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Chin up, lads!

Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
15:53 / 10.11.04
"Today I earned political capital, and I intend to use it."

-George W. Bush

Scary, eh? Kinda makes you wonder what's on the way. ((cue soft, lilting but melancholy violin music)) I know things are looking bad. Almost like most Americans really are ignorant fools who would elect Jabba the Hutt if he had a southern accent and promised to ban gay marriages, and that the future will bring only more pain and suffering for the world. But even during times like these, with a war in the Middle East and moral degredation disguised as "bringing back American values" in the West, there is still no reason to give up hope. Where would we be if we gave up hope?

Well, we'd probably be a lot less scared, but don't think about that. Fear can be a good thing.

Look, things aren't all bad. Bush is only back for four more years. Yeah, he could do a lot of damage in those four years (Roe v.s. Wade, the Draft, english grammar and sentence structure), and the Supreme Court Justices will serve life-long terms. But it's not the end of the world. Bush will eventually leave office, and I and most others on this board will outlive the Justices. So fuck 'em.

Hard times ahead, yes; but fear not. Things will get better, even if they get a lot worse first. Here's what you can do until then:

If you're American: try not to be so damn ignorant. Or, if you voted for someone other than Bush, give the others a hand. This could mean intelligent discourse or buring down a government office, I don't really care which. Whichever seems to work better. I'm not much of an arsonist (anything you've heard relating to a fire at a local Italian restaurant I was working at is a damn LIE! I wasn't there, it never happened, and I was drunk anyway), so I for one will be attempting to present alternative views to the public. Or, if you're hardcore about changing things, run for an office.

If you're not may want to keep your head down.

No, seriously, there are plenty of things you can do. Encourage your own government to do what needs to be done. Write an angry letter to the editor of your local newspaper telling others to do the same.

And remember, They're (you know who They are, right? The ones who are not Us?) sowing the seeds of their own defeat. Things will change. They always do. So chin up, lads! Fight the good fight. No one is beyond help.
18:24 / 10.11.04
If you're not may want to keep your head down.

Making it somewhat difficult to keep one's chin up.
Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero
18:27 / 10.11.04
There's always squatting.
18:43 / 10.11.04
Depends what the 'down' is relative to. Inverting one's face while squatting would appear to be the best option here.

Given that the advice for non-Americans appears to be, in essence, convincing our various (much less globally powerful) Governments to do what needs to be done (or something similarly vague) via the noble art of letter-writing (demonstrations of millions previously having cut no ice whatsoever), you'll perhaps understand why my chin remains nearer the ground than does the crown of my head.
18:53 / 10.11.04
Inverting one's face while squatting would appear to be the best option here.

Some people can do AMAZING things from that position.

(The question of what power that might give you is being discussed on this thread...)
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