

I spin the DVD in front of my face and read it with my third eye.

Duh huh.........there is no DVD, just like NEO sed about the spoon right? Cos like........everything isn't really solid nd Neo see's that right.

Cos it'z a big thing bilt by Smith...nd he's jealous cos Neo has access to cookies nd E got the munchies. If you don't beleeve me look at revoloutions where he get's in oracal apartmunt and goes straight for the cookies!


(till like, Neo gets Smith daddy to unplug big monster machine and it all goes white.)


Neo forgot to jump in im in matriz 2!!!!
19:31 / 25.12.04
Only boring people get bored.

Yeah man, good point. I'm not boring when I'm in a good mood but I'm kind of battling smoking and prone to being pissed off. I've got plenty to do but am kind of in the inertia zone at the moment.

I have The Art Of Dreaming by Casteneda to read, Wipeout Fusion on the PS2, Magick to be learning, beer to drink, Technopreists and something else that Gambit sent me called mek, guitar to play, things to draw, my story to carry on with........but I'm lazing around in humbug mode..........burning negative karma I guess, but it get's edgy when I get lazy from it.

An Ursula Le Guinn book, Celtic Myths book.......more books.......

Thanks though, I forgot that being bored is really just laziness most of the time.
19:34 / 25.12.04
He gives a grin that goes around from face to face to face
Backwards and then forwards, forwards and then backwards
19:41 / 25.12.04
Hey bearo!

Who does?
19:50 / 25.12.04
The box has some great and informative stuff on it though obviously, just like if you put 4 on now the truth about the Bible program might still be on, which seems real good, but downstairs people are talking and my brother is up here watching eastenders.

Fascist sheeple! Still, at least they're not watching the 'commercial channel', eh?
19:53 / 25.12.04
Nah they're just talking. My Nanna and Grandad are here now too and I've been downstairs for a bit.

How are you anyway? Did you have a good Christmas?
20:44 / 25.12.04
G'night barbeloids. It's good to see that this stayed virtually empty of bored people and I hope you all had a good day.

I'm tired and drunk now and am going to bed.
uncle retrospective
21:14 / 25.12.04
I'm god damn bored! I'm in work (and have been since 3pm.) I'm here till 3 tonight and what are they showing, what to I have to sit through?
Far and Away

I could stab someone in the face.
21:54 / 25.12.04
Uncle Retrospective:
You could always watch the Some Like it Hot (which I've never really cared for) through to the Apartment (which if you haven't seen is pleasently suprising).
uncle retrospective
22:09 / 25.12.04
I'd love to watch Some like it hot (which I love) but I'm running a TV station and Far and away is on and I have to make sure it stays on.

For my sins.

Face stabbing it is.
22:17 / 25.12.04
I don't know what else to say except poor bastard and that I'd suggest short upward stabbing motions over a radial slice.
I'm only suggesting this because I can see that you have no other choice.
22:20 / 25.12.04
What with Far and Away and all.
uncle retrospective
22:33 / 25.12.04
I'm Irish, Far and Away was made to piss me off.
That and Tom's face.

22:37 / 25.12.04
Ooh! Knife-fighting Oirish!
22:40 / 25.12.04
Me too, although I've always loved Darby McGill and the Little People.
"Kaaaaatie Kaaaaatie The Bansheeee" etc. (pure gold)
Doesn't Tom die at the end its some consolation at least.
22:41 / 25.12.04
I downloaded Chicago greatest hits, but I'm having trouble finding songs from Karate kid i thinkk there must be some sort of con going on....

Christmas is al about gay cam apparently...

or drink
or drugs

but next Thursday
uncle retrospective
23:01 / 25.12.04
I've always loved Darby McGill and the Little People

That is the scariest film I've ever seen. The little people *burr*
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