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A Renaissance Of TRIPE

09:56 / 14.11.04
Hello Barbelith.
You thought I was dead, DIDN'T YOU?


I've been making WEAPONS.

And I intend to USE THEM.

Just as soon as Passions has finished.

Oooh, what a lovely piece of Marzipan......
Grey Area
10:40 / 14.11.04
Von Kobra! Vot time to you call zis to be coming home at? Hmm? Ve haff been vorried sick, making the pacing moves and lookink at ze big klok at ze prescribed funf minute intervalls. Zose had better be gud veapons. Very gud veapons. Because if zey are not, you vill most certainly be SHOT! Repeatedly!

...and looze ze Pferdekopf. It is not part of ze regulation uniform, and must zerefour be burnt. Go and get vun of ze werferwerfers Lord Morque left lyink around and do ze deed.
Lord Morgue
11:45 / 14.11.04
I can walk mein Fuhrer! I can crawl! I can DANCE!
(wrestles with own hand)
I have prepared an army of MONKEYS WITH ROBOT ARMS, F-22 FIGHTERS PILOTED BY RAT BRAINS, and SEXY PLATYPUS IN MINISKIRTS in anticipation of your return.
We shall show these fools that blowjobs ARE an acceptable means of political change! Fnord.
12:07 / 14.11.04
Wow. I honestly don't know what's funnier: Discordians or Nazis.
Saint Keggers
13:42 / 14.11.04
Discordian Nazis...Heil Eris!
Benny the Ball
14:27 / 14.11.04
Keggers, you make me laugh...
Lord Morgue
01:56 / 15.11.04
Funnier than YOU, you sad old BAT!
02:53 / 15.11.04

"Hey, come on. Less of the sad and old please."
Lord Morgue
05:44 / 15.11.04
(huggles bat)
08:27 / 18.11.04


Vunny you should mention BATZ as I came out of the Deep Freeze and Vulnavia was waiting for me with a BAT TONGUE CLOAK.

Off course, I frosted my Monocle und Growled Hyena-like into her milky Breasts. Before rubbing my extremities in a prolonged session of reheatink.

I haff built a great Penguin. One that the VESTERN VORLD CANNOT AVVORD TO IKNORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grey Area
09:52 / 18.11.04
What a happy co-incidence! I have just completed a giant floating iceberg fortress that is crying out for a penguin crew!

Do you think I have enough turrets?
Haus of Mystery
11:44 / 18.11.04
No. More needed.

May I come aboard? (I have my own transport)

Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
15:20 / 18.11.04
Me 'n' all.

14:00 / 19.11.04
And me!

06:29 / 20.11.04

Trundle apord ze ICEBOOT und ve shall ztrike TERROR into ze hearts off all ze NATIONS mitt our UNBRIDLED KNITWEAR UND MOLLUSC SLURPINK...
Lord Morgue
08:22 / 21.11.04
AUGH! Banana Splits flashback!
10:05 / 24.11.04
Its so ironic that FLUFFY SEXPOT is wearing a "Dare To Say No" shirt, you know....

something happened yesterday, you see, and your glorious CRACKPOTTENSCHEISSER will now no longer be able to a)drink alcohol or b)take any kind of Illicit Drug.


You know of course that this will herald a slow spiral into MADNESS.

Join me, Barbelith, as we climb the Anal Staircase to the musty and disused Attic known as VK's REAL MIND...

...gasp in horror at the PORCINE SPIDERS contained therein...

...and PLEAASE, stop in at the GIFTSHOP on your way out.

If you can find your way out....
Lord Morgue
06:37 / 26.11.04
A Kobra without drugs is like a conFURence without YIFF!
This is tragic. Have you tried spinning around until you get dizzy, or red cordial?
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