We're also going to start a new thread called "Sean the frumious Bandersnatch has gone! Bwahaha!".
Every time you open it, it bangs like a galactic cracker the like of which you've never heard and an assortment of wonderful pictures, jokes and irreverent chat will fall out, where we all share addresses to send each other lovely expensive gifts. Instead of the usual Convo two-tone blue, it'll be a multicoloured wonder, cycling and shimmering with all the colours of the Barbelith Rainbow. Whenever you look at it, you can't help but get that lovely well-fed and cosy red-wine glow, feeling great about the world and everything in it.
But just before you get back, we're going to revive as many dead threads as possible, forcing it to sink to the deep, uncharted depths of the Convo where not even the search function can find it. Its colour will bleed and soon it will be lost, never to be seen again. A lifeless husk. A broken shadow of its former glory.
Sorry, but them's the breaks. |