Not sure I have time to bolt from everything.
Heard _that_.
I generally get boltholes, which then cease to be boltholes for whatever reason. I think one of those reasons is that I'm extremely gregarious, so I tend to associate places with people, and subsequently they cease to be boltholes.
At the moment, I have my study, which is not currently much of a refuge because it is _so damnably untidy_. If I can ever get it under control, then that's quite fortress of solitudetastic...
The first floor of Borders in Oxford Street, I suspect for the same reasons (approximately) as Selfridges Menswear: people leave you alone, and there are armchairs hidden away among the stacks, so you can get your head down and catch up on the papers.
I haven't tried it recently, but I used to go to video arcades quite a bit, because everyone was so intent on being someone else doing something else that it was quite zen. I think I'd probably find them a bit tensemaking these days, though.
Beaches at night, generally; there's a lot to be said for standing next to something huge and indifferent when you're stressed. There are a couple of places on the South Coast where I have found the calming effect of the sea something of a life-saver.
At the moment, the Parthenon room of the British Museum, when it's not too crowded, and the South Bank, especially when it's pleasantly cold and empty. When I was a kid I used to go down to the river and sit under the bridge (yes, like a troll, hardy har). When I get old, maybe I'll follow the family trail out to the salt marshes or the Dyfi valley. Water good... |