Well, I'd be very surprised if it was actually much to do with Blunkett himself; I remember jolly old Jack Straw being called a fascist bastard in pretty much the same way. Being the Home Secretary in this sort of government really makes you a mouthpiece for domestic policy, though I'm sure you have an influence of course.
Clearly we need laws which make it easier to arrest and convict people for terrorism, because we all know the country is full of Islamofascists and Al Qaeda Sleeper Cells itching to blow us all up with dirty ricin bombs - yet mysteriously, nobody has actually been convicted of anything of the sort. So the laws must not be working. Stands to reason. (See the US, the Mail et al for this logic being proposed seriously.)
I'm not sure at this point whether it's a sign that the election campaign will be about "security" - it did work for Bush, but then there's not the same level of hysteria about it in the UK as the US, and there are reasonably prominent sceptical voices in the media. I'm sure that "security" will be an issue but to what degree? This may simply be a part of "tough on crime or at least crime that we say" - on-the-spot points on your licence for binge-drinking, crack down on those damn illegal immigrants etc, all of which are also being promoted by the government as problems from which they are there to save us. |