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How was your year? For you, I mean.


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21:51 / 23.12.04
Hokay, we've got the best/worst things thread, but how did life treat YOU as a person this year?

Frankly, 2004 was one of the weirdest years I have yet to encounter. There was the whole getting married thing to start with; and later I came off my meds, got into counselling, cut down the drinking a fuck of a lot (though still not enough) and finally moved out of the very destructive and stressful situation I was living in.

All in all, it would probably have been a damn good year, if Biscuits (my dog) hadn't died. Taken on balance, I think it's probably my worst year ever, and I can't wait for 2005 to make it all better.

But enough about me.

How about you? (leers lasciviously over guttering candle)
unheimlich manoeuvre
22:57 / 23.12.04
Well it was a fairly good year if less eventful than others, thanks for asking. Pretty much hit the class a's on the head, still cannot give up the green but like think of it as self-medication. My circle of friends has been doing the settling down thing. Two have become mothers, one other babe is due in a couple of weeks. My own lurve life has been very sparse, the mixed blessing of independence and loneliness. Dunno maybe it's because I turn THIRTY in 2005 but you know ... I may be single but having children seems so much more appealing than it did last year. What with their chubby faces and little hands 'n feet. (cooes disconcertingly.)

I've moved from a plush pad in rundown Wembley to a rundown flat in wealthy Harrow. In Wembley it was a quite residential cul-de-sac with kids playing in the street, now i've a much cheaper flat on a main road and my neighbours open my post for me.

I'm working nights over Christ-mass, but I've got food in my fridge and a roof over my head. 2004, I can't complain.

(reaches for the Morgan's he wishes he had a work.)
Spatula Clarke
23:09 / 23.12.04
This was The Year That Was Not. It must have fallen through a hole in my pocket around the end of January.
01:29 / 24.12.04
2004 has been fucking fabulous. But I feel slightly too guilty to gloat.
Saint Keggers
03:01 / 24.12.04
pretty fucked up.
05:02 / 24.12.04
2004 was the year that I realized I had a lot more to learn than I thought I did.
05:19 / 24.12.04
2004's been rather shit, tell the truth. Got fired from a pretty good job in March, and spent most of the rest of the year unemployed, with minimal employment in the last couple months hardly keeping me afloat. Had a fairly nifty job for at least the holidays get bollixed just because I was lacking proper ID. Had a comic project close to my heart I'd been working on get stillborn when I learned the characters I'd been working with were about to get retconned by their publisher. I was booted off a movie I was supposed to be in by its producer/writer/costar, who got all primadonna on me when talent I'd brought onto it started asking the same questions about contracts as I was (questions such as, "Where the fuck are the contracts?!"), and thus assumed I'd put them up to it. My roommate of over three years is preparing to move out at this moment of my financial insolvency but is doing a rather half-assed job of it, putting at risk those few potential replacements I've got lined up. I'm having some concerns about the state of my health; I've never been an active sort and I've cruised for a good while on an enviable metabolism and immune system, all of which may at long last be coming home to roost. And I can count on one hand how much sex I've had this year... one twitchy, sweaty, calloused hand.

Oh, and this monkey-faced plutocratic dipwad of a "president" got "[re-]elected." That kinda put a damper on my hopes for the immediate future, too.

I have enough of a zen attitude that I tend to believe that things happen for a reason and that in the end equation this will all be to my greater benefit, but goddamn if it's not a nuisance in the meantime.

+#'s, - names
06:32 / 24.12.04
a good friend died in april. set the tone for the rest of the year. blah. waiting for the warm embrace of 2005.
pointless and uncalled for
08:03 / 24.12.04
This year has been a bit of The Streets girlfriend, casually dictating whether its on or off or off or on or off again. The bad details are sickeningly trivial and it annoys me that they have affected me so much, I should know better than to open myself up to these things. The good has tended not to mitigate the bad but I can stil appreciate it for what it was.

