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EEEEEE! nutcase alert...


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03:30 / 23.11.04

He's Christian, he's a dragon, he's part wolf, he denounces magick and roleplaying and satanism and homosexuality...

There are more loose screws here than in a hardware store. Enjoy.
03:56 / 23.11.04
Wow. I have very little insightful to say, but thank you for this link. I needed a good laugh, and you certainly delivered.
Lord Morgue
05:54 / 23.11.04
Christ, another burnedfur. Oh, that reminds me, RHJunior is at it again, if anyone feels like venting at a retarded virgin fundy furry.
Your link to drivel.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
07:19 / 23.11.04

It's the sincerity I find appealing. This is someone who genuinely wants you to understand and respect their position - however bizarre it may appear from the outside.

But it's such a mixture of pathos and bathos. And from a theological standpoint... blimey. Maybe that's what will happen to the Church - it will simply have to deal with so many weird aspects of itself that it will either get liberal or fragment.
08:22 / 23.11.04
It's a pretty impressive setup, theologically speaking. In effect, he is trying to pitch to God the idea of turning him into a dragon, in order to make him a more effective evangelist.

I have to say, if a thirty-foot levitating crocodile was telling me about Jesus, I'd be minded to listen. Hard.

More on this here.
08:35 / 23.11.04
Certain werewolves will probably ostracize me for my middle-of-the-road views on vampires, but I care nothing for what other people think of me because I'll always be an outcast.

We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:10 / 23.11.04
He's probably right about that, you know.
8===>Q: alyn
10:13 / 23.11.04
From the site:
Schizotypal Personality Disorder

You may have noticed on the other pages of this website that I mentioned I was mentally ill.

I suffer from a disease called schizotypal personality disorder (StPD). It is not multiple personality disorder (MPD), an entirely different disease that occurs almost exclusively in sexually abused women.

StPD is just one of many syndromes called personality disorders, which are gross exaggerations of a patient's personality. They are between the neuroses and psychoses in severity. The presence of a personality disorder complicates the recovery of a patient from a psychosis or neurosis.

Real nice, you fucking jerks, making fun of the mentally ill. What's next, gonna head over to the Aquarium and throw French Fries at the Down's Syndrome kids?
10:16 / 23.11.04
why, is down's syndrome the same as mental illness?
8===>Q: alyn
10:21 / 23.11.04
No, it's a birth defect. You'll notice I didn't say it was a mental illness.

Fuck. I've read Molatar's description of StPD. I really think I have it.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:33 / 23.11.04

you're assuming that this is a manifestation of his disorder - and that if it is, it's constructive to accept it rather than critique it. Ordinary (those-defined-as-within-normal-tolerances-
by-those-around-them-who-are-in-turn-accepted-by-the-consensus) people are checked by reference to society - as with language, where we constantly correct to ensure that we continue to be able to communicate, and words drift in and out of frequent use, so with behaviour. If this guy functions at all, and if he acknowledges that he has this disorder, it's entirely possible that he needs to see how he is perceived. It also seems likely - given his evangelical persuasions - that he's used to critical responses. He may even seek them out, whether that helps him or not.

I don't know. I think your reaction is a little too straightforward.
10:41 / 23.11.04
Ah, but Molatar does not see his desire to be a dragon or his born-again Christianity as the products of mental illness, which is fair enough. I'd like to know whether he is clinically or self-diagnosed as suffering from StPD, but in either case that needn't necessarily affect his furriness or his Christianity, or reactions to it.
10:47 / 23.11.04
Also, either we excuse everything we say on the grounds of mental health, or we hold him accountable - or give him credit - for statements like:

North Korea: The vile leader of this country has made all religions illegal, except for worshipping a golden statue of his father. Christians are dragged through the street, tied to a cross, and shot in the head, heart, and stomach. If it weren't for the nuclear weapons, I believe that a hostile invasion of North Korea would be justifiable. If you are reading this, Kim II Sung (fool!), be warned that you are in the same position that Nero was in. He made Christians worship him, and he was killed by his soldiers. That could happen to you too.

