quote:Originally posted by pacha mama:
I'm sorry, godog, is this too confusing?
No, not at all, and I even know in an experiential sense what you are saying. I had my intuition speak to me on an occasion where I did not listen, and then I ended up having a big hassle with the police. I wonder if, as we pursue a magickal-mystical path, if we (perhaps unwittingly) fuse our ego with this One? Thus, it becomes not a denial of Selfhood, but a deeper and broader revelation of what Selfhood is.
quote:Originally posted by grant:I think there is some sort of ultimate reality, but that its existence is so tied into our perceptions that we'd have to no longer exist as ourselves to really apprehend it.
YES!!!I think we would have to come to identify with the ultimate reality (UR); that is become it. However, I think this is a difficult thing to accomplish because it seems to imply forsaking any sort of comprehensible (from our meager human perspective) existence. I mean, the UR has to be all things and yet nothing (in the sense that it is at one and the same time entirely static in an "eternal" sense, but also, entirely dynamic in an "infinite" potential, or "becoming" sense).
Thanks for the clarifying. I too tend to think that we interpret time (and the spatial extension of events in time) as an A leads to be leads to C type progression, but that this is not in reality the way things are. With a nonlinear conception of time, we could think that the light coming on is what caused to flip the switch. Even more serious (as you hint at) is that we can not keep up with the intricate web of being where the death of a star hundreds of light years away and occurring right now maybe affecting the strokes I make on this keyboard (via, the words being chosen). This feeds back into the above "dynamic-static" paradox, and also into the "personal Ego-divine Will" unification now brought in by pacha mama's post.
"And so it goes" 'round and 'round, it is enough to make ya' dizzy! 
quote:Originally posted by Wyrd:It can be boiled down to a very old adage:
As above, so below.
We could get into fractals, but I'm not a mathematics freak I'm afraid.
Indeed! It's the whole "microcosom-macrocosom" unity, as well, from, "as above, so below" it is easy to derive "as within, so without."
(BTW: I am a bit of a math freak, and recently wrote a paper called, "The Fractal Structure of the Dispositional Universe." It uses a modern metaphysical theory of dispositions put forth by the philosopher Charlie Martin to assert that the underlying structure of the universe is (like the title suggests) a fractal. I was lucky enough to be able to attend his final seminar class before his retirement. His theory of dispositions is very interesting, and I think can bring things like science, magick, religion, etc, into an increasing harmony.)
quote:Originally posted by Wyrd:
What it means to me that that separatedness is an illusion, we all are interconnected...I hold myself responsible for my actions, and do my best to affect the best path for myself, and for others.
HELL YES!, because under this view there is no "self-other" dichotomy. However, it does make me wonder why there is so much suffering in the world? Are the "shadow" traits of the Self so alien (in the sense of being not yet integrated) to us that they wreak havoc through the manifestations of sombunal of the apparent "others."
quote:Originally posted by Wyrd:
When you realise that you are part of a web of connections, then it's a matter of learning how to read those patterns and to shape them occordingly - though, there are always unexpected changes due to the rest of the world operating on the same web.
I had a friend who was "witchy" (he has since become a Xtian, so maybe that is it's own explanation of the following) who used to say that he recognized the pattern, but could not pin down the meaning. Another philosopher friend of mine agrees that there is a connection between, say, the way that the ice melts in a bucket, and the events taking place in hospital three miles away, but he is not convinced that there is a rule-book which is not changing from moment to moment to describe the connection.
So, is the symbology of the occult a way to try to pin down the rules of the book? That is to say, by agreeing (as we do in language) that certain symbols carry certain sense-references do we manifest those very things? Yet this seems to imply the that subjectivity is the true reality, which I think misses the mark...
'round and 'round, no wonder insanity is always lurking on the horizon.
[ 06-08-2001: Message edited by: the godog ] |