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Comic book geography

at the scarwash
07:15 / 06.11.04
This is a totally stupid thread, but I just noticed that in Houston, TX, Delano and Ennis are parallel to one another. As are Claremont and Kirby. In any of the barbelith home towns across the globe do we find any similar happy conjunctions of geekish streetnames?
Brigade du jour
22:11 / 06.11.04
Aww shucks, this is my kind of thread!

There's a Claremont Road near me. Rather more tenuous, this, but I used to live on Stanley Road. You know, Stan Lee? It's a homonym. Ok ...
12:19 / 07.11.04
i have to walk down acacia avenue on the way to work. haven't seen bananaman yet though, or even eric.
14:26 / 07.11.04
Not comics-related, but back in Yeovil, in SOmerset, there's a Wyndham Street that leads onto Earl Street, which is kind of spooky in a Twin Peaks stylee.
07:23 / 08.11.04
In Red Hook, Brooklyn, there's an intersection of President and Clinton. As I'm not intimately familiar with the area I have no idea if "President" intersects with any other presidential names. If midtown Manhattan had street names rather than numbers it'd be amusing if Clinton ran all the way to Chelsea.

Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
01:57 / 09.11.04
That's right, Edina Minnesota has a Lois Lane.

And just down the street from me in Chaska, MN is Yellow Brick Road. Problem is, at the end fo it is a shitty Motel 6.
19:43 / 11.11.04
Though it isn't comic book themed per se, there's this little intersection in southern Ontario that I periodically drive through that I like to think of as "Time Travel Corners" direction is "Proton Station", the other is "Badjeros" and straight ahead is "Waterloo" [this on the 'discrete-periods-on-a-dial' theory of time travel ].
11:32 / 12.11.04
I once saw a guy on the telly called Danny La Rue. Which is like Danny The Street from George Morrison's run on Doom Patrol. But in French. And this was a long time before Doom Patrol. How does George do that?
Alex's Grandma
14:32 / 12.11.04
As any fule kno, he hav a time machine.
Haus of Mystery
17:41 / 12.11.04
Y'know it's weird, but my house is on Shatterstar Road, which meets with Youngblood Street that leads out on to Badrock High Street...

I also have one glowing eye.
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