If that date comes to pass you ought to film it for posterity, or at very least Pay-Per-View.
I love the film oodles, but in its transition from stage to screen what I thought was its greatest shade of meaning was lost, in that it would seem to be implied from the play that Hedwig and Tommy Gnosis are in fact one and the same being. The whole union of souls into a single, complete being is the reconciliation of anima and animus into a balanced, fully-realized entity. The epiphany is that Hedwig has been looking for completion from without for so long when what s/he needed was to love hirself. Hir hostility to Yitzhak isn't really at Yitzhak; it's at hirself, of which Yitzhak is just an inverted reflection.
Qalyn, do you have the DVD? I love the cut scenes with Andrea Martin's internally-implanted cell phone, which of course fucks up and she can't turn it off.
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