It's ending on an upturn bcause I have a job that is increasing my net worth quite rapidly and am doing what I want for Christmas rather than following the tryptophan spiked herd. Things are looking good for me to run the line for a bit, so a portentious start to '05.
08:45 / 24.12.04
This year started off desperately sadly, and ended up being the best year of my life, ever. I've had several life changing experiences, met some absolutely fascinating people and I'm in love with the man of, literally, all my dreams.

My marriage broke up, my Gran died, my Auntie died, my Mum's dog died and my dog ran away and came back and even those things don't make my year anything less than wonderful.
captain piss
08:51 / 24.12.04
Yeah, 2004 was shaping up as the kind of Empire Strikes Back period of my life, but in the end it's been a bizarre blend of quite fucked-up stuff and really nice stuff – so I haven’t known whether I’ve been coming or going (err, if that makes sense)

Lots of nice friendships - existing ones and new ones that were really cool

Munitions-grade financial and health worries

Exceeding previous expectations of what I could do, in a few areas– doing stand-up comedy, becoming quite sorted with my freelance work (so I probably don’t need to go back to rubbish office-y jobs, for the foreseeable future)
11:42 / 24.12.04
2004 was/is the year we got used to living in limbo: it started in Bangkok and will finish in Edinburgh, and it's been dominated by the ongoing, seeming endless process of moving house. We've been on the verge of exchanging contracts for so long, we no longer get worked up about it, really; we've sort of accepted an odd state of imminent transition.

Which mirrors a more global phenomenon, I guess, the feeling that, in an instant, everything could just change - tip, for better or (post-Bush election win) worse. Instability. Unease.

It's reflected also in my career. From a stable 'set up for the next three years' arrangement, I've suddenly (or so it feels to me) shifted into a new, unfamiliar configuration.

On the upside, 2004 was also the year we started to engage actively with the arts side of London. We've got quite slick at buying tickets online and I have probably seen, in the last two months, more theatre than I've previously experienced in the last ten years. Which is nice.

I'm hoping 2005 will usher in a new sense of permanence, allow us a period of comfortable nesting.
12:09 / 24.12.04
My 2004? Well it marked my first year of full employment, though what started out as a good job has become hellish and unpleasant, so I'm quitting. To be honest I kind of see this year as treading water. I finished university the year before and moved back home to pay off my debts. My hometown is as dull as can be and getting used to living with my parents again was sometimes a strain. Now I've paid my overdraft and credit cards off and my job has become terrible I'm leaving for scotland so 2005 is going to be a whole fresh start for me.
12:41 / 24.12.04
I, on the other hand, moved back to Scotland this year. Got a job, sold the London flat, rented up here for a while and then bought a gorgeous place with Loomis.
The job, on the other hand, was hoooorrible. Well, the job itself would have been okay but I never adapted to getting up at 5am and have spent most of the year feeling like a zombie. Long bouts of insomnia didn't help matters.
BUT! It's almost over. I finish on January 7th, and I'm on holiday till the 4th, so in fact I only have four more days they. Hurray!
Heaven knows what comes next, but I'm happy.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
13:13 / 24.12.04
2004 has been wonderful for me. I got out of debt, the fruition of two years planning. I bought my first house, and got everything I wanted: a 1920's bungalow, three bed two bath, swank part of town, hardwood floors, and all at a price I can afford.

My love life was a bit iffy. I have dated the same woman all year, but she is very busy with her two jobs and two teenage children. I don't get too see her as much as I would like, and our plans get cancelled at the last minute pretty often. We'll see how that all pans out next year.

My plans for world domination progressed nicely this last year despite a few setbacks with the henchmen's union and the cyborgs. However, the mechanized battle suits are progressing nicely and I believe that I have secured a North African supplier for the heat seeking missles. So, all in all, not a bad year.

