OK, for us grumpy fuckers. To balance the celebratory positivity of another thread nearby, I think we should also have, in an Ahura-Mazda / Manichean way, some WORST OF 2004 nominations / categories.
I shall begin, *ahem*:
Worst thread
Any of those which I dragged down to my klqlkjhdsjhcf level by contributing long, rambling, utterly incoherent posts at about 4 a.m. on Sunday mornings. I can't bear to revisit the 'Lith for about a week afterwards each time I do it. Take heed kids, you too will end up a shambolic old sot one day unless you mend your ways. It's too late for me to change now though... *hic*
Worst book
The Da Vinci Code, 'nuf said.
Worst film
Troy, first film I've walked out half way through in a long time. Execrable.
Worst primate news
No bonobos, no no no...
Worst outbreak of amnesiac and unreasoned sentimentality
Crocodile tears as Ronnie Raygun is interred.
Now to decide on the worst haircut of 2004... |