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Christmas habits

modern maenad
09:23 / 22.12.04
Over the past few years I have developed a christmas routine - I reread David Sedaris' 'Santaland Diaries', listen to the Low Christmas album, and make (vegan) brandy truffles (not all at once, though perhaps this year....). And I only do these things at Christmas and really look forward to it (?). Does anyone else have a sad little festive routine??
09:30 / 22.12.04
Crack open the champagne first thing. It's not like I'm not "allowed" to do this any other time of year - and it's not like I don't - but it's a rather nice Christmas morning ritual nonetheless.
modern maenad
09:33 / 22.12.04
praise the fizz, and socially acceptable, nay enforced daytime drinking.
09:37 / 22.12.04
Sherry. Bucketloads of it. And drinking it by 10am.
09:54 / 22.12.04
Right now I'm thinking of starting a new routine of eating vegan brandy truffles. Can you give me the recipe?

I can't think of anything particular that I do at xmas that I don't do at any other time, but popping down the local for a xmas pint and cigar has become a tradition for me these days and it's such a good atmosphere in a pub with people you don't know on xmas day.

Oh, and wearing xmas socks.
modern maenad
10:02 / 22.12.04
Loomis, I'd be happy to add you to the list of 'distant truffle recipients', and/or forward the recipe (which I invented and am very proud of), they taste better than Bouja Bouja (sporting smug grin).
10:25 / 22.12.04
Baking too many mince pies. Did it yesterday, and they're waiting to be consumed on the office fridge. I think my coworkers suspect I may be trying to bump them off, or turn their wee a funny colour. But no, it is the pure joy of baking.

Most ever baked in one batch: 96
Tryphena Absent
10:27 / 22.12.04
That's a lot of pie.
modern maenad
10:31 / 22.12.04
Are they of Nigell-/Delia standard i.e. made the mince meat in august, hours labouring over perfect pastry or are they of the 'making an effort, but not that much effort variety (my personal favourite).
11:02 / 22.12.04
Drinking sherry. Drinking Baileys. Pouring advocat on pudding instead of custard...
Christmas does funny things to my relationship with booze. I become sluttish, promiscuous, and deviant. I know it's wrong but it feels so good.
Thing is, it affects everything else. The other Sunday I got pissed on port and watched Miss Marple. It's a worry.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
12:09 / 22.12.04
Egg nog. It is my downfall every Christmas. I absolutely love the stuff. Unfortunately, milk triggers migraines in me, so I try to stay away from it and it's by-products as much as possible. This time of year, I always come down with three of four migraines due to consumption of egg nog. I even have my own favorite recipe.
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
12:54 / 22.12.04
Wye eye, i'll be cracking one off over Oliver again.

Please Sir, can i have some more?

AAAHHH tradition.

I love you.
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
12:56 / 22.12.04
Brandy butter, straight from the tub. Sugar! Booze! Lard! Late-onset festive nausea!
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:36 / 22.12.04
Slow, gradual 'slutty' (thanks for that description) drinking.

Making stuffing from scratch. I *never* do this, but this year am excitedly poring over recipes, and am definitely making this a tradition.
14:10 / 22.12.04
maenad- just post the damn recipe, go on! (Well, unless it's secret, obviously. I mean, you don't have to... but it'd be cool if you did!)

Buying 200AD. For some reason, I always feel really Christmassy when the Christmas editions of magazines come out. (I think it harks back to when I was a kid and the big ritual of looking through the movies in the Christmas Radio Times.)
14:38 / 22.12.04
the mince meat in august, hours labouring over perfect pastry

No, my pastry looks like the jowls of old men. I did stir in some flaked almonds into the shop-bought mincemeat, though. And put little pastry stars on top.
They are indeed the not-that-much-effort kind. But my coworkers have taken to them and are even warming them in the microwave. Along with the cockles of my heart.

Can I have the truffle recipe? I'll swap. If I can remember mine.
14:59 / 22.12.04
My co-workers have brought what appear to be magic beans into the office... I am going to send an e-mail to ascertain who has recently been off to market to sell livestock recently...
modern maenad
15:12 / 22.12.04
OK, here goes - for those not interested in truffle making, apologies as this is gonna take up some space.....

Maenad's Vegan Brandy Truffles


1 carton soya cream (it only comes in one size, Granose or Provamil, same difference)
450g vegan chocolate (at least 70% cocoa, and preferably fair trade. Green and Blacks now 20% owned by Cadbury so I'd go for one like Cocoaid)
300g chocolate (for coating truffles)
120g vegan marg (avoid ones high in soya as they smell/taste funny, I use Biona organic)
6-8 teaspoons brandy (have tried various liquors but concensus amongst truffle-heads is that brandy works best, though Cointreau and Maya Gold is pretty darn effective)

stage one

OK - chocolate in double layer of plastic baggage, rolling pin/heavy object. Exorcise all festive fury on chocolate, reducing to shards. Heavy based pan (a la Le Creuset). Empty soya cream and all chocolate into pan, melt on medium/low heat 'till all chocolate runny, add marg, keep on heat 'till marg all melty too. Remove from heat, leave to cool to room temp. Add booze and stir in (if you can use a whippy blender device to get really smooooth consistency). Put ganache in fridge overnight/24 hours.

stage two

have bowl of hot soapy water handy for when phone rings, and some baking trays/large plates covered with grease proof paper. For this stage you'll need the other 300g of choc, bashed to bits, and ready for melting. Basically shape ganache into little balls, dip into melted chocolate, leave to set on grease proof paper.

