If I hadn't watched it right after reading the third collection of Planetary, I probably'd never have noticed. But I did, and I did notice, too.
Is it me, or does the doctor in the Japanese film, 'Gemini' (and his disturbed identical twin, I believe) dress as points, very, very similar to Snow's kit in the issue where he kicks in Dracula's crotch and begins his training with Holmes? Even the haircut seems identical. Snow has eyebrows, though, which is a good defense of creative dissimilarity.
Perhaps they're both a reference to something I'm unfamiliar with? White suits of that cut and that particular hairstyle more prevalent than I have ever noticed?
Or, did Snow, on top of killing a monster with it's arm, shooting Batman's parents, and taking The Drummer outside without a leash, actually go to a plague zone, and kill a doctor for his clothes and hairstyle?
Also, while I'm at it, does the concept of Ellis' upcoming Western iss, scare anyone else as much as it does me? |