My job is wonderful, I have a boss who understands ADD and allows me to work largely unsupervised. I am able to jump from one project to another, and as long as I meet my deadlines, she leaves me alone.

Yeah, it has been a great year for me.
Mourne Kransky
16:47 / 24.12.04
When I was forty-eight
It was a very good year
It was a very good year for cuddly gay bears
In tight leather jeans...

But now the days grow short
I’m in the autumn of the year
And now I think of my life as vintage wine
>from fine old kegs
>from the brim to the dregs
And it poured sweet and clear
It was a very good year

17:41 / 24.12.04
I suffer in strange heavens In dull hells I am taught new lessons of joy.
In no particular order.
17:47 / 24.12.04
Which lessons? Specifically.
18:00 / 24.12.04
Well joy is such a strong word... eh office work has its ups and downs you know. (potters off)
Well specifically Finding a job (not that I give a shit about ) but that I am actually good at to some extent which really is a wonderous thing for me having dragged myself through many many which I was absolutely woeful at. And also just cutting down on some of the excesses that
I've previoulsy indulged too too much.
Nothing really as grand as the Wilde paraphrase might imply. I really should have put (being an arse) before that sentence.
Just finally got the ability to give myself a long overdue sort out. It was a year of odd contrast in that respect.
Well off to drink wine and be merry.
And a merry Christmas to you.
I'll probably come back on line in a few hours when I am even less coherent and apologise in advance.
Lurid Archive
00:41 / 25.12.04
Its been shitty, in many ways. Without wanting to be too melodramatic, it hasn't been this bad in a while. Silly, given where I am, but since when is emotion reasonable? Still, MC has been wonderful, though I fear I am bad company at the moment (hey there anna), which is a shame. I'm sure the new year will bring...well, if I'm honest, much of the same. But, ultimately, things will get better. There are lots of good things to appreciate and to enjoy. Still hate xmas, though I can't imagine I could be doing better than sharing with the one I love. xxx
04:05 / 25.12.04
2004: The year I remembered to care about things.
17:03 / 25.12.04
2004 was the year that I realized I had a lot more to learn than I thought I did.

And of course I found you peeps! Some of the coolest people I've ever known.

What? I can't get gushy and over emotional on Christmas day when I'm half drunk?

Well fuck off then. J/K
mondo a-go-go
14:10 / 28.12.04
L'anima, you sillybilly, you were fine company when I visited. It's not like you scared me away from visiting again (quite the opposite, I'm trying to work out how I can come back in the spring :] )

Anyway, 2004. It's almost over. Thank fuck.
06:56 / 29.12.04
Bonkers year. Since November 2003 I have:

Ended my marriage, moved house twice, stopped self-defining as Christian (and overhauled many aspects of my worldview in general), completed two NLP courses, changed jobs from financial services to working behind a bar, had three very ill-advised relationships, my parents have split up, left the country and are going to sell the family house (in which I am living), and I’m now back together with the love of my life who I last went out with when I was seventeen. Oh, and I’ve joined a brilliant band and put out a single, which has been an objective for the last decade. Not to mention numerous plain weird magicky experiences and a lot of private stuff I won’t go into here. 2004 was the weirdest, best and worst year of my life.

2005 will bring driving lessons, a vehicle, a new job, and a house move.
Fist Fun
13:04 / 29.12.04
2004 was eventful. Kicked off in Edinburgh and will end in Wales. In between it has seen me all over the place. Montreal (Hi Keggers, May), Arhus, Copenhagen, Oslo, Paris, London, Amsterdam, Basel, Stuttgart, Brugges.

Work has been wicked but I do now have grey hairs.

Love life has been exciting.

Health has been a bit ropy.

Great year, really.
ibis the being
14:26 / 29.12.04
I think (I hope) 2004 is the year I'll look back on and see as the uncertain beginning of great things.

In the spring I quit the job I loathed, in the summer I moved in with my dad and brought my boyfriend in order to save up for starting a business. Boyfriend & I tried working together and found that really wasn't going to work, but I believe we're stronger for having tried.

