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On which day you were born?


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15:50 / 01.12.04
Like, *totally* fair.


Mike Modular
15:55 / 01.12.04
Thursday's child here too. I'd always assumed "far to go" meant I was destined for great things... You know, as in: "You can't sing, you can't play.....You'll go a long way"
16:41 / 01.12.04
(*stomps feet and pouts*)

But I don't wanna go any farther! Aren't I there yet?
Brigade du jour
18:01 / 01.12.04
Monday. And I'm an ugly bastard.
18:23 / 01.12.04
Full of woe apparently, which kind of sits at odds with the reality.

I'm retconning my birthday to a Monday, just 'cause I want to.
18:33 / 01.12.04
Far to go for me too.

Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
19:47 / 01.12.04
The gods have spoken, and I have far to go. I feel bit cheated. Instead of getting some sort of prophecy, all the thursday kids get is the first thing the author could think of that rhymes with woe.

Couldn't, insteaad, I be able to make it snow? or touch my toes? or go crazy loco?
21:38 / 01.12.04
Saturday's child works hard for a living




21:43 / 01.12.04

Know what I'm saying, sucka?
21:53 / 01.12.04

Yet really, inside, I'm a Wednesday. *sob*
William Sack
10:20 / 02.12.04
Another loving, (for)giving Friday's child here. Incidentally, Joseph "Full of grace" Merrick aka Elephant Man missed out on being fair of face by one day.
Rev. Orr
10:27 / 02.12.04
Y'know, this fucking rhyme is seriously biased against the middle fo the week. I'll bet the bastard that wrote it was stuck in the middle of an interminable supplies budget projection meeting at their crappy, menial office job on a wet Wednesday in February. With a head cold. And really old underwear, where the covering on the leg elastic had worn through and was chaffing quite badly.

Full of woe, my arse.
11:39 / 02.12.04
For all those distressed by the traditional version of the rhyme, here's a more Barbe-friendly one:

Monday's child likes portents and signs.
Tuesday's child shifts paradigms.
Wednesday's child likes dance, rock AND pop.
Thursday's child posts in the Head Shop.
Friday's child wants to redistribute wealth.
Saturday's child wants to be an elf.
And the child that is born on the seventh day
Wants to FUCK SHIT UP (but in a nice way).
haus of fraser
12:22 / 02.12.04
very good- dance rock AND pop.

a week ago i'd have been fine with this but since the rock is dead thread it makes me nervous.

Oh woe...
Kit-Cat Club
12:34 / 02.12.04
I too prefer dance rock and pop to being full of woe (though obviously if you listen to the right bands you can combine the two).
haus of fraser
12:45 / 02.12.04
I want to be full of dance and woe- can it be done?
Grey Area
13:16 / 02.12.04
I shift paradigms by tripping and falling against them.
14:12 / 02.12.04
rather have far to go than have to go to the head shop thanks.
betty woo
15:24 / 02.12.04
Wednesday, alas! If you define "woe" as "unresolved teen angst that's getting a bit old, don't you think?" then it fits perfectly.
Nobody's girl
15:44 / 02.12.04
Thursady's child here. I definately have far to go
16:44 / 02.12.04
Sunday here too, I wanna fuck shit up. I don't like this though, no-one should be classed as 'full of woe' for something they had no control over. That rips the piss a bit. Sax, your rhyme's way better.

What the fuck does 'blithe' mean?

Maybe I should have been Wednesday's child.........
17:27 / 02.12.04
Thursday for me too. Given my name, Wednesday might have been more appropriate, but, well, alackaday. Far to go. Sort of like those signs they used to have in WalMart: "you're always next in line at Wal-Mart." Bloody hell. I do, however, post in the head shop....
19:26 / 02.12.04
o woe is me...

to brighten things up, has all the years you can eat...

am i a profile match? well, i wouldn't say 'full', exactly...
salix lucida
20:24 / 02.12.04
Is Saturday true if I'm posting from work? What about posting from work well after hours because I've still got too much to do and am currently waiting around on things?

I suppose with the other rhyme, it's a fair cop, though. Tsk. I feel dirty now.
20:38 / 02.12.04
i was born on monday, and i'm fair of face. my body, on the other hand...
21:04 / 02.12.04
Praying Mantis, that's just Winter talk. Winter makes us all feel like that. See, I don't fit the rhyming daytype since that was not a woeful comment.

Was it?

Bugger. Self doubt.

Woe, woe is me.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:46 / 04.12.04
Hasn't someone turned these into a bar graph or a pie chart yet? Feeling very lonely in my Tuesday, gracefully shifting paradigms and all while everyone else seems to be on Monday or Thursday...
19:30 / 06.12.04
another one who has far to go.

But take heart my Thursday siblings. After all we're the ones who have a Bowie song all about us. Don't see any of the other days of the week have such a cool connection
19:39 / 06.12.04
Yay for adamswish and his putting on of cool rockin' spin to the "far to go"-ness!

Does that make sense? I think I should probably go to sleep. Far to go, and all that.
19:43 / 06.12.04
A Friday's Child here.

After all we're the ones who have a Bowie song all about us. Don't see any of the other days of the week have such a cool connection

Well... granted Bowie IS cool. But that par-tic-u-lar song ain't. However I think Friday folk trump you cos we have a song by the glamorous and talented Nancy Sinatra, another by Van Morrison, and yet another by er... Will Young.
19:48 / 06.12.04
I know for a fact I was C-section at high noon on a Saturday.

Does that make me a workaholic butcher that dreams in Sindarin? Also, does my sixth toe portend anything besides swimming in circles?
Sean the frumious Bandersnatch
19:55 / 06.12.04
Children born with C-sections get to kill Macbeth. It's a fact.

And as for songs, what about the Solomon Grundy nursery rhyme? He was born on a monday.
19:58 / 06.12.04

I get Bowie (who, admittedly, ain't as hot as Nancy) writing songs about me AND I get to kill Macbeth!!!

(Although I'm sure there's something a little worrying in the fact that I was C-sectioned because I appeared to be trying to hang myself with the umbilical cord... either that, or I realised I was in Toxteth).
04:59 / 07.12.04
I was born at 2:06 on a Tuesday afternoon.

Grace? I really do try.

Shift a pardigm? That's what I do when the grace doesn't work.

Sax, the barbe-friendly version rocks!

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