oh, dear... all very personal and confusing at the moment. I was all set for this tattoo, I knew what image I basically wanted, I really wanted this particular artist to do it, etc. etc. I thought through every last little detail. Went into the tattooists to have a chat about it... got treated like a particularly dim 5 year old, or Labrador - not by the artist I wanted to do the tattoo, but it was enough to upset me beyond belief. I thought I was sorted, still wanted the tattoo etc., and was gonna go and chat to the artist tomorrow, when, suddenly, I basically realised I could not cope with it right now - some stuff about identity that the conversation with the other tattooist probably precipitated. Or something. Like I say, I am confused about it. But I already have a brand, I like the way branding/scarification looks, and I know I am gonna really like the altered brand. It is something I am 100% definite about, no freak outs here...
[ 25-02-2002: Message edited by: Cholister ] |