This is the first Christmas that Xoc and me are both in London, not committed to one or other parental hellhole, and I'm not working or on-call. We consequently find ourselves at something of a loss for stuff to, y'know, do. Okay, there's the champagne breakfast, the pressie-opening and we've booked a seven-course lunch in a looovely restaurant.
I'm kinda wondering about later on. It's a Saturday, so we'll doubtless be gripped by a deep, circadian urge to dance - but I'm pretty sure that London, as an entity, shuts down on Christmas Day, sinks into a Bagpuss-like slumber. One previous year (when I was on-call and horribly sober) we decided to go for a walk, and the whole place was weirdly empty. Silent and grey.
Anyone know of fabulous places to fritter one's cash on Christmas Day, in the City That Sometimes Sleeps? |