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20:22 / 25.02.02
Having just had a minor freak out and decided not to get a tattoo, after all, at least not right now, I am more eager than ever to have the non-professional brand I have on my back altered/covered by a professional. I have a simple design in mind, one which I think should be easily do-able as a brand or scar. But have no idea who in the UK does branding or scarification...if indeed anyone does. No clue about the legalities, etc. So - does anyone on Barbelith know about this stuff? Any recommendations? Or am I gonna have to leave the country to get it done?

This would be in the old help forum, but seeing as we've had threads about nipple piercings, I thought it not entirely inappropriate to bring in here... So please, use this thread to dither in a textly way about your *own* future bodily adornments/modifications etc... but if anyone has any info that'd help me out, I'd be super-grateful. Thanks!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:31 / 25.02.02
Don't know much about this- it's not really my bag. However, there's an article here with some general info on branding, an article onscarification from the same site, and the BME ezine is very useful.
odd jest on horn
20:32 / 25.02.02
Patrick Bartholomew does branding at the .London Piercing Clinic. Interview here. Lots of info on branding/cutting at bmezine
20:36 / 25.02.02
Thanks loads, MC and odd jest on horn.
odd jest on horn
20:36 / 25.02.02
it just begs the question, though. what can possibly freak you out more about tattooing than branding? it's more liable to get infected, prolly more expensive to get done by a professional, and just more painful and freaky :-)
20:45 / 25.02.02
oh, dear... all very personal and confusing at the moment. I was all set for this tattoo, I knew what image I basically wanted, I really wanted this particular artist to do it, etc. etc. I thought through every last little detail. Went into the tattooists to have a chat about it... got treated like a particularly dim 5 year old, or Labrador - not by the artist I wanted to do the tattoo, but it was enough to upset me beyond belief. I thought I was sorted, still wanted the tattoo etc., and was gonna go and chat to the artist tomorrow, when, suddenly, I basically realised I could not cope with it right now - some stuff about identity that the conversation with the other tattooist probably precipitated. Or something. Like I say, I am confused about it. But I already have a brand, I like the way branding/scarification looks, and I know I am gonna really like the altered brand. It is something I am 100% definite about, no freak outs here...

[ 25-02-2002: Message edited by: Cholister ]
04:31 / 26.02.02
may i humbly confirm that said tattooist acted like an incredibly judgmental wanker. still think the artist is right for your tattoo, chol, but perhaps right now is not the time, while now is the time to get the branding/scarification done. all things happen for a reason, huh?
05:38 / 26.02.02
Perhaps - I just really hope it works out. Thanks, sfd, for putting up with my dithering and freak outs over this... and for backing me up over my run-in with that wanker of a tattooist...more appreciated than I can say.

odd jest on horn: Thanks *loads* for that London Piercing Clinic reference - I hope the dude still does branding, 'cause that is pretty much perfect. Seriously, thanks so much.

[ 26-02-2002: Message edited by: Cholister ]
odd jest on horn
06:24 / 26.02.02
happy to help. didn't mean to pry though. tell us how it goes! and we want pics too
07:29 / 26.02.02
No, no, it was perfectly ok of you to ask - I wouldn't have answered otherwise, so don't worry. And, yep, pictures will be forthcoming. If all goes well, I plan to get this done really soon...

Thanks again!
Naked Flame
07:29 / 26.02.02
No-one can get arsy like an arsy tattooist. I know that one, Chol... sucks, eh? don't let it put you off, but if the branding thing is right for you go for it...

why do them inkers get wanky like that?
Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
07:29 / 26.02.02
Probably pissed off about being tracers...
07:29 / 26.02.02
I'm getting my first tattoo next month ! woooo - anyone want to design it for me - bear paw with an eye in the middle.. I've tried a few things but I don't like anything I've came up with... I'm pretty sure there must be some damn fine artists on here...?
10:19 / 26.02.02
flame on - the only comparible problem i've had was with a tattooist who just turned out to be shy - after he found out i was a fellow sherlock holmes fan, he warmed considerably.

this bloke was the owner - and i have to say, by far not the best tattooist there, judging from the website - so i won't say he acted like he owned the place, cos he did! but he seemed dismissive of anyone he didn't consider 'counter culture' enough, (i'm sure he would've spoken differently to me [shaven head, tattooed thumb]), which means he a) doesn't know chol at all! and b) is amazingly shallow.

bear - take a rough sketch to an artist you like. they'll do a 'proper', tattooable version. my helm of awe/eye design looked like a child's scrawl when i did it, the tattooist made it look gorgeous.

[ 26-02-2002: Message edited by: shortfatdyke ]
21:20 / 26.02.02
Ah, I just called the LPC and have an appointment for a consultation next week... so, fingers crossed, it'll work out and I'll have a nice new brand in the not too distant future.

Thanks everyone!
12:11 / 06.03.02
Just to say: they are lovely lovely *lovely* at the London Piercing Clinic. Seriously great people, highly recommended.

I have an appointment for the first bit of work on my back, for next week!
12:15 / 06.03.02
Can someone explain how this works, I mean how do they do it?
Jack The Bodiless
14:19 / 06.03.02
It's a scar from a third-degree burn. They shape iron into whatever letters/runes/shapes you've chosen, and then, following heating of said 'brand', place it upon the area in question (not 'push'. Place). The duration of placement determines scarification level, as does the degree of aftercare.

