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Christmas Without Barbelith!

Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
10:21 / 19.12.04
I'm going to be at my father's house for the next week, and doubt that I'll have a lot of time on the internet. I need to know what I'll miss when I'm not here.

I'll be without my semi-regular Barbe-fix, so give me an overdose now. Is anybody going to put up some really cool pictures, only to take them down before I get back? Are there going to be any cool threads that I'm going to regret missing out on ("growing out your fingernails to extreme lengths: why not?")? Do any celebrities show up for the holiday and give out their home addresses?
22:10 / 19.12.04
We all have pie when you're not here.
22:20 / 19.12.04
Deep-fried Scotch pies for preference. Like Minnie the Minx used to drool over. Mmm... pie.
23:37 / 19.12.04
And Mr. Morrison comes by and tells us all how swell we are. And he buys th rounds. He starts dancing on the table after his third tequila sunrise.
00:14 / 20.12.04
...and hundreds of people barbecrush you, only for the thread to curiously fall over and lose all the posts so when you come back you'll never know that they did, or indeed who did.

And we might have an online party without you and all drink mulled wine and eat mince pies in a 'Three, Two, One, GO!' moment and you'll never know or be part of it.

Not to make you feel bad or anything. You know.
00:22 / 20.12.04
Did we mention the figgy pudding yet?
00:27 / 20.12.04
Only we have a secret online one which we are sharing specifically with the people who are here at Christmas. Which, sadly is not you, so you won't be able to join in.

Feel like you been ousted from the gang yet?

Still not trying to make you feel bad or anything. You know. Bwhahahaha...
07:20 / 20.12.04
But if you BRING us some figgy pudding, and a cup of good cheer, when you return--fresh, mind, none of that 3-day old crap that your snot-nosed relatives have been sticking their fingers in when we're not looking--with brandy laced hard sauce, we might consider not coming by your house when you return and carol stalking you!
19:13 / 20.12.04
Only "might", mind.
23:44 / 20.12.04
We're also going to start a new thread called "Sean the frumious Bandersnatch has gone! Bwahaha!".

Every time you open it, it bangs like a galactic cracker the like of which you've never heard and an assortment of wonderful pictures, jokes and irreverent chat will fall out, where we all share addresses to send each other lovely expensive gifts. Instead of the usual Convo two-tone blue, it'll be a multicoloured wonder, cycling and shimmering with all the colours of the Barbelith Rainbow. Whenever you look at it, you can't help but get that lovely well-fed and cosy red-wine glow, feeling great about the world and everything in it.

But just before you get back, we're going to revive as many dead threads as possible, forcing it to sink to the deep, uncharted depths of the Convo where not even the search function can find it. Its colour will bleed and soon it will be lost, never to be seen again. A lifeless husk. A broken shadow of its former glory.

Sorry, but them's the breaks.
05:11 / 21.12.04
(whispers) Has he gone yet? It's just that I've got this really mental pie that I'm desparate to share with you all. (/whispers)
05:19 / 21.12.04
a mental pie HA! -- you know stoatie if you don't turn out to be a sort of composite of every character from the young ones I'll be so disappointed
05:32 / 21.12.04
Hmmm... people have suggested such before...
05:34 / 21.12.04
The Young Ones, that was so amazingly funny.

Shit, for the first time ever I could actually say : they don't make them like they used to. Oh my Goddess.

When you've gone, there's going to be a gif put on the top of each forum page of Tom in a Santa outfit running from one end to the other and back again, with a big sack of presents. At 11pm each night he'll glug ten pints and fall over, just to sit there with stars swirling around his head until 6am, when he'll get up and resume the running back and forth again.

Only to disappear as soon as you come back, obviously.......
05:41 / 21.12.04
That's not a gif, Vahku. It's a live webcam feed.
07:20 / 21.12.04
And that's ten pints of paint thinner.
16:54 / 21.12.04
And those are starfish. Festive chocolate ones.
18:26 / 21.12.04
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