I do like "If you are reading this, Kim Il Sung", which seems unlikely for two very good reasons, but you never know...


Sudan: This is another s***hole of a country where Christians are persecuted. There, Muslim (peace-loving religion, my a**) slavers raid villages and take the women and children by force, and cut off the arms of men who resist. These victims are either Christians or participants in primitive African religion. The Muslim slavers then sell their frightened booty to the highest bidder. How dare they do this to their own kind! US blacks gripe about slavery in the Southern States. Well, they should do something about the BLACK PEOPLE who kidnap slaves in the first place. If I had millions of dollars, I would go to Sudan to buy the slaves for later release back to their homes. Then I'd whip out my Uzis and fill every slaver with lead, as is just.

The image of slavers selling their frightened booty is an enduring one, I think yo'll admit. Is it me, or would it make more sense to kill the slavers _before_ paying them for the slaves? Maybe he intends to retrieve the money afterwards, Grand Theft Auto style...
8===>Q: alyn
10:48 / 23.11.04
Are you a wizard, sir? If so, why are you trying to undermine me like this? I am also a wizard. A wizard and a superhero. If not, perhaps you should think about hiding your ignorance from God, who is angry at us. If you transform yourself into a wolf, God won't know your ignorance. He'll think you're just a dumb wolf and he'll be okay with it.
Liger Null
14:27 / 23.11.04
I was really beginning to sympathize with this kid on his mental illness. That is, until I got to this part:

I envy those juvenile cancer patients with their bald heads and their dreams coming true. I wish people treated StPD and schizophrenia patients that well. I could be hanging out with Steve Irwin wrangling crocodiles, but NOOOO, crazy people just don't have the 'cute factor' that cancer kids do.

Granted, that statement could just be another symptom of his condition. Or it could just be whiny bitchiness. In the latter case, memo to dragon-boy: Most crazy people don't have the "inevitable early death factor" that cancer kids do.
Saint Keggers
14:42 / 23.11.04
crazy people just don't have the 'cute factor' Yes. Yes they do.

This kid sounds like some lil geek who got rejected by everyone from the cute girl all the way down to the D&D club. Im glad he found god. But really a Dragon..pshaw!

God wants me to be a Tarasque.
8===>Q: alyn
14:48 / 23.11.04
That would be stealing, Haus. Ever heard of the 8th Ammendment?
Liger Null
14:57 / 23.11.04
I myself have had homoerotic fantasies, but I know its wrong, so I try to avoid them, though sometimes I fail.

Is anyone else reminded of Will Farrell in Starsky and Hutch?

An underrated cinematic masterpiece if ever there was one.

"Two dragons."
ibis the being
15:09 / 23.11.04
Vampires typically don't want to be vampires. It is something they are stuck with, just like shifters are stuck with the longing to be beasts. That is why I don't hate vampires, regardless of what certain werewolves say.

I feel bad for the guy. It's so sad that he can't put the pieces together -

*He believes homosexuality is sinful.
*But he doesn't hate gay men, and has gay friends that are "like brothers."
*He's plagued by homoerotic fantasies.
*He believes het porn seduces men into being curious about sex with other men, & that girl-on-girl is "boring as hell."
*He evidently has felt trapped in the wrong kind of human body.
*Ergo... he's prayed to become a DRAGON.

You see, Fundies? This is what rigid socialization and sexual repression can lead to....
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:31 / 23.11.04
As I said, it's a weird mixture of bathos and pathos. The guy is pitiable, weirdly self-aware, weirdly devoid of irony. I find myself wondering, given the things he asserts as being 'him', what he looks at as his symptoms. And if he functions as he is, exactly how does his condition manifest itself? And, and, and...

Can't actually get my head round it.
16:11 / 23.11.04
Then I'd whip out my Uzis and fill every slaver with lead, as is just.
Why does a dragon need uzis?

