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Kilroy covered in shit

19:50 / 06.12.04
I can't believe nobody's posted this yet, but here goes...

Protester dumps bucket of brown stuff over bright orange Nazi

(One of the tabloids had pictures today, but I haven't been able to find them online. If anyone does, can they post them here, cos I NEED them on my blog. And Barbelith NEEDS them.)

Euro MP Robert Kilroy-Silk has had a bucket of farm slurry thrown over him by a protester in Manchester.

The UK Independence Party member was arriving for a BBC radio show when the attacker emerged from behind a bush.

Fellow guest Ruth Kelly MP was also hit by the slurry. Mr Kilroy-Silk said the man, who later disappeared, claimed he was "doing it in the name of Islam".

In January, Mr Kilroy-Silk quit his BBC One show for remarks he made about Arabs, who he called "suicide bombers".

Mr Kilroy-Silk had already been taken off air by BBC bosses for the comments, in which he also described Arabs as "limb-amputators, women repressors".


The programme's host, Jonathan Dimbleby, later told the audience the MEP had been covered from "head to toe".

Mr Kilroy-Silk was still able appear to appear on the show after being loaned a change of clothes.

I missed Any Questions- the show he was on his way to- this week (having turned it off in a hissy fit last time after hearing Blunkett saying he wished people would stop talking about Iraq... well, they've certainly done that now, haven't they, Blunkyboy?) but apparently he was heckled, and the incident "was brought up". (Slow connection makes listening to it from the BBC website a bit tricky, unfortunately.)

Kilroy. Covered in shit. Perhaps this should go in the "Do you believe in God?" thread, cos I certainly do now.
19:55 / 06.12.04
Oh God, that's great. Jesus, christ, someone post the Kilroy bonkers video. Justice overloaddddd.
20:16 / 06.12.04
I like how he turned it into a thing about Muslims. Although, it I was going to throw sewage at Kilroy, I'd definitely shout "I THROW THESE TURDS AT THE GREAT ORANGE SATAN KILROY IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE ALL-MERCIFUL, THE ALL-COMPASSIONATE!"
20:22 / 06.12.04
It wasn't QT - it was Any Questions - which is streamed over the web and still available on the radio 4 website though I have to warn you you don't get to hear it on air - the fun bit is when the bloke who loaned Kilroy some new kecks disagreed with him...
20:23 / 06.12.04
Hmm. I think I'd probably leave religion out of it... I'd probably go with something more along the lines of "OI! KILROY YOU FACKIN NAZI CAAAAAAHHHHHNNNNTTT!!!"

Either way, 'sfunny. I've been having an awful weekend and this has really kept me going.

Thank you, as-yet-anonymous shit-chucking bloke. If they bust you, rest assured, I'm more than willing to chip in for bail.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:24 / 06.12.04
I actually hear him gibbering over teh intarnet riaido (Lurid is hooked on this crap) for about 5 minutes afterward the shit dunking. Had to go outside for a bit so didn't catch the show; sadly, from what I did hear, being doused in slurry has made this emotionally challenged permatanned fuckwallet feel all vindicated.
20:24 / 06.12.04
sleaze- I realised that just as I hit post. I don't think any other mods are around at the moment, unfortunately, so my correction hasn't yet happened.

But yes, it was Any Questions.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:32 / 06.12.04
I hate to say it, because there is a large chunk of my being that is standing up and cheering "YEEEERRRRRS!" and waving streamers and blowing an airhorn ect., but I must reluctantly come out against dousing people in slurry, even if they are Kilroy. If it's okay for Kilroy to get slurried, what if (just as a for example) the Countyside Alliance get similar ideas?
20:38 / 06.12.04
Well, they chucked eggs at Prezzer. And he punched the guy.

Seriously, I get what you're saying, but I imagine, morons though they may be, the Countryside Alliance have probably already thought of it. I don't think it's like someone's unlocked a secret box with "direct action" in it which was previously only available to a select few. That particular bunch of retards have already threatened many worse things than a bucket of poo.

Hmm. How much would I get my head kicked in if I attempted to start a Head Shop thread called "When Is Chucking Shit An Acceptable Method Of Political Change?"
Goodness Gracious Meme
20:42 / 06.12.04
Stoatie: I think I love you.

*lights cigarette*

21:25 / 06.12.04
I can't be the only one who's thinking "Alan Partridge gets cow dumped on him" here, can I?
William Sack
09:21 / 07.12.04

Stoatie, allow me to make your day even better.
09:39 / 07.12.04
Myabe we should moderate every single post in the "Gives me a Happy" thread to say "Kilroy got covered in shit"...
09:44 / 07.12.04
Oh, and just to cap it off:

Kilroy really isn't happy about this website.
Hattie's Kitchen
10:05 / 07.12.04
Oh. My. God.

That's just given me the biggest happy EVER.
10:52 / 07.12.04
Maybe Kilroy should take a look at Christians and see the problems that their book has, and decide if he wants to lump the whole of the white race in with the worst of the Chrissy fundies.

THEN he might relax a bit and see that a load of shit was pretty fitting karma. If I was him I wouldn't be after finding the shit-slinger and pressing charges, I'd be thinking deeply and still apologising.

The universal soul decided that you be covered in shit Kilroy, now's ya chance to work out exactly why. I don't think he's really thought about what he said enough. If he had of thought about it enough, maybe the shit-slinger would have been stopped before he reached his destination.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:04 / 07.12.04
Dear Conversation Mods:

please don't delete CJ's double post, I need to see that image as many times as possible.
William Sack
13:57 / 07.12.04
I actually did put in an edit request but pointed out that as it was a photo of Kilroy covered in shit I wasn't too bothered if the double post stayed.

By a curious coincidence I was thinking of a tune from the musical Oklahoma only yesterday. The words can be adapted:-

Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry
When I take you out with some slurry,
When I take you out with some slurry with the fringe on top
14:23 / 07.12.04
Or, on a perfect world, with the *fridge* on top.
14:59 / 07.12.04
Oops. I just put through the doppel delete request cause I didn't get this far down in the thread. Um... well, hopefully someone else will veto.
18:38 / 07.12.04
Ah, what a day to casually come onto 'lith. This thread is truly joy in the shape of a bucket of cow turd.
Brigade du jour
19:25 / 07.12.04
"Head to toe" ... "head to toe" ... "head to toe" ...

I think I feel a poem coming on.
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