Also, either we excuse everything we say on the grounds of mental health, or we hold him accountable - or give him credit - for statements like:
North Korea: The vile leader of this country has made all religions illegal, except for worshipping a golden statue of his father. Christians are dragged through the street, tied to a cross, and shot in the head, heart, and stomach. If it weren't for the nuclear weapons, I believe that a hostile invasion of North Korea would be justifiable. If you are reading this, Kim II Sung (fool!), be warned that you are in the same position that Nero was in. He made Christians worship him, and he was killed by his soldiers. That could happen to you too.
I do like "If you are reading this, Kim Il Sung", which seems unlikely for two very good reasons, but you never know...
Sudan: This is another s***hole of a country where Christians are persecuted. There, Muslim (peace-loving religion, my a**) slavers raid villages and take the women and children by force, and cut off the arms of men who resist. These victims are either Christians or participants in primitive African religion. The Muslim slavers then sell their frightened booty to the highest bidder. How dare they do this to their own kind! US blacks gripe about slavery in the Southern States. Well, they should do something about the BLACK PEOPLE who kidnap slaves in the first place. If I had millions of dollars, I would go to Sudan to buy the slaves for later release back to their homes. Then I'd whip out my Uzis and fill every slaver with lead, as is just.
The image of slavers selling their frightened booty is an enduring one, I think yo'll admit. Is it me, or would it make more sense to kill the slavers _before_ paying them for the slaves? Maybe he intends to retrieve the money afterwards, Grand Theft Auto style... |