Is ooraait, en jy? 
Good to know i am not the only one around, though i would like to hear from the rest.
Your Oupa was a Sabc sportscaster huh? Which one? Not Trevor Quirk i hope? 
Your still in Miami i assume? About all i know about Miami is what i've read in Carl Hiaasen, sounds like a mad house, but cant be any worse then Cape Town gets at times. Claremont is at the Northern foot of Tabe Mountain, pretty good area, just really expensive, what with the local property boom. My condolences on Bush winning. It pretty much puts paid to any hope i had of visiting your country. Even if a Muslim boy like me could get a visa, i dont fancy getting stripsearched at JFK. Not my idea of a good time.
see you around, will post in awhile again |