I'm very close to finishing a 52-week course in hoodoo (taught by cat yronwode from luckymojo.com). The course has been wonderful, not just for the content, but also for the structure it offered to my usually flighty, dabble-prone self. It helped me focus on a single (albeit broad) magical system for a whole year and consequently I have gotten deeper into actually doing hoodoo than any previous magical thingy I've played about with.
Now that class is almost over, and hoodoo is pretty firmly established in my life, I'm thinking about setting myself on another more-or-less structured path for a while. The idea would not be to leave hoodoo behind and start over, but just to add further to my practice by concentrating on something else for a while. Then, afterwards, my personal knowledge base will be an alloy of hoodoo and ________. And so on the next year, or whatever.
Problem is, I'm not sure what to go for. There are a lot of things I'm interested in, but nothing is jumping at me in particular and saying "now!"
Ideas? In the absence of a formal class in something new, I'd be happy with a course of study or reading list. What have you studied that really did it for you? What would you dive into right now if you weren't so busy getting on with what you're already doing?
~Lepidopteran |