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Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
02:02 / 04.12.04
Over in the lateshift thread, we got to talking about toasts. Bed Head told me that, if I started a thread about it, I'd be upgraded to gold star status and have access to the Barbelith private jet. So here it is.

These are my two favorites, to start us off-
1. "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve" (from The Lord of the Rings. Yes, I am that geeky.)

and 2. "Here's to beers" (a guy I used to work with).
03:15 / 04.12.04
"Up ya bum!" (from The Sum of Us)
03:17 / 04.12.04
Here's to ya... all of ya.... BASTARDS!

04:09 / 04.12.04
"To whores and opium" is the traditional toast in my circle.
04:48 / 04.12.04
"To absent friends" is always nice, but I will forever prefer "Death to the past."
Lilly Nowhere Late
06:02 / 04.12.04
I love Sunmaid cinnamon raisin toast. With butter.
08:17 / 04.12.04
I have a a work colleague who insists on a legend that if you toast with your right hand don't look your fellow toastees in the eye you will have bad sex for 7 years. I think she might have made this up but the left hand starecontest toasts are always very funny, and thus mon favori...
08:18 / 04.12.04
My maternal grandmother had a favourite toast, the origin of which i've never been able to find, which went:

"Here's to us, there's none like us... the Devil take us all!"

Delivered conspiratorially, with a strong inflection on the 'none' and a sinister flourish on the last part.

In the later years of her life this would be delivered about three times per round of drinks, each time with the assurance that its wit and vigour would take us entirely by surprise.
Lord Morgue
08:35 / 04.12.04
I like that one that Ash tried to give in The Evil Dead, that Scotty assured us means "party down!"
08:38 / 04.12.04
The best is, of course, the classic Scottish toast:
"Here's tae us and wha's like us - damn few and they're a' deid!"

Another of our local favourites is a Serbo-Croat one which runs something along the lines of "Svaka te se dala" which means something very rude. We're usually too drunk to ask what.
Lord Morgue
10:35 / 04.12.04
Got it. "This miss tu tarine", according to most transcripts. Anyone know what this means? I mean, obviously apart from "My friends and I are demon fodder.".
Grey Area
12:51 / 04.12.04
"Here's to you and here's to me, the best of friends we'll always be. And if by chance we disagree, wellthen screw you and here's to me...!"
12:57 / 04.12.04
The simple, elegant "cheers, queers". Or (and I'm aware, even as I type this, that it's going to seem a lot less amusing onscreen than it invariably did in a rowdy Scottish pub in the late '80s/early '90s) "to the Queen's fanny!"
The Puck
21:23 / 04.12.04
i like to drink to absent friends wether out load or quietly to myself, i USED to drink to " the cut that never heals, the longer you stroke it the softer it feels" but that stopped being funny when i was like 18. also the birthday toast "may you live as long as you want , but never want as long as you live" is cool but stolen from a film (Dragnet i think)
ibis the being
23:45 / 04.12.04
lentil, maybe your gramma's toast was a variation on the corny-but-classic, "Here's to us - there's no one like us, and no one likes us!"

Back in college, we used to toast to Tupac. It's really way too hard to explain why, stemming as it does from one truly quirky friend's personality.

These days my friends and I toast to something unique to the occasion/conversation. Last night we toasted to the one guy who wouldn't join us in tequila shots, to include him in some small way, and wasn't that nice of us?
Bed Head
23:56 / 04.12.04
That reminds me of using the all-purpose ‘tequila’ toast, only in the style of Michael Hutchence and a houseful of hippies, from the Dogs in Space movie. ‘Nuh-nuhnuhnuh-nuh-nuhnuh-nuh-nuhhh....tequilllllaaahhghghhh!’. Didn’t seem to matter that we were drinking wine. But then, it never does.
09:37 / 05.12.04
I always rather liked the one in Sandman Book IV, Season of Mists:

To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us always give the devil his due.
10:38 / 05.12.04
I have a a work colleague who insists on a legend that if you toast with your right hand don't look your fellow toastees in the eye you will have bad sex for 7 years.

I came across this in another context recently - I think it's a Northern European tradition.

The "skol" - make eye contact, say "skol", look away while drinking - because of my Swedish friends and my time in Swedish vodka bars. The Welsh toast "Iechyd da!" (good health)... actually, I tend to toast in different languages rather than use different toasts - iasou, yassassin, l'chaim, slainte - all meaning essentially the same thing.
Rev. Orr
18:22 / 05.12.04
Always been partial to "why aren't we drinking yet?" myself.
wembley can change in 28 days
05:26 / 07.12.04
Oh dear. Me and my geeky friends all Tartt-ed up:

"Live forever."
07:15 / 07.12.04
My favourite is one that I got from a friend of mine who used to go to parties with a tankard hanging from a chain around his neck so that he wouldn't lose it: "Let's get fucked up!"

But then you have the many-layered: "Here's cheers big ears, don't pose big nose, likewise red eyes, up your flaps!"

My mother was right. I *am* easily led.
pointless and uncalled for
09:06 / 07.12.04
Me and a few freinds enjoy a falsetto "Fuck You" which should be accompanied with manical grins.
18:53 / 08.12.04
The usual toast in my group is, "To safety!"

This is an inside joke, stemming from a weekend New Year's party at a lake house, involving heavy drinking and shooting fireworks off a rickety pier. We started referring to rounds of drinking as "safety meetings", in an ironic sense, it being fairly hazardous for us all to be staggering around on rotting wood over freezing water, bumping into each other in the dark, with alcohol and sputtering explosives in hand...

So a round of shots is, to this day, a "safety meeting". Makes no sense to anyone who wasn't at said party, so it makes us feel all cliquey-cool.
unheimlich manoeuvre
19:35 / 08.12.04
for a long time it was "Oliver Reed!", although now other languages seems to be the order of things Salut! Proost!Kampai! Skol!

one friend said Chin Chin was something dirty in Japanese.
19:50 / 08.12.04
Inchocolate wrote: " friend said Chin Chin was something dirty in Japanese. "

Yes, I was told this too! Grant kindly clarified it for me right here.

(Thanks again, Grant!)

I still like to say "Penis! Penis!" as my favourite toast, however.
unheimlich manoeuvre
20:45 / 08.12.04
thanks BarbeLillith and Grant. penis, penis aye. doubt i can say that now, looking someone straight in the eye.
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