I think we'll soon need a computer advice forum!
I don't know much about computer games, but I got myself a game off ebay and it installed fine, but when I try to run it, it tells me "insert the correct disc". I emailed the company and they gave me plenty of advice which I followed (I'll include that at the end of the post) but it didn't help. I also emailed the guy I bought it off, wondering if maybe it's a pirate copy that he had never played, but he says he used to play it and it worked fine for him. He suggested I look for a crack file on the CD (but didn't say what to do with that!), and the disc has one, but when I click on it, nothing happens.
Is this a common problem? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated so I can start wasting my life on computer games. Thanks all.
Here is what the company suggested:
If you are using the correct disk to run this game then try the following.
This type of problem could be helped by downloading a patch for Windows XP that increases the stability of Windows reading the CD. If you visit:
And follow the on screen instructions. Failing that, you could also try using a similar patch that was designed by Microsoft:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?[SNIPPED] FamilyID=EAE20F0F-C41C-44FE-84CE-1DF707D7A2E9&displaylang=en
If, after the above, you are still experiencing this issue, perform the following.
Perform a disk clean-up by following the next set of instruction.
Open MyComputer, go the C:\ drive - or your Local Drive C:\ - and Perform a
Single-Right Click on the drive. This will produce a menu selection. GoTo
the Properties option and Select this, inside the C:\ Properties you will
see a pie-chart which represents your C:\ drive information.
Underneath, and to the right-hand side, you will see a button marked DISK
CLEAN-UP. Select this button to perform a removal of all redundant files
and folders cluttring up your hard drive. Follow the instruction and wait
for a completion of the clean-up.
There will be a few question that you may need to make a choice with but
these are generally 'yes' or 'no' question with regards to items already
highlighted (earmarked) for removal. Once completed, then follow the next
set of instructions.
This may be due to one of two things;
[A] faulty software or [B] faulty media [CD-ROM]
To test for one or the other please follow the instructions below.
Faulty software.
Create a NEW FOLDER on your desktop, name it whatever you - it's only
for a temporary purpose.
Place disk one of The Sims Deluxe into the CD/DVD drive of your choice.
Browse the contents of Disc One, Copy and Paste the ENTIRE CONTENTS OF DISK ONE to the NEW FOLDER.
Do likewise with disc two ( where applicable ).
If you see the failure happening on disk two, then you may have faulty software.
SOLUTION : Return the game title to place of purchase and seek an
exchange, or,
Return the game title to EA for testing and/or replacement.
Faulty Media.
Repeat the steps for Faulty Software, should the files copy over
successfully - try installing the game from it current location
[ from the NEW FOLDER on your desktop ].
If the game title installs successfully, insert disc one and start the game.
Should you get an a CD, or drive, error you
have faulty media - the discs themselves are faulty and NOT THE SOFTWARE.
SOLUTION : Return the game title to place of purchase and seek an
exchange, or,
Return the game title to EA for testing and/or replacement.
Alternatively you try the following.
This procedure will attempt to correct a transfer of data issue by allowing you to change the rate of data transference from the CD/DVD to your hard drive. This change may slow the processign of other aspects of your PC, in relation to the time it will take to respond to a given command ( or click of your mouse ), this will NOT HARM OR DAMAGE YOUR PC IF DONE CORRECTLY.
GoTo MyComputer, Single-Right Click with your mouse and Select Properties from the drop-down menu.
Select the Hardware tab --- Select Device Manager from the right of the currently displayed options --- now, from the list look for and Select IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller.
Single-Right Click on the ' + ' by the left of the assignment and this will present you with a PRIMARY & SECONDARY IDE CHANNEL.
Select the Secondary IDE Channel by placing your mouse cursor/pointer on the Secondary IDE Channel and click the right mouse.
From the drop-down menu Select Properties --- then, from the tabs on the top Select Advance Settings --- from within this option you will see DEVICE 0 & DEVICE 1. Look for the Transfer Mode, which will be in both DEVICE 0 & DEVICE 1.
Within these settings, your first drive is normally your Device 0, for example, if you DVD Drive the first drive and your CD drive ( be it CD-R or CD-RW ) then Device 0 will be your DVD drive and Device 1 will be your CD-R drive.
Please select you Device and follow the instructions.
In order to determine which Device you will use, Device 0 refers to your first drive ( Device 0 = drive D:\ ) whilst Device 1 will refer to your second drive ( Device 1 = drive E:\ ).
If you have non-logical drive assignments ( for example..., your CD drive is drive Q:\ ), call into our support department on the following number for further assistance on 0870 243 2435.
DEVICE 0 Settings.
It will currently say [ or should currently say ] DMA If available. From the small Down arrow on the right of the DMA If available you can Select to change this from DMA If available to PIO Only. CHANGE THIS.
DEVICE 1 Settings.
It will currently say [ or should currently say ] DMA If available. From the small Down arrow on the right of the DMA If available you can Select to change this from DMA If available to PIO Only. CHANGE THIS.
Close all current windows, return to the desktop and now try the game again.
If you have any CD/DVD burning software I would suggest that you disable or remove to eliminate this as a possible cause of game play failure.
Virtual Drives are software, or Emulated / false, drives which are seen by your system as 'real' drives and this can cause conflicts with your PC.
[ Q ] How would I know if I have a virual drive?
The simple answer is that most PC machines only have have space, at the fron of ther Pc, for 3 x CD/DVD drives and this will be represented in MyComputer.
In MyComputer yopu should have the following : 3 1/2 Floppy Drive [A], Local Drive [ C ],
CD-ROM Drive [ D ], and if you have a seperate DVD driver this will be shown as DVD-ROM Drive
[ e ]. This is the default setup for most PC's. If you have a three drives at the fron of your machine then the third will be displayed as : CD/DVD-ROM Drive [ F ]. Any more than these are generally Virtual Drives and DO NOT PHYSICALLY EXIST.
If you are experiencing CD issues either with, Incorrect CD in drive or Wrong volume in drive or drive D:\ cannot be accessed...., this could be to do with CD/DVD-ROM Burning software, such as; Alcohol, Nero, DiscJuggler, CDRWIN, BlindWrite etc...!!! If you have any of these products on your PC you may have to remove them in order to eliminate them as a possible cause.
Once removed, try the game again. Should this not resolve the issue then you may have a hard ware issue.
If you own the original software it will be no problem to reinstall the application one you have proved that this/these application are not the source of your problem.
What is Firmware?
Firmware - Software that is embedded in a hardware device that allows reading and executing the software, but does not allow modification, e.g., writing or deleting data by an end user. (188) Note 1: An example of firmware is a computer program in a read-only memory (ROM) integrated circuit chip. A hardware configuration is usually used to represent the software. Note 2: Another example of firmware is a program embedded in an erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) chip, which program may be modified by special external hardware, but not by an application program.
Either check with the PC manufacturer to see if you have the latest firmware for your device or contact the device manufacturer for the firmware update.
You may have old firmware that is failing to recognize the CD or the instruction from your PC to the CD-ROM due to old, and inadequate software.
Also, if you do have any CD/DVD burninng software on your PC the device firmware may have been modified by the burning application so as to make the CD/DVD applicatable to the burning application.
If you have still not be able to resolve this issue the use the address towards the rear of the game manual and send the game into EA. |