Cleverness is Ocean's gasoline.
I loved the first one and I felt this one started up where this one left off... but like you, i liked the first one better.
Eleven was about the recruitment of eleven "strangers" to pull off a heist and succeed at winning the girl. Bing Bang Boom. Solid.
Twelve was about the same guys, now friends, trying to do it all AGAIN. It lacked the freshness and awkwardness, and things didn't click together.
And I should've known the movie was gonna be shit when Catherine Zeta Jones muscled her way in to be the NEW FEMALE LEAD. Ugh. Anyone wish they would've gotten someone, ANYone else?
Still, much fun was had, and they did nothing but ADD to the magnitude of star power. They got EVERYBODY back. The casino thugs, the casino gen manager, the paid-off biker guy. Eddie Izzard was brilliant, yet I never recognize him at first. Bruce Willis as himself was great, and a great "addition" to the 11. Albert Finney was almost predictable. But my favorite cameo was most definitely Cherry Jones. I can't wait to meet Linus' father in Ocean's Thirteen.
I wish we'd had more Andy Garcia. He was seething brilliance as the enemy. Vincent Cassel, though brilliant as a breakdancer, wasn't quite the bitch I wanted to see them beat. |