I love the Internet, despite the dangers of viruses, hackers, &c, &c. Although I don't believe in saints the way they do, I think it's pretty cool that the Orthodox Catholic church is looking for a patron saint for the Internet.
Hopefully someone out there understands Catholicism better than I do and could explain the following quote for me. I got it from this BBC article.
"If we get a patron saint for the Internet," said Father Andrey, "the next logical step will be to formulate a prayer to deal with viruses."
Does Father Andrey mean that they want to make a prayer for cleaning up viruses? a prayer that prevents computer-viral infection? Or maybe he means they want to formulate a prayer to mitigate the effects of Post Computer-Viral Syndrome (PCVS), thus reducing PCVS related suicides and lessening the incidences of PCVS caused child-abuse. It is my understanding that if we pray to get a virus fixed, God is more likely to answer us by having us discover anti-virus software or find someone who knows how to help us with it. Perhaps they'll formulate a prayer that will lead people to discover an affiliated anti-virus software company? If so, then what was the point of coming up with a patron saint? |