quote:Originally posted by Myfi:
HI I'm new to this, so I have a basic question...When you say you pray/sigil..etc what do you mean exactly...? Is it similar to meditating and imagining yourself attaining what you wish for..I would love details please ( I know it's probably individual, but I don't know too many people I can discuss magick with)
By the way, do you guys believe in sending people colours, from your aura, to make them feel a certain way/respond favourably etc, e.g. pink/peach to make them like you...It's something I was taught ages ago and never really tried, just wondering if anyone had known it to work.

Wotcha, Myfi. Glad to have you with us.
A sigil is a graphic representation of an intent. The basic tecnique is simple: Write down what it is you want, cross out all the vowels and repeated consonants, then take the single consonants and turn them into a pretty design.
eg: MY WILL IS TO VISIT PARIS becomes MY WLL S T VST PRS, which becomes MY WL S T V PR
Which becomes a nice-looking doodle, or sigil. (You can also turn your this into a magick word or a mantra by slinging in some random vowels.)
You then charge the sigil, possibly by using it as a focus for meditation or by doing something else to get rid of extraneous thought, such as vigourous exercise or-
Well(and this may offend you horribly but it's hard to put it in a ladylike way), the moment of, shall we say, climax is a really good time to charge a sigil. (Look, stop sniggering at the back, you lot. It's not funny. Stop laughing. Okay?)
Check the older posts for some other suggestions.
Prayer, I think, does what it says on the tin. I am a horrible godless little creep, so I won't presume to comment further.
Never sent anyone colours myself, except this once when a chap I knew was in hospital; I had a very strong notion I should "give" him rose pink. Don't know why.
Other than this, check the Internet for hints and tips. It's the best and biggest grimoire that ever there was.
Good luck! |