In the fall I launched my business, got a credit card, maxed out the credit card, lost my car insurance, and am presently in crisis mode.

Minor health problems beginning in 04 and continuing through the present. Family troubles continued but really no better nor worse than any previous year. I've gained friends. Relationship with my boyfriend is better than ever, in fact really quite wonderful. It's just this... godforsaken MONEY. My dream is that next year, by Christmas 2005, I will be making some kind of full-time liveable wage from my business.
17:27 / 29.12.04
Some days were crap, the rest of them were bland. I could have lived without it, really.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:22 / 30.12.04
It's not been that great a year, though it had it's moments, like Brighton Pride. But the 36 hour freakout at the start of Bicon was weird and uncalled for, and large chunks of my career this year seem to have revolved around sitting around ages waiting to do something, then having barely enough/not enough time to do a good job when I finally got the go-ahead.
imaginary mice
00:40 / 02.01.05
2004 was certainly more interesting than the previous two years but I can’t say it was a good year.

I was hugely depressed in the first quarter of the year. Then - for some bizarre reason - I became convinced that I could change and I started reading self-help books. My goal was to make three friends before the end of the year. Of course I didn’t make any friends and as always missed the last hours of the year as I went to bed early on new year's eve.
I didn’t go out much in 2002 and 2003 following a really bad break-up but last year I started going out regularly again - the result: one one-night stand, two casual short-term relationships, two nasty break-ups (tip: if you decide to break up with someone after over two months, do tell them, otherwise they won’t know that it’s over and might get quite pissed off if you turn up at a club with someone else) and loads of empty promises and lies (“I will call you.” “Don’t worry, this isn’t a one-night stand. I’d definitely like to see you again, you’re a lovely girl.” “I’d really like to stay friends with you.” (tip: bad break-up line if you don’t mean it, you will only rub salt into the wound) “Let’s go out next week. I’ll pick you up.” “I’ll be here next week. Hope I will see you again.” “I really like you.” “I will help you find a counsellor. I‘ll get back to you next week.” “Yes, of course we‘re still friends. I‘m just really busy at the moment.”).
Moving on sucks. Maybe I should have just stayed in all year and dreamt about my ex-boyfriend. I’ve always been bitter and cynical but now I’m also feeling quite rancorous - it’s not good. And my self-esteem is at an all time low (Why can’t you send me a text message if you’re no longer interested? Am I not worth 10 seconds of your time? And why ask for someone’s number in the first place if you’re not interested? Just in case you change your mind? Just in case you have no luck with other girls? Just in case you’re desperate for a shag at some point in the future?). I’m just a shaggable doormat that can be treated without any respect or consideration. And people are surprised that I still miss my ex-boyfriend.

My parents separated in August and have had some horrible fights since then involving the entire family.

My job really stressed me out. I resigned in September but then had to work another three months - quite possibly the longest three months of my life. After three years of working for a professional services firm and advising clients (a job I had chosen to improve my communications skills and because I thought the amount of “exposure” could help me overcome my shyness) I finally had enough of people and just wanted to work in a dark corner on my own and never talk to anyone again in my life. I even lost the ability to make telephone calls.

Now that I’m jobless I could quite easily not talk to anyone for a couple of months. But I’m gonna have to start looking for a new job at some point and that’ll involve job interviews, which will involve talking to people, which terrifies me.

So - a year ago I decided to move on, forget about my ex-boyfriend, meet new people, try to have another relationship, make friends…
Now I’m even more bitter, cynical, rancorous, self-conscious and avoidant than I used to be. I have finally realised that I will be friendless and lonely for the rest of my life and I will never meet someone as considerate and honest as my ex-boyfriend. Which is maybe for the best because that break-up was fucking horrendous.

