Perhaps your imagination and subconcious work together to a play a critical role in which of the many worlds we can select.
To offer an example : Let's assume that every book you've ever read, every possibility you've digested, and every conversation you ever had is recorded in an ostensibly inaccessible portion of your subconcious mind.
Let's suppose that sigils work with a combination of effects :
a ) Your mind (imagination) selects the easiest causal root for a chain of coincidence to utilize in order to to a reach a desired goal. All the variables (so-and-so has my resume, so-and-so might appeal to such-and-such way of phrasing a skill, party a may have just been promoted leaving a vacancy in slot b, and so on) are calculated, and the result is fed into your subconcious.
b ) Your concious mind 'feeds' the data it has so far to your subconcious mind. Your mind (subconcious) then strives to fill in the blanks by identifying possibilities in the myopic details your concious mind does not "remember" in order to select the most-likely world to acheive the desired result.
c ) A neuron is adjusted in your concious mind, since the most likely particle to trigger the desired result has been found, and your behaviours are slightly altered. The ripple effect ensues.
Over the course of this process, you have branched down numerous possible worlds, and found yourself on a path more likely to acheive the desired result.
Which leads to :
d ) You now exist in a world with a higher probability (the measure of how much more likely is a tricky thing) of yielding the aforementioned result.
In this cosmology, the primary purpose of utilizing a sigil lies in tricking your mind into avoiding negative thoughts and pitfalls which might derail this process and lead you to select path less likely or just as likely to acheive the desired result.
So, let's suppose a pheonomenon like spontaneous energy release (light) or telekinesis is in fact quite possible. The rub then lies in the fact that our minds - subconcious and concious combined -are unlikely to contain all of the variables necessary to choose a path with an acceptable likelihood of resulting in a miraculous occurance. The only antidotes to this situation, then, are both quite difficult to master. We either amass such a massive storehouse of scientific knowledge that we understand, somewhere in our minds, the particle-by-particle interactions necessary to acheive a [miraculous] result, and the coincidental (but most likely to occur) event necessary to begin the chain reaction in the first place, or we have such intense pure faith that there are literally no inhibitions or 'blocking' thoughts, and the ripple therefore automatically travels on so many tracks that it becomes unlikely that the possibilities released won't trigger the result. (In other words, you choose worlds not based on small collections of differences pertaining to your chain reaction, but rather, worlds with the largest amount of differences, in hopes that somewhere in there lies the most critical collection of variables.)
It is my position that humanity has in fact obtained the levels of faith necessary to trigger miraculous occurances, but has never amassed the knowledge necessary to manage the variable interactions. Since that amount of faith is generally the result of an extremely devoted or entirely un-critical mind, it only happens in the events of certain religious zealots or perhaps Taoists who have succeeded in mastering the art of emptying their minds of doubts - and just about all else, to boot. As a result, it's a rare cookie, indeed - and can easily be thrown off by something as seemingly trivial as the presence of non-believers ; who act as proximity 'blockers' for your ripple effect.
Basically, it's not that magick can't create these things - it's that we haven't gotten that far with it yet. However, since the advent of Chaos Magick, I find magicians have become more likely to amass scientific knowledge parellel to their magick theory. As a result, we may be on an accelerated track towards reaching this level of capability.
As circumstantial evidence for the 'blockers' and 'faith' concepts, I would cite the numerous incidents of miraculous group hallucinations under the influence of large amounts of LSD-25 and/or Psilocybin. It's possible that some of these incidents are in fact not hallucinations, and it is probable that these psychoactive substances serve to generate 'artifical pure faith' - which is troubling, as that can serve to interact both with hallucinegenic reality and consensus reality, thereby making it difficult to sift your results. The likelihood of these miraculous 'shared hallucinations' occured, as I'm sure many have observed, is less when there's a sober (and somber) individual present.
It's also possible that there is no objectifiable difference between hallucinegenic realities and consensus realities - particurally for one in that state of mind - and that the whole bit about having your third eye opened pertains to learning the habit of not seperating the two.
Myself, I think it'd be better to go the path of digesting enough information to manage the variables, as I think that it may well be difficult to predict the 'fallout' of the 'nuclear-bomb' effect that ensues when you've triggered than many causal chains, hoping that one comes out right.
Or, at least, that's what I think I think... |