Top Tips: if you can stand it, hold your hands under cold tap (then dry) before rolling truffles into balls (mixture melts slower that way), also, for every truffle you put in the runny chocolate, the chocolate looses a bit of its glossy smoothness, so melt in 100g batches and (groan) wash bowl between goes. Also, best way to melt choc is in a bowl over a pan of hot water (stops it getting too hot and crystalising). People with microwaves may have a few top melting tips of their own.

Put truffles in fridge, they'll be ready to pleasure you in an hour or so.....

And final tip, in bid not to 'waste' any leftover runny chocolate I keep some brazil nuts, dried fruit, whatever handy and make a big knobbly fruit and nut bar at the end....

Lastly, this recipe makes a lot of truffles, (from memory I'd say about 80-100 big ones), so you may want to cut quantites to save time and money....and if anyone wants any quality testing done.......
Goodness Gracious Meme
17:41 / 22.12.04
mmm-mmm. I think I have another gift sorted. Thanks!

For swapsies, here's the stuffing I'm making, for stuffing a butternut squash. Yum.

3 tablespoons butter (substitute margarine for vegan)
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 cups sliced white mushrooms
21/2 cups sliced wild mushrooms (such as chanterelles or shiitakes)
1 large onion, diced
11/2 Granny Smith apples, diced (peeling is not necessary)
4 stalks celery, diced
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/2 teaspoon dried sage
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
8 cups seasoned stuffing mix or dry cubed bread
1 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup raisins
11/2 cups vegetable broth

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt butter over medium heat in a large saucepan or stockpot and add olive oil.

Add mushrooms, onion, apples, celery, garlic, marjoram, basil, sage, poultry seasoning, salt and pepper. Saute for 10 minutes, stirring to blend. Add stuffing mix or cubed bread, walnuts and raisins, and stir to blend. Gradually stir in vegetable broth to moisten all ingredients. Remove from heat and pour into an ovenproof baking dish. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes.

If using this recipe for stuffed butternut squash or Not-Turkey Roast, remove amount needed before baking, as both recipes require unbaked stuffing.
18:53 / 22.12.04
Thanks both of you!

I'm shit at cooking, but I told mono of the vegan brandy truffles earlier and her eyes lit up, so I'll see if buying the ingredients works as a convincing tool...
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:56 / 22.12.04
Oh, and I think this makes loads, enough for stuffing something and baking a load as well, so you might not need so much, depending on what yr doing with it!
19:18 / 22.12.04
Vodka martinis for breakfast.
20:51 / 23.12.04
Maybe it's the alocholic in me, but I LOVE the English tradition of "nipping down the pub" on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Such a habit is really only for those with no loved ones other than the local bartender in the states (in general), and anyone who's ever gone to the bar on Christmas in the states knows it can be a gloomy affair. But here in England, a festive atmosphere pervade, and everyone's in the pub . In London I like finishing up my Christmas shopping at Burough Market and then heading into the Market Porter for a pint or two.

Other Christmas traditions: watching all my favorite Christmas movies - I've now made it through ALL of them except "Scrooged" and "It's A Wonderful Life" - and breaking out the Christmas tunes and singing at the top of my lungs.

Cheesy I know, but I don't care.

Spending all day in my pajamas and yes, the boozy breakfast are also favorites.
20:59 / 23.12.04
I have no plans at all but I do have lots and lots of booze and I'm off until Thursday so I imagine it'll be a mix and drunkness and hangovers, fun and depression and really bad TV....

I'll probably stick to my cheese pizza tradition.
21:15 / 23.12.04
I like drinking from the moment I wake up and not feeling like an alcoholic for doing it. Actually, I like the fact that I can get pissed from Christmas day right upto new year and not feel like an alcoholic for doing it.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:33 / 23.12.04
Spending all day in my pajamas

Yes! Mme Cherie speaks the truth.


spending all day in my pajamas, tippling.
modern maenad
10:35 / 24.12.04
hmmme - I sense I may be detecting a theme.....anyone else noticed it....??
11:16 / 24.12.04
Booze. After all nothing celebrates the birth of our lord Jesus like getting liquored up.
My one and only christmas ritual is going down to a particular pub in my home town and seeing all the people I grew up with. I've been going to the same pub for the past 5 years and getting absolutely wrecked each time. I'm not sure what that says about me, but there you go.
20:02 / 24.12.04
Yeah. It's all about the drinkies.
Knowing I was going out on the piss this afternoon, I purposefully left my flat this morning to buy some food so I didn't get too hammered too early.
Then I bumped into a friend of mine who works in the local cemetery (and who has also been charged with the task of burying Biscuits the dog's ashes as and when I can finally force myself to say goodbye to them) and, of course, conversation quickly turned to "got time for a Christmas pint, then?"
There's ALWAYS time for a Christmas pint.
Especially at Christmas.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
14:17 / 25.12.04
I have always made it to the movie theater for at least one movie, and usually two if I have the time. Then it's off to a nice Chinese buffet to have the tradtional feast.
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