.......hey there all.
I'm new to the sigil world, having discovered it through Grant M. & The Invisibles (of course), and the cool gang here at Barbelith.
I've done a few, haven't had much success. But I'm still tryin' it! A few questions:
1) how instrumental to sigil magick working is forgetting the intent of the sigil? I know I've read in many sources that one should create the sigil and then put it away for a while so that you mostly forget what it was about, then charge it when you feel the time is right.
my question is: since you've forgotten the intent of the sigil, and maybe even long since thrown away the piece of paper that tells its intent, how do you know if it worked?? (if you have a few sigils you're working on)
I read here on Barbelith the story of someone who needed some cash, did a sigil on Friday, and Monday came into some. Ditto the story of someone who needed a job and did a sigil with that intent.
So clearly these people did not forget about the intent of their sigils when they charged them; they had the intent, did the sigil with that intent in mind, and that was that.
So how important is forgetting the intent?
2) I know sigils can be charged through sexual activity or extreme physical exertion..... anything that produces a highly active, energized state. Here's a bizarre question -- I'll preface this by saying I'm NOT a gross-out kind of guy. But I'll ask the question - here goes.
Since taking a good dump can be extremely satisfying and evoke an extremely cathartic feeling (many have made analogies that taking a piss when you are ready to burst is almost as great a feeling of release as orgasm), can a sigil be charged while taking a really dramatic dump? I'm not joking; I'm genuinely curious. Especially because I tried it the other day - with a sigil whose intent I've forgotten.
3) If you go the extreme physical exertion angle, how do you charge it? Just look at or picture the sigil when you feel you're at your most worked-up exhausted while exercising? (I know Grant Morrison said he did one while bungee jumping, but I won't be using that method anytime soon.....) 
Those are my Q's. Peace to all -- |