- Seeing Nick Cave and Jarvis Cocker perform a song by Leonard Cohen. Together.
- Morrissey.
- My horse.
- Getting my final exam results via text message at the Reading Festival (I passed) while the Wildhearts were on stage - followed by the Hives, Peaches and !!!.
- Plenty of excellent gigs in the last two months of the year - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds (supported by Mercury Rev), The Faint, Selfish Cunt, Kasabian, Morrissey and the Pogues.
- Hope of the States (brilliant live band, brilliant debut album)

2004 was also the year I started whingeing and pouring out my heart on internet forums again - after four years of abstinence and lurkerdom. Ah well.
Alex's Grandma
01:45 / 02.01.05
Whatever reservations I may or may not have had about this year on a personal level, it was still pretty good to see D Blunkett get it directly where it hurts, ie, in his public profile, the miserable, small-minded, crypto-fascist clown.

I wish him a long and pointless retirement, in which there's nothing else to do except reflect on all hopeless, venal, and ultimately disgusting policies that he was directly responsible for, the mindless, lightweight, ultimately tabloid-headline-grabbing piece of utter s&%E joke.

The c
Benny the Ball
18:48 / 02.01.05
2004 started badly, very badly in fact - finally ended a long drawn out break up, and almost died in a very nasty crash in January, which has left me as possibly the most nervous passanger in a car going around a corner ever. Dad became seriously ill.

Then it brightened considerably - got together with an old love, work was slow, but I was getting by, moved into a nice new house with my best friend. All good. Dad recovered slightly.

Ended fantastically - realised that old love was the one for me, and have been happy ever since, work stayed slow, but a late flurry saw money earned enough to keep me going, and I sold a couple of scripts, Yeah! Spent the chimes of midnight up in the Hollywood hills in the arms of the woman I love having danced badly and made coctails for party guests all night.

Looking very forward to 2005
19:22 / 02.01.05
Ahh, 2004... I won't miss it. It was a crappy year when everything went down the tubes: life, writing, society, etc... Although I do believe I discovered Barbelith. But my memory's too spotty to really tell.

Alas, the deciding factor is, I let the year end with regret. Just like 2003. That's something I've got to work on.
Liger Null
01:54 / 04.01.05
2004 was the year I turned 30. My boyfriend got a place of his own, which gave me some much needed breathing room. I quit my second job and thus had more time to devote to writing-some of which I actually spent writing!

Other than that (and certain bitterly disappointing election results) this past year was uneventful in the extreme. Here's hoping that this year will bring me closer to the goals I set for myself.
02:26 / 04.01.05
The few brief weeks I spent in spring working with my partners and doing cabinetry were the happiest of my life, and this despite having illness in the family and my love life a wreck. By summer those problems were sorted but I was back in a Job and everything's gone steadily downhill since.

Got to get this career vs job thing worked out. It's life-or-death serious.
Hattie's Kitchen
10:43 / 04.01.05
The first three months of my 2004 were horrendous - my new job turned out to be a pile of cack, leading to lots of stress and misery, which in turn led to lots of drink and drug binges, leading to more misery. I came to my senses and walked out without working my full notice period.

Cue another few weeks of very anxious job-hunting until I struck lucky thanks to an old boss I emailed in desperation, who fixed me up with my current job.

In March I went to New York by myself, which isn't bad considering that I previously had a terrible fear of flying, so I was quite proud that I didn't freak out on the plane. Had a blast in NY too, which lifted my spirits.

The arrival of summer brought with it a move to a new flat, having previously been forced to share with snotty uptight bitch of a flatmate, so that cheered me up.

Then, after a couple of years of celibacy, I met my partner who, despite having very different tastes from me and has no interest in current affairs, is a top gal and a welcome change from the duplicitous cows I normally fall for.

The end of the year was a bit cack, mostly on the financial front, but things aren't nearly as bad as they were this time last year.

Overall, it was shit at the start but gradually improved. 2005 is the year that I will get myself properly organised...

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