Hello Barbefriends. Is that title ever a contradiction, or what?
I need some advice with helping a real life friend whom I love and care for very much. It pains me though, to be friends with her because she is in such a bad situation with her family life that it is actually killing her. She is very ill woman who gets no respect from her kids or husband. Her eldest daughter who is 16 and doesn't go to school and does not work, or even look for work, has also moved her boyfriend in who is of the same uneducated, jobless status. Of course, they are both unable to pay room and board and do nothing in the way of chores to help out. My friend is left to clean up after them both and support them, with very little help from her husband even.
Although the husband does work, he does not even give her pocket money. However, he expects, dinner, laundry, house cleaning, grocery shopping, banking, child-rearing, etc...all to be done without his having to lift a finger. Plus, she holds down a full time job at my work, even though she is plagued with constant pain. I am unsure if he physically abuses her, but I know for sure he does financially and psychologically as he gives her a hassle if she comes home without enough money. Still, she remains with him and stays completely faithful to him.
Her youngest child is also very ill, and too young really to be held accountable for anything other than the cleaning up of her room. Both my friend's ongoing medication, and her child's can get terribly expensive, even with Canada's medical coverage.
My friend's health is failing, and she is heading for a depression, maybe even a breakdown. She cries all the time, and in the past little while, I have been trying to come up with some solutions for her. Everything I suggest is like a brick wall. (You know the type?) Yet, I feel compelled to help her because, well, I know she is a kind a loving person being beaten down by circumstances. It is just abusive, her situation, and frustrating for me to watch without helping her. I don't have all the pieces of the story, but I know it can't be very good if she feels she needs to hide it.
I want to help her, but I am at a loss. As I said, she has an excuse why everything I suggest is not going to work, and if she cannot think of something (it seems to me) she just tells me that I do not understand, and that I don't know her whole situation. This is true, but still, there must be a solution. I have even offered her my place as refuge while her family gets their act together. She didn't take it. I think there is a certain comfortability she has in her suffering, as she has done this for so long. Her father also used to abuse her, physically, till she was black and blue and passed out. Also, it seems like everyone pisses on her, not actually of course, but people give her very little respect. I told her she has to show people how she wants to be treated herself, but it is lost advice.
Unfortunately, in my quest to try and save my friend, and beating myself against her walls with my advice and offers of help, I gave a wall back to her. I told her, (Oh gawd, I feel terrible) "If you are not going to do anything to change your situation, or even try one of my suggestions, then I do not want to hear you complain to me anymore about your life anymore." She freaked. I am one of the few people she can turn to, and I just turned on her in my frustration. I just wanted her to wake up and take charge of her life, I would be right beside her to help her. I want good things for her. She hung up the phone on me and now I am not sure where she is, or what she might do. I am hoping to see her at work tonight, but I think she might skip it. I have left a message with a mutual friend of ours to tell her I am sorry, and that I love her and want her to be happy, and please call me.
So, here I am. I am at a loss, utterly powerless to help her, and I may have pushed her off the edge myself. Maybe I should have just listened. Maybe I should have just given her numbers to call, referred her to women's help centres...kept my mouth shut. I feel like the worst friend ever, and all I wanted was for her to get the love and happiness I know she deserves. I just wish she knew she deserved it too.
I am sure Iam not the only one who has had one of these "lost cause" types for a friend. What do I do here? I care for her, so much. |