Here's what my craptacular psychology textbook has to say regarding gender differences in cognition (highly paraphrased, obviously) :
Verbal Abilities:
Alot of research on this subject has been shown to be bunk, but there is evidence to support the claim that females are superior in regards to speaking, spelling, vocab, and reading comprehension. Meanwhile, some evidence contradicts the popular stereotype that women are more talkative. A neat fact to note, verbal gender differences have actually declined in recent decades, according to a Hyde & Plant study.
Spatial Abilities:
Men tend to be superior in the rotation of mental images. When giving directions, women tend to utilize landmarks and left-right strategies, and men are more likely to to refer to north-south-east-west strategies.
Math Skillz:
As far as standardized testing goes, men tend to do far greater in mathematics. However, there is less of a difference on an achievement level. In fact, females tend to earn higher grades in math classes. Also, males will often do better at problem-solving, while females are better at calculation.
Most information ripped from Psychology by Sdorow&Rickabaugh, 5th edition |