Never something I've fancied, personally, but that's because I have a thing about all black tattoos on white skin, so that's what I'm going for... and also, bearing in mind my slight history with burn scars, it does occupy a strange space in my head...
14:22 / 06.03.02
Cheers Jack, kinda the same as high school, people did the same kind of thing with lighters - you can tell I went to a very dignified school

So what about scarification then, I scar very easily my hands are covered in little white scars which I kinda like, I guess I could do this myself with a art blade...?

[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: Weird Hair Bear ]
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:25 / 06.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Jack The Bodiless:
The duration of placement determines scarification level, as does the degree of aftercare.

Also, it's worth noting that some skin scars more, or differently, than other skin. As a rule of thumb: the darker you are, the more likely you are to form keloids (large thick scars). There are any number of factors involved, which is why it's best to consult an experienced professional when embarking on this kind of 'mod.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:33 / 06.03.02
quote:Originally posted by Weird Hair Bear:
I guess I could do this myself with a art blade...?

I recommend that you don't, Bear. If you're serious, then consult a professional. This is one of those things that you don't want to go wrong, for all kinds of reasons.

The most obvious reason is saftey, but there's also the aesthetic consideration that a scar is much trickier to cover up or get rid of than a tatt. A professional will be able to help you with your design, your placement, your aftercare; in short, they can be with you on every step of your journey. I know there's an emotive appeal to doing these things yourself, but think of the artist as being your guide.
14:40 / 06.03.02
The LPC don't like to do strike branding (the type that Jack describes), as the outcome is very unpredictable - I think they use a cauterizer. They also do scarification with tattoo needles or cutting.

If you are interested, bear, I really would go and have a chat to them, they're wonderful, they really are... MC is definitely 100% right about consulting a professional...
14:42 / 06.03.02
And I say that as someone who didn't, for my original brand...

[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: Cholister ]
14:44 / 06.03.02
I'll see how I feel after I get my first tattoo at the end of the month, but I've got a feeling once I get one I'll be hooked - I'm getting my tattoo done in the "shakku" method - has anyone got any done like this or know anyone - its not meant to be as painful as the tattoo gun method?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:29 / 06.03.02
Well, speaking as someone who got her first and only tatt on a supposedly very painful place*, I gotta say that regular tatts don't hurt that much. Mind you, it's only a little one, and YMMV.

*(On my scalp, you prurient lot. My scalp, okay?)
15:35 / 06.03.02
quote:very painful place

[Mallrats]"You mean the back of a Volkswagen?"[/Mallrats]
15:47 / 13.03.02
I just had the first bit of work done on my scar. Basically, the artist is turning the keloidy blob which is part of the scars I already have into a proper design. Today's work was done with a scalpel, and they use an extremely effective anaesthetic, so I didn't feel a thing. I just want to reiterate - they are lovely, lovely, lovely there and very skilled, and I'd recommend them to anyone. I'm really pleased with the way it's going!
16:06 / 13.03.02
good to see the first session went well.

now please do something about their website!
07:09 / 14.03.02
My housemate brands herself, with (among other things) heated forks and lighters.

She's got a fresh "armband" of forkpoints running around her right wrist in two lines, looks pretty gross to me, at least while it's healing. But scarier is her other arm, with a branded mirror of Venus/woman-sign, on which she then added on three other "crosses" running in each direction. It's really big, and she's been both cutting/scarring and branding the area in order to make the markings deep enough..

Still, she seems to think the marks won't be strong enough, so she's planning to get the same symbol (like a circle with four crosses extending out from it) tattooed on top of the scarification/branding..
odd jest on horn
13:13 / 25.06.04
Big bump.
Anyway I was wondering if anyone knew if the London Piercing Clinic is still around, and still good.

The awful webpage I linked to once still looks the same. I haven't tried phoning, but will. Any additional info would be great.

Also, if pinstriped fictionsuit is still around, it'd be great to see those pics :-)
odd jest on horn
17:29 / 25.06.04
Most excellent summary. Thank you whoever you may be :-)

Anyway. Reliable piercers in London? Horror stories?

Here in Iceland, the most reputable piercer doesn't quite get this whole testing autoclaves thing, though he does try his best. The rest are not so good. They know nothing of piercing aftercare, and have no clue about why one shouldn't use cheap jewelry with nickel in it.

The bad mouthing of other practicioners and ignorance of good practices is scary. All of them, 'cept the best, said that all the others reused piercing needles. Which is an outright lie, and easily confirmed :-)

The lot of them are pretty good tattooists though.

So piercings, if and when they'll get done, will be done by someone reputable, outside of Iceland.
18:55 / 07.07.04
Anybody ever had pearls sewn under their skin?
odd jest on horn
21:13 / 10.07.04
Is this a question for 'lithers about themselves or a more general thing?

In the latter case, I can't say for sure, but what people have been doing is to cut a small hole in the skin and slide teflon pearls between layers. Also I just looked it up on bmezine, and there it mentions real pearls in the context of penishead implants. Look up implants on bmezine.
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