As far as the mental illness bit, most people afflicted with any of the schizotypal disorders tend to keep both their condition and their delusions private. I get the feeling this was a self-diagnosis, possibly to make him more dark or mysterious or something.
16:13 / 23.11.04
I'm disapoointed his fora aren't up yet. I've already set myself to learning his T&C...
John Octave
17:15 / 23.11.04
I like this passage from the anatomy bit of the site:

"All dragons breathe fire and one additional breath weapon. As a blue dragon, I breathe lightning as well as fire, but other members of this race can breathe napalm, neurotoxic gas, fungal spores, hydrochloric acid, petrification, liquid nitrogen, alpha particles, sonic boom, or hydrogen peroxide."

I could spend all day deciding which additional breath weapon I would want. But in the end, the very idea of being able to breathe a sonic boom is too good for me to pass up.

My sneezes would turn empires to sand!
17:17 / 23.11.04

17:20 / 23.11.04
My sneezes would turn empires to sand!

Or, in the case of hydrogen peroxide breath, your sneezes would turn empires to blondes.

ibis the being
17:23 / 23.11.04
Hm, I'm totally torn between fungal spores and petrification. I guess I'm more into the earthy breath weapons.
Alex's Grandma
17:25 / 23.11.04
Are we absolutely sure this isn't a satirical site ? Insofar as Molatar seems to be pretty much *on message* with regard to Fundamentalist Christianity, and yet what he mainly wants to do is turn into a dragon so he can preach the gospels more effectively ? I'm not nearly as familiar as I ought to be with weird stuff on the net, but still, I wonder a bit...
17:30 / 23.11.04
Hm, I'm totally torn between fungal spores and petrification.

Go for the fungal spores. Then when they grow into giant mushrooms you'll have a place to house your Evangelical Smurfs.

I'm not sure why that's the first thing that occured to me.

*goes to get more coffee*

John Octave
18:25 / 23.11.04
Are we absolutely sure this isn't a satirical site ?

I wondered about that too, but I've been reading through this thing (it's one of those weird links that just sort of grips on to you and doesn't let go) and think it's probably sincere. There's a few pages (like the one on suicide) that don't have any references to werewolfdragons or anything else that could be interpreted as humorous with an eye to satire and no seeming purpose other than to express his religious/ethical views in a straight fashion. Still, there's always the chance with the internet that it's just a big elaborate wheeze.

On other matters, it turns out Molatar have something in common: we both love The Cars and Electric Light Orchestra. He says he only approves of bands that do not blaspheme God, although I wonder if I could convince him that the lyrics "King of the universe / I am king, king of the sky" on ELO's On The Third Day album might be interpreted as Jeff Lynne attempting to establish himself as a false god.
20:40 / 23.11.04
How old is this guy? I was thinking he was a bright, disturbed adolescent, but then he talks about watching V during the 80's... he'd have to at least be in his late 20's, wouldn't he?

Oh, this is priceless:

My dislikes: People who refuse to get saved, people who persecute me for being a Christian, beer, lesbians, abortion clinics, deerflies, magick and satanism, heavy metal musicians that hate Jesus, the Roman Catholic Church, not getting answers to my e-mails, diaper commercials that show toddlers' butts, and the Teletubbies.

Are we quite sure this isn't a put-on? I mean, he sounds so sincere... but really...
20:59 / 23.11.04
Sincerity is in the details...

My last name rhymes with a curse, so I prefer to use a surname that doesn't rhyme with anything...

What would that be then? Moltar Orange?
22:19 / 23.11.04
In case you were wondering just what horrid utterance can be made from his name, well, the webpage is registered to a one Anthony Zammit. Hooray for whois.
22:48 / 23.11.04
*slaps forehead*

Char Aina
23:52 / 23.11.04
from the forum rules:

13. Attacking the character of a Christian member by reminding him of his personal faults will earn you two warnings.

youse are all fucked.
youse are all fucked.
02:47 / 24.11.04
Someone should go to the forum and start calling Zoltan the Dragontard by his real name...

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