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17:40 / 06.12.04
A friend of mine bought me a Robosapien for my birthday. It's cool- it's like a little robot that you can program to do stuff.
Basically, it's like Big Trak (which my parents, bless 'em, steadfastly refused to buy me when I was a kid) on legs, but way cooler. (Apparently it's the toy mothers are gonna be skinning each other alive for in toy shops in the run-up to Christmas).
It dances and stuff! And it says "Rosebud" when you turn it off, which is even geekier!!!
With a few million of these I could conquer the world.

Anyone else got one, cause mine wants a FIGHT!!!

...or should I just get out more?
17:49 / 06.12.04
No! You should stay IN more and look after your new bot! Ha, that sounds like such a cool thing to have Stoat. Do we get pics?
17:51 / 06.12.04
I'll dress it up funny and get someone to bring a camera over specially for you. Actually, that'd be kind of cool...
18:03 / 06.12.04
Nice one! That sounds like an awesome idea.
haus of fraser
18:10 / 06.12.04
get pics of the stoatbot!
Haus of Mystery
18:21 / 06.12.04
Does it look like this?

Bed Head
18:29 / 06.12.04
Silly MacGyver! Surely it’s more like this:

Dress it up like a badger, Stoatie. Robots like that kind of thing.
19:12 / 06.12.04
I saw these in Woolworths the other day and I must admit, I was tempted. They're 70 quid or something but I never had a Bigtrak.

I'll fight yours if I get one.
19:16 / 06.12.04

(I wonder how many personal traumas can be summed up in the simple phrase "I never had a Big Trak"? Lots, I'm guessing.)
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:41 / 06.12.04
*Waits round the corner so's to beat up Stoatie and nick his toys*
06:01 / 07.12.04
My cousins had a Big Trak, but I did not. Dammit.

Then a good friend in elementary school had the Omnibot. I do not know if I felt love before that day. But I never had an Omnibot of my own. GODdammit.

Now there's one more thing I'll likely never have. That's OK. When the REAL robots come around you'll all have wasted your hard earned cash on these dinky plastic pretenders, whereas I will have saved my pennies for a fucking ED-209 to chickenwalk in my yard.

Lilly Nowhere Late
06:27 / 07.12.04
just in case you were tempted, dear Stoatie, please do not get one for Frankie for x-mis. Unless it can be programmed to do the hoovering. In that case, get her two. I can imagine you thinking that if Frankie has one, you can have that bot-match you're craving. I'd like to point out that there's a little girl by my side still dreaming of the day when "Uncle Stoatie comes to play pirates."
mondo a-go-go
16:39 / 08.12.04

Lily, that sounds so saaaad.
22:19 / 08.12.04
I feel awful now.

I promise I'll be there with a yo-ho-ho before Christmas. And I'll bring the robot. She'll LOVE the dancing.
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