cuisinaire rods! wow, memories of a happy kindergarten in sydney, with a large lawn/dirt area under a couple of huge eucalypts (though if i went back now i'm all tall it'd be a small sqaure of dirt under a couple saplings!)... and spirograph on summer holidays, yeah!
but i distinctly recall counting from age 4 on, for a couple years at least, by visualising the colour and length of the number.
it didn't quite stick though, i don't do it anymore [i use the times tables] but this was a way of trying to induce synesthesia in kids: with a short term result in me; but i wonder if the other thread - in headshop? - has discussed this...
good toys are great! i also remember some pretty funky science kits that had chemicals and you could do experiments and stuff. that was great - don't recall the brand, but there were microscope kits and mecano-kinda kits and chemical kits and rocks and minerals kits and probably three or four more lines of science i'm forgetting about. great stuff! |