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The Late Shift: Black Label


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23:18 / 06.12.04
I'm sure Barbelith just went all flowery, but I think I might have just imagined it.
23:24 / 06.12.04
No, it did. Kind of freaked me out a bit.

Sally- thank you!
23:34 / 06.12.04
You should take some extra-strength Lemsip, Stoatie. Judging from the advert, you'll not only be asserting yourself manfully over your boss in record time and gleefully trampling work/personal boundaries, but you'll be doing so in a hideous baby-blue sweater.

Evening all, BTW. Off to bed now.
23:37 / 06.12.04
Hi, Ganesh!
Goodnight, Ganesh!

'Oo's still there then, ey? EY???

(I think people may have been frightened off by the flowery inability to get onto Barbelith thingy you mentioned, Suedey. I nearly was. It was only my inherent shitness at Hitman:Contracts that brought me back here.)
autopilot disengaged
23:45 / 06.12.04
i'm here.

hardly back in orbit, but more than a completely random cosmic object. i hear you tied la knot, stoatie, congrats. i think mono came to our club once, and righteously impressed us with her dancing...
23:48 / 06.12.04
Bloody hell!

Hey, auto! It's been a while!

Cheers! How've you been?
autopilot disengaged
23:49 / 06.12.04
busy, in a mostly good way.

yrself? everyone seems to have changed their name i have no frigging idea who's who anymore. it's dark and i'm frightened.
23:55 / 06.12.04
Shoulda been here a few months back- everyone was "bush loses". Didn't work, obviously.

Hmm. Wedding aside, a pretty shit year, all told- my dog died, which still sucks in a major way months later. BUT I've been cutting back seriously on the booze- although right now's a bad example!

But hey. Kilroy got a bucket of shit thrown over him. That's gotta be worth something, at least!
Bed Head
23:58 / 06.12.04
Fie. A bucket of jaggedy rocks would have been better.
00:00 / 07.12.04
Well, yeah. And a bucket of jaggedy rocks stuffed up his Morgan Stanley would have been better than chucked over his head. But still, y'know? And hey! Don't get sad... there's still room for escalation!!!
autopilot disengaged
00:05 / 07.12.04
sorry to hear about yr dog, stoatie. i remember how attached you were. sux. no consolation, or even diversion, but get this: my mum was in the actual taxi that ran over her own cat. i mean, what are the odds...?

i imagine the barb wd have been pretty lively around the election. may dig out some of the threads. may start something up in music. don't expect to be a full-time poster, but i have missed the level of debate artound this place.

always thought it's the closest we're gonna get (or deserve) to a salon.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:06 / 07.12.04
'evenin' all.

how goes.

Auto - are you still there? I need my Pat Califia back for something I'm working on...
00:13 / 07.12.04
Hey, GGM!

auto- yeah, the election was fairly bonkers on here. Just bear in mind when reading the threads, though- you know how it ends. And it's not good. (Actually, just out of interest, I went back and reread the 9/11 threads the other day, right from the first "a plane's just hit the WTC" post. Made very interesting reading, in retrospect, vis a vis people's assumptions/predictions/fears.
Bed Head
00:14 / 07.12.04
Stoat - I like that his response was to then go on the radio and Lose It Completely in front of everyone. He talks pretty much the same amount of rubbish with or without his aura of smugness, but less people seem to fall for it when he’s gibbering like something from a zoo. Which is nice. The heckling was *joy*.

Hello Meme, hello before-my-timer. Salon - I like that.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:16 / 07.12.04
It does dignify us rather. (misleadingly?)

Stoat! heloooo!
Bed Head
00:18 / 07.12.04
Are there still 9/11 threads around? I didn’t know this particular barb went that far back. A while ago I went a-searching for anything on the 2001 fuel crisis, and didn’t turn up *anything*. Although I was still using the old search function then. Hm. Was it discussed in any depth, do you happen to remember? I might look again, I'd quite like to know what Barbelith thought.
Bed Head
00:19 / 07.12.04
Then again, it was 2000, not 2001, wasn’t it? Duh.
00:20 / 07.12.04
BH- I think I did a search in Switchboard for the word "trade"- that got most of 'em.
autopilot disengaged
00:22 / 07.12.04
ok, so meme = plums. i geddit. yeah, i've got yr book. i'll PM you for rendez-vous. weekend? ooh, we're playing at 'the nightclub of the year' on thursday, the UBright fashion party. ICFTHS returns feb 05, sussex arts club. yay!
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:24 / 07.12.04
yeah, pm me and we'll sort sumfink out.

oooh, get you, you hipster princes...
autopilot disengaged
00:30 / 07.12.04
so, what have you been up to? haven't seen you around for some time. and i'm *always* around.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:35 / 07.12.04
crikey. I've been busybusybusy. reviewing art/theatre, doing lots of mental health stuff/working on career plan (meep) and seeing friends/lovers/main boy in london etc etc

I see yr partner-in-crime in waitrose occasionally....
00:37 / 07.12.04
Vanished for a bit. I was reading the transcripts of Saturday's Question Time. Funny.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:41 / 07.12.04
anyway. beddy-byes for me.

Auto: drop me a line re weekend, yeah, I'm hectic saturday but free all day sunday atm, we could do a beer in the afternoon?
01:01 / 07.12.04
Heavens, I went away for a mo, and lookatallthepeople!
01:02 / 07.12.04
Night meme!
01:16 / 07.12.04
I'm currently torn between sleeping and having another beer THEN sleeping. Tricky.
Bed Head
01:18 / 07.12.04
You’re really loving that space thing, aren’t you Sally? I mean, it looks good on you, it suits, but still.
Bed Head
01:20 / 07.12.04
Er, I mean the space you leave when you post. Of course.

Stoatie, have a beer. I vote for beer.
01:22 / 07.12.04
Akshly, I've decided. I'm going to bed. I have a long day of staying in ALL FUCKING DAY to wait for a credit card to be delivered "sometime between 8 and 6", and if I can't be arsed to go and buy cigarettes now, it means I have to do it before 8. So that's me off to bed then.

Goodnight all! And just remember- Kilroy. Covered in shit.
01:23 / 07.12.04
Akshly, I've decided. I'm going to bed. I have a long day of staying in ALL FUCKING DAY to wait for a credit card to be delivered "sometime between 8 and 6", and if I can't be arsed to go and buy cigarettes now, it means I have to do it before 8. So that's me off to bed then.

Goodnight all! And just remember- Kilroy. Covered in shit.
Bed Head
01:27 / 07.12.04
Goodnight, goodnight.
Saint Keggers
01:42 / 07.12.04
Hello all. Im eating bison steak...its rather not good. Much prefer the moose.
02:00 / 07.12.04
Bison makes pretty gristle-y burgers. I prefer the beef or the elk.
Saint Keggers
02:13 / 07.12.04
Yeah...I've not had elk but the moose was some of the best I've tasted. I'd like to try caribou too.

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