I will second crushes on JCM, Pink & Sarah Silverman. I don't know if I crush on King *sigh* Bill *sigh*, but I'd give just about anything if he were still with us.
I spent entirely too long putting together a post for this thread last night, only to have it disappear up the Devil's backend when I hit 'post'. Nevermind. I will now post my inadvisable crushes from most understandable to least. Yes, this will likely get sordid.

I don't care if more of her movies are shit than not, I don't care if she's a serial monogamist on a scale giving J-Lo a run for her money, and I don't care if she's seeing Sean Lennon, she'll always be my goddess and I love her

New Jersey's one saving grace, though if she's gone Scientologist I say we need an intervention before she goes the Kirstie Alley route

I didn't originally have her on here, but thinking about my favorite redheads usually brings her in a close second; add that she bears a strong resemblance to an ex-gf and you see method to my madness

I don't know, at some point I was just fascinated by him, those eyes, those lips... drool... anyway, that's subsided since he left the Yanks

Older than she looks, I fully expect to see a legality countdown clock for her appear online any day now (yes, this one counts as both scary and foolish, at the least)

Look, I'm a lonely man, all right?!? (Actually, I think Caleigh can back me up on this one)

Utterly fetishistic holdover from when I was 7; I am neither a furry or an Otherkin, but c'mon, look at that neck and those bedroom eyes!
Yeah, that's enough self-humiliation for one day. Plenty